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woooo go kakashi!!
wooooooooooooooooooooo neji!!!!!!!!1he's sooooooooooooooooo HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
lee is so gay i think kakashi is hot too.neji more
Go Sasu, go sasu, go sasu!!!
Ya know what song would go great with this pic? "its getting hot in here so take off all your clothes....." well you get the idea
wtf mate
Ok this is the first ive sed Orichimaru looks the hottest....in this pic
^///^ Gaara sexy!
HEHE look at haku in the back lol anime133 kakashi IS BETTER
they all kool
it does and hatake means coltivated field or something like that
Lee... where are ur boxers?
GaarasGirl1 has gas xD SERIOUSLY! Truth though....she needs 2 understand our fantasies
yea ... omg ... lee is naked ... and ummm I like gaara
even haku likes it
But Haku died!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You are all still sluts!
man shut up dude don't ruin our world of fangirlism please asswipe
YEAH, GAARA!*tries to junp on stage*
My vote is for Lord Orochimaru! Go Orochimaru
*kakashi throws his underwear at ishakak* EEEEEEEEKKKK!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!
Gaarasgirl1..........if you think that's sluty and whorey why is your name what it is. truth be told you might be more of one than the rest of the people in here. who knows maybe you're a pornagraphy watcher or a stripper for girls.
gimme a O-R-I-C-H-I-M-A-R-U!!!
NEJI!!!!he looks way cute  . But Kiba should definitely be there. If he was KIBA WOULD BE THE HOTTEST but now NEJI IS!!
Now I just need Shikamaru in there and all my favs will be there!
OMG NEJIIIII... TAKE IT OFFF!!!! OHH YESSSS!!!!!  umm.. i mean.. erm.. great art.. its superb... ^.^
gaara and neji are the only hot ones. lee and orochamaru are totally gay.
Kakashi definitely. I mean, Sasuke is hotter, but who wants Sasuke if there's Kakashi?
Kakashi has such a nice body *drools*
mines better  sorry just had to say it...
Scratch what I said: Who needs Kakashi if there's G?
 Kari XD
Wait... Oo G yourS are bigger? Your what? I mean... WOMEN say "MINES are better" - but men?
haha lol  I said mines are better not beigger, and i meant the body as a whole  well to answer your somewhat wierd question i think they say, mine is bigger  hahahaha LOL
^^ Yep, that's better.
well considering you hvent known me for so long i see it kind of hard to suddenly change  ... well i wouldnt say mine is bigger ><
OK then but I didn't mean it  Wow I got a full page of comments without anyone else...a full page
trying to get attention huh?
Nah I just wanted to see if I could
well succes!!  you did it! whoho
I know...I tried once before but somone else commented
like me this time ^^,
yeah i saw it.. i just gor sick... man that was just wrong in anny posible way
I still feel sick
me to  * runs to the bathroom* *puking sounds*
 It's sick how people would put them things up
yeah that is sick... and something i dont think i will ever understand why they do...
No but...one question...was she being sick on his d**k? That woman one was gross too
i better not tel you what i think happaned, it will probably scar you for life
I don't care I'm already scared...tell me please...was it that she sucked him and she puked?  They've disabled comments otherwise I'd give them a piece of my tiny mind
well that and, i believe that they ( both the man and the woman) jamed hes *** in to her troath so long, that it triggerd a gag reflex.. that can happen
That's enough to put me ever doing that to a man or having sex for that matter
see scared you for life...
I'm joking though if a man made me do it...I would cut off his d**k
I'm not being serious...calm down
i'd sure as hell lop his freakin' d*** off! Oh GAARA! GAARA! GAARA! TAKE IT OFF!!!!!!!!
why is haku in the background??
men and snakes turn me on!!!!!!! OROCHIMARU!!!!
Gaara should win the Hot Man Contest!!! ^ ^Me: *Screams*. Lee, why aren't you wereing any boxers?! Lee: Because, boxers a not youthful! ^ ^
i think neji and sasuke is so hot in this pic
ik. i agree w/nejirocks
sasuke and neji are the only hot boys in here.Btw what is kakashi is doing there? he is not hot
OMG Neji is sooo hot in this pic he should totally win LOL he's always a cutie!
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