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yep im with you
i agree
Rock on my sistas!! Hahahaha!!!! Wat episode is this???
To KibasOneAndOnly: They were having an eating contest. they wer seeing who can eat the most but ended up barfing...Sakura: ??? (Sasuke and Naruto barfs) Kakashi: Seeing who eats the most can't solve anything. Sasuke: I have to eat. Naruto: Yeah! Kakashi: But barfing won't help....Ah! People.
You know that Naruto and Saskue ar going to be best friends fyi.
Men and their egos
they always gotta prove themselves
no kidding
Yep! They're so gonna be BFF's!! Yay! Anyway, they look so funny in this pic! Wish the pic where they were vomiting was here! You know? Where they were leaning toward the floor?
Nicely said! Too true! They are so cute together! Ahhh, best yaoi pairing in the world!
you ppls should stop dumping on the men! sakuras worse any way!!!!!!! and its not like they cant see u no!!!! and thats funny malonomy
YEAH!! GO BLUE SPARK CONNECTION!!!! u people rock...
and the sparks burn Sakura's hair.
nooo not her hair!
Buuuuuuuurn Sakura's hair! Buuuuurn! Burn baby burn!
* comes in with an extinguisher and takes out the fire before sakuras hair is truly damaged*
You girls should be nicer ( I'm a kick ass girl myself) you may hurt the guys feelings!!
be nicer to who?
Leave Sakura alone. Ptsh, haters.
hey i wasnt bening mean to her i was defending her and her hair! just read the posts
No!!!! Don't burn her hair!!!!!!!! *Gets Sakura out of their before it gets totally burned*
actually, sakura bangs on the table and yells, "DONT EAT SO MUCH IF YOURE GONNA PUKE IT ALL UP!". i made a fandub with this episode, and instead of her saying that, my friend dubbed, "SHUT UP U STUPID ASSES!"... effin hilarious!
haha Sakura look disturbed
Uchiha Sasuke the Avenger
Hey,Xena where can I find your fandub?
The BLUE SPARK CONNECTION! Revere it! Revere it, I say! REVERE IT!!!!
i agree with SNOTY13 burn that ugly pink hair!! Lets get Roy Mustang on the job to burn her remainings so that we sakura haters can celebrate in her death!!YAY!!!
(Saki-chan)Men. I'm so gald my brothers don't act like that.
Sasuke and Naruto are rivals, but became bff ^^
Sakura is like okay.., and Naruto and Sasuke is like..
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