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Aww she's blushing.
is she O.o * gets reall close to screen* oh yeah XD
Is'nt it cute!
no...not really....
I know Sakura's not your favorite,but you have to admit she can be adorable sometimes.
i don't really think so, she is in some fan art though ^^
Sakura's my favorite so I think she's cute in anything.I'm glad that Tsunade is her master.She's learned so much.
I guess she's my favorite because I'm a lot like her.
Myeh, I'm like a cross between Deidara and Tobi XD
Really,I don't like any of the akatski.They're way to evil.Especially Itachi! Did I tell you I have a Youtube now?
um no and i luff them all*d...except Zetsu he's creepy..and too green O.o
Yeah,I only have 7 videos 1 one of my vids I uploaded twice by accident.My username is NinjaGirlSakura1.
lol, kk mine is flareninjabeku^^
Same as here ok.I know we talked in the gallery,but do you like sailor moon?
not really <<;
Really it was one of the first anime I ever watched,and I did'nt even know what anime was back then.My favorite was always Mini Moon.
same here, but it was pokemon, god, I hated ash >.<
My younger cousin got me into it,but I grew out of it.Have you heard of the show Inuyasha before?
yeah, dun watch it though <<;
she doesn't have a big forehead..
You would probably like it.It has a gallery on here,and a show description.
maybe, i dont usually watch older anime tho...
It's a little old,but it's still good,and of course she does'nt Elva!
eh <<; how old are you..i'd say 12 or less
Actually I'm 17,don't laugh please.
O.O; ur older than me?!
I'm usually older than a lot of people I know.
I'm 22, so don't worry about being 17. A lot of people here are 15-20. (Sorry for the random post, just saw your talking on the last comments page and felt with you when you said "don't laugh please". )
I know but you seem like a young-ish girl...*faints* Chihiro: *sigh*
actually, alot of people are 12-17 ^^
Hi Yatta-chan!
how ya doing?
I'm good have you seen my youtube I can't remember if ya told me!
Well, let's say 12-20 and we're both right ;P
lol, ok XD
no I didn't see it yet! I'll see it soon.
Good I've made 8 vids one I accidentaly uploaded twice.I think you'll like it Yatta!
I made 1 Sakura one,2 Terra ones,1kagome one,1 kagome and Inuyasha one,1 winx club one,and 1 mini moon one.
yey, terra 8D
Terra's definetly my favorite Titan.
same, beast boy's my second fav XD
Terra,and B.B are my favorite tt couple.Blackfire is my second fav,then Starfire.
lol, me too XD
I miss watching the Titans,but they're gone for good.
they're gone!? I didn't notice until now!
Yeah the series ended with Things Change when Terra came back.
I seen that episode!
I'm so glad Terra's back,but I wish she had gone back to the Titans,and of course they wait til the last episode to bring her back.
the bad news is she didn't remember them and don't have rock powers.
Actually she's called a geomancer.Maybe it was best she did'nt remember.When it comes to slade.
I don't get why she allowed Slade to manipulate her.He must have threatened B.B's life!
i know, i used to know why but I forgot <<;...it was american wasn't it?
Yes,Slade said Terra owed him for helping her learn to control her powers.
oh yeah XD
She owed him nothing! Slade even still came back after Terra sacrificed everything!
I know... y do u end everything with that smilie?
Yeah everyone calls it my trademark.
That's a neat image you have there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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