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I like it too but it's not their best
hey tasha *hug*
hi Nik *hug*
how are you?
the same I have been for the past few days you?
not the best, well... good, but blah
ah ok...what's the laugh for?
I dunno I just wanted to...
ah ok then...hi btw J...how are ya? Now Tasha is hating herself...again >.>
he is kookie like that
ok then
I am being a camera whore again >_>
tsk tsk
yeah bad me
Nik... you ego is getting bigger!
lol true...I'm sorry for not being really talkative
J, I need your opinion on which ones to keep, check on my space, and I know >_> it is other people's fault! They say I am good looking! They make my ego bigger! >.<
I had 5 hours sleep last night ~.~
I had 4, then I was woken up, couldn't fall back to sleep for an hour, woke up at 3 pm, got yelled at by Tanya and Thea, then took a shower, was so painful.... curse you J... stupid... razors...
lol i came off my comp at 10.30...got the stuff off my bed...went in it and read til 11.20...turned my light out...20 mins later I needed a piss...after that i couldn't sleep XD
i had a nightmare too, that sucked, then when I woke up at 3 pm! it was freeeeeeeeeeeezing in my house! I was soooooo cold, I was in just boxers >_<
i haven't had a dream is so long...how weird is that? XD Nik...I'm really bored reply to my pm plz ^-^ Sorry XD
oh, I didn't know you sent one, let me checkums
i meant the one from yesturday...I'm too lazy to write a new one XD
lol I didn't even notice it ^_^ I see it now though, and where did J go?! >=O I miss my baby
I dunno
Nik... too much cap pictures...
lol get told you poser XD
ugh, you said I look good in a cap! fine! no more cap pics
no I want more TT~TT
lol, more cap pictues? This is why you need a myspace Tasha  all my pics are on there
I don't want it!
well I am not gonna upload all of my pics on here  then everyone will think I am big headed
U do Nik, but not to the point where it covers em lurvly EYES!
oh what the hell J! I just deleted a bunch of pics that showed my eyes, you said too many cap pics! so I got rid of good ones >_<
TT~TT I will do with the ones already on here ^-^
No, those new cap pics look bad... the ones you have here and the old ones on myspace look good!
no I meant... I took more pics, after you said I was hiding my eyes, more cap pics... and you said I took too many, so I deleted all of them -_- now I can't get them back!!!
well why didn't ya save em to your comp?
well I had them on the camera, then I read J's comment saying how I took too many cap pics, so I thought he wouldn't like the ones on the camera, so I deleted them =(
you should of kept them...honestly
Yeah... sorry Tasha!=( bye guys! see ya Tasha sweety!^^
bye J *hugggggg*
what ya sayin sorry for? o.o Oh well cya later *hug*
Bye guys!^^
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