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(see third comment of the previous picture) inner Ten Ten: "He doesn't even look at me. Obviously they're not big enough. ... I have to undertake something. ... How was that stuff called? Silicone?" ( I just wanted to point out here that I'm just making fun and that I in fact like Ten Ten. She's a cutie.)
inner neji: .... blank.....
^^ Maybe we should act as Neji/Ten Ten imitators. We'd be a good team, I guess. (I always wanted to make a show of that kind about Kakashi and Gai.)
heheh well il be gai then, YOUTFULLNESS! *thumps up*
You should be Gai . But we shouldn't do that here - it wouldn't be fair to the others, I guess. I'm planning to post a "nice" Gai pic in the next few days, so maybe we can start there then. (BTW: I got the GAI in Your name - but what about Jin?)
Gaijin means foreigner and otaku sort of means nerd, thought that would be fun to have here ^^,
You're a foreign nerd? That's great, because that's exactly what I am .
well im not a nerd, i just thought that would be funny
Otaku means nerd? Thats quite odd
yeah otako means man...its scary how close those two things are ^^,
Hey guys or girls I don't mind you imitating the characters on Naruto infact, I would love to see something like that on the internet
^^ Oh, that feels good to hear! Well, I have an own website anyway, so maybe Gaijin and I will work sth out and post it there then. I'm glad You liked this. Thanks!
No problem
great G: Lets go LEE!!! *pionts towards random direction* Lee: YOOSH!
Noooooooo! G, how can You take away my beloved Lee-chan from me? Listen, I have the complete Team 7. I'll give You ALL - listen! - ALL of them if You give me Lee back. Don't hesitate, that's an unique offer! Pay one, get three. And the just today super bonus: If You call RIGHT NOW you'll get the HOKAGE for free as an extra! Jump at the oppurtunity, now!
*gives lee* He's free
we have a deal *takes naruto, kakashi, sai, sakura, tsunade* come lets gooo!! all of them: Oo... me: much more fun with lee >_>
Tsundae will kill u
Oops! Sorry, You misunderstood me. I meant the 3rd Hokage, not Tsunade. Hey, I'm German - Tsuande didn't even appear in the German episodes yet. So You don't get Sai, either. But You get Sasuke since he didn't leave yet . (I hate knowing all the plot already...)
fuka is mean
the 3rd aaa ... >_> i dont want sasuke, although there almsot the same
Who is fuka? Okay, then I'll keep Sasuke. *sneaks away happily* - Hey, he IS the best looking character ^^. Great, I can keep Sasuke AND Lee.
Fuka is this girl I hate
a well *a unhappy gai pose* me: lets go already -_-"
Ah, the one calling You although You don't want her to do so, right, Nin? G: Geee . I can't see people sad. Maybe this'll cheer You up: *puts plate with rice and SPICCCCCCCCCCCCY curry in front of G/Gai*
Oo *looks at bubbeling matter on top of rice* am im supose to eat that? Oo
No that's madd'd problem the girl I'm dealin with is a selfish nsnoty brat
who is she?
This girl I know who knows my freind Dylan who is Maddhatter
oooo *still not getting it*
i was bored i have to do my homwrok
Oops, sorry, I mixed that up, Nin-chan. Ako, Nin-chan and Madd are friends. Madd's real name is Dylan. Fuka knows both, Nin-chan and Madd (Dylan). At least if I understood right... G: Of course!
*so not reading all this*?
im so not gonna eat that "thing" -_-"
Wow alot happened while I was gone.
neji is a hottie
Wow, Neji looks really emotionless. Dude, loosen up!
shut up gaara_ai
Gaara_ai your getting in my last nerves when will somebody hit you with a rock!
neji looks so cute with that bag around his arm!!
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