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Awww that's so kawaii!!
oh yes sasuke fall down and sakura got him.... well.. sakura will soon b impressed with narutoo coz i watch it!!!
what episode was this??
Awww! They are soooo cute together.
well... in all of the Naruto eps, who does sakura like the most? Sakuke or Naruto?
Sasuke you twit dont you watch the show?
heh,sasuke and sakura will never be together,and who ever thinks that they will,i laugh in pity
sasuke n ino is a nyc pair!!!!!becuz dey're both popular! unlyk sakura cute onli. she's better paired up with lee or someone else xcept naruto becuz naruto is 4 hinata!!!
SAKURA SUCKS and is a bitch and Sasuke will never like Sakura
hu noes mybe sasuke will fol in love...w/ sakura. juz luk at d pic.! also naruto_narutoteam0165.jpg !
sasuke: if i was straight this would be a good moment
You shouldn't call him gay with all of the fangirls he has.
Witch episode is this?Pls tell me the number
they are so cute 4 each other
and didnt u bring em all bak 2 reality just fun luv, dnt loose it. also good pic
cute pair
Nice catch Sakura!
people who think sakura is weak are HORRIBLE naruto fans since they dont know how strong she gets after training with tsunade
man look who got his ass kicked
okay let me say this...if sakura moved her hand down like just a couple of inches...man this show what be rated r!!!!! and i'm talking about BOTH hands wow that would be wierd.
uhh...i hate this couple becauise i find sakura soo irritating.i just don't think she deserves sasuke or naruto.
well i find YOU very irrating.and i think you don't derserve to be on this thing.
INULOVERGIRL, Dark_Chii222, Yukari1120: Im with you guys i dont like this pairing or sakura. And sasuke's lil sis? No offense but havent you ever wondered that maybe some ppl dont like sakura or this pairing? Ok its very irritating to be insulted for an opinion that you believe in, Some ppl respect your opinion the leest you can do is respect ours.
GO SAKURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
looks like sasuke's about ta puke.
Sasuke: Man that hurts. I think I got my period. Sakura: Err... boys don't get periods. Sasuke: They DON'T?! Why the hell NOT?! Sakura: You want to have a period?! Sasuke: Yes. Sakura: Umm... Naruto! Call an ambulance! I think Sasuke hit his head!
well i agree with sauke's sakura stop making fun of sakura, it doesn't matter what u think even if u hate her doesn't mean u got badmouth her on these things...she may be iritating but u should wathc the shipuuden episode that where sakura is awesome!!!
WELL, i'm not exactly the biggest fan of this couple, but i prefer it than inosasu..and yaoi, 'cuz SASUKE-KUN IS NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for everyone thats like 'omg sasuke will never like sakura, SasuSaku will never hapen " well have you ever hear of "imagination'? Ps. i love SasuSaku!!!
this is the ep where rock lee beat sasukes a**
That's a nice picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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