You are so cute Nik!^^
rofl Thanks J ^^ and I noticed most pictures in the summer are yellow shirts O_O, tis my summer color..
that a good or bad Omg Hailey?
well with the little ~ thing id say its good
Hailey!*pushes Nik away to hug her*
*falls down and scrapes knee on cement* You.. jerk! *cries* MOOOOOMMMMMMYYYYY! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
well yellow looks good on ya mohahaha .-
lol ^^ thanks G, how ya doin buddy?! I havn't talked you in ages. Where ya been?
Hailey, where are you? *pulls out Binoculers*
um i been places man, and seen some stuff... another family guy joke... ^^; um well i been busy thats all i can say
hasn't everyone -_- I saw one of my favorite Family guy episodes last night. The one where Cleveland's wife cheats on him with Quagmire. And Stewie is watching Bewitched, so Cleveland looks at the TV and says "I hate Bewitched!" and flips over the couch ^^
stewie: hey, so thats a reasonable reaction... love that
Cloretta is a bitch!
lol ^^ yeah, I just find it funny when they make fun of shows on the TV, Gennie:"Turn him back to normal mother!" Husband: "Listen Endora! I am tired of this! Do you know what holy water is?" Endora: "No..." *takes out holy water* Husband: "Thats right! Take this! and this! Burns doesn't it bitch!"
hehehe love that show "yeah the power of christ compels you bitch"
I didn't like the movie of stewie that much.
rofl one of my favorite shows to watch
well the movie was ok.. nut i prefer the show ^^ hey have you guys seen the simpsons movie?
no, but I heard it sold mega tons of tickets
I don't like the Simpsons.... they need to be killed after 20 years of unfunny humor!
lol J ^^
I am serious here! Their kids should be in their thirties and the parents should be really old!
i back now!
maybe... each episode was combined in a day O_O so.... 20 years, was actually 5 years! yay! hailey back! *huggle Hailey then lets her go so J can tackle her* I would put this on *gives Hailey helmet*
oh sure people just ignore me
I didn't ignore you! ^^
um i feel obligated by the state of shut the f*** up.. to inform you that simpsons is a n animated cartoon show its supoosed to breake all rules of reality xD
I should leave you two love birds by yourself, I have to help Rui tie up the Tomato trees so they don't break, snap, and fall over.
-spazes out- OH EM GEE SPIDER PIG! im gunna die HELP! *runs away like a kitty*
* huggles Hailey* Hailey I never asked you this, which is why I am curious to know! How old are you?
12 :3
Oh so adorable!* huggles Hailey* I thought you were older... don't ask!
^( " )^ I R CUTE LOVE ME!
so another chibi then xD
you know you love me G! * tackels G but gets hurt * OWIE!!!!
Yes! But she is my internet sister! right Hailey!?
YEP :3
*huggles singer* ^^; there there...
i still hurt.....owie....
thou should not meddle in the buissness of dragons, cuz you are crounchy and good with ketshup no idea were i go that from LOL um well *more hugs* (>^_^)>
lol you should put that in a fortune cookie G, could make a fortune. Tell people something to do or not do, and tell them how they taste and what they are good with ^^
thou shall not speak with your mouth open, its makes people think of stuff to putt in there.... LIKE KETSHUP!!!! xD
rofl! again with the condaments!
um.. thou shall not bark at others dogs, it makes people take you away in a white robe... AND SPRAY KETSHUP ALL OVER YOU!!!! xD oh its getting late here and the humor is a all time low ^^;
lmao what is with all the thou's!? is it in the bible or something G?!?
its old english, like thou shall not steal, and so on.... and also it sounds more funn xD .... thou shall not mess with pandas, cuz PETA will BBQ your ass.... and um HAVE KETSHUP WITH IT!!! xD
oh its a humor of its own singer.. the one called "god f* damn its getting late " kind of humor xD
again with the ketchup O_O.... how... red of you G ^^ , what is wrong Hailey?
well i like the colour goes well with my blond hair LOL!!! oh... um thats not me talking... the voices are telling me to kill you oO!?!?!?!
rofl, I think G is going crazy! Everyone run! He is pouring ketchup all over him and even in his hair!
*twitch* oO no no no, no need for alarm... im just gonna go and look at my axe collection... se ya REALL soon mohahahaha
*runs to bomb shelter and seals it* I will be safe in here p.s. he on my other pic Hailey, the one with shoes.
* looks evil * I WANT MY BROTHER
*walks slowly out of room* (...)
*trows meat on ground* run while she finnish with it O.O
RAWR!! *atacks meat* yum.....medium rare
*runs and does a stage dive in bed* mmm so nice... um i will be staying here for the remainder of this talk... so good night to ya all... ZZZzzz
lol Night G ^^
0oeh another cute picture well i wanr expect a new one soon* oh and expect one of me too when i go too school you see the new yasmin
* uhmm then you'll see me with my short hair and new closthets on ^^
oh well my school starts over uhmm 3weeks but i can make some picture when i'm goingout shopping
I start school in a month -_- *cry* I don't wanna! Summer ain't long enough! Nik wants to sleep more!
cool i'm such a nerd i'm aready learning spanish for my classes
lol, I took Portuguese. I should of took French, because they don't do work in that class, they watch french movies! But in portuguese, all we do is packets! Eh, I shouldn't be complaining, I get 90's in his class. *hug Tasha* I will miss you
rofl! that reminds of a skit with these kids at school, and this girl was saying how stupid french is ^^
sim senhorita Tasha!
portuguese sounds so ugly >.< romance language my ass!, I said yes miss tasha
honestly! sim?!?! SIM?! WHY IS THERE AN M?!!? Si sounds so much cuter....
rofl what an ugly word ^^
okay... so that was the best live performance I have seen in a long time....
yesh you did ^^ love how she interacts with the audiance and has fun! it isn't just some job for her ^^
I thought it must of been painful when her and that other girl do a split in mid air and she sings Sweet Dreams
I dunno.... I have never done anything like that O_O and never will...
yes.... I tried to do one once... I couldn't make it all the way at all O_O I think I only went half way before it started to hurt...
sorry that I vanished Tasha ^^ my mom called and said very hintly "Rui is going to mow the lawn today" which in her meaning, is code word for "Pick up the dog crap so he won't have to" ^^ so I did and now I am back, and I am sweaty -_-
it is warm out -_- stupid heat, I CAN'T WAIT FOR WINTER! I don't care about cold, because I have plenty of blankets to keep me warm, it's just I only have a fan to cool me off... -_-
two best seasons are Autumn and Winter!
brb, I am going to use last nights bear chicken to make my usual Chicken Salad ^^ ttyl Tasha
A weird ketchup obsession in here i see...and yet another stage dive from G... *remembers first wardrobe*...oh the good old days ^-^ Oh and loving the pic Nik, very cute
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