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OMG CUTIE PIE 5/5 ( check out my new upload its sad )
Ichiro:^^. ( thank yew and sure)^^
me: awww
He is kinda cute, but u forgot to do his eyebrows. I love his eyes though.
Me: zomg he's cute! Tundra: ^^ yeah he kinda is XD Me: wicked edit akemi!
so cute!!!
Thank yew all, and yeah, I was in a rush, it came out sloppy. Ichiro: Thank you everyone.
Me/Tundra: no prob!
suki: hi ppl * sad * bye ppl * leaves * me: shes sad
Ichiro:*looks at Onyx and Tundra and waves* Hi!^^ *then looks at Suki* What happened?
me: her cousin died
Ichiro:*happiness turns to sadness* What? Natural causes or someone killed her?
me: well a guy named wei killed her. wei: i didnt mean to. me: yes you did mean to kill her.wei: i can bring her back.me: then do it!!. wei: ok
Ichiro: How can you bring her back if she's dead?*is slightly angry* *Shizuka comes* Shizuka: i heard the whole thing! How could you?
wei: well she mad me mad and i have a special justc that can bring her back. me: DO IT THEN!!!!!
Ichiro: Then, what are you waiting for? Shizuka: THEN DO THE JUTSU!
wei: fine * does the jutsu *. beth: wakes up happend
Shizuka:BETH!*runs and huggles her, crying* Ichiro:*justs looks from far* I never even met her.
beth: huh who are you and why are you hugging me. suki: beth! ( she still has amenesa ) your alive * hugging her *
Shizuka: It's me, Shizuka.
beth: um dont know a shizuka... and what about you * points to ichiro *
Ichiro: *looks at Beth* I'm Ichiro, who are you? Shizuka: What happened to your memory. I'm your friend!*cries*
beth: oh im beth and i think i lost my memory suki: yes you did befor you died and now still you forgot. beth:.....
Shizuka: You lose your memory. Noo!*hugs her tight* Ichiro: Oh...
beth: yea. wei: um srry about that i caused that i made her forget everything.beth: hmmm its you * calm at first then * WEI!!! GRR!! why did you do that. wei: dont know.
Ichiro:*stands still* *Shiro comes* Shiro:*evil smirk* Yo, people! Shizuka: Its you!*throws a kunai* Stay away..grr.*chakra turns purple* Shiro:* evil laugh* Ichiro: Calm down!
beth: what does that remind me of * flash back * red charka hmmm and calm down ok
Shizuka: He's mean!!Ichiro:*holds her back* Reminds you of who? Shiro:*evil smile* Brother, leave her alone. And Red chakra, you know someone with red chakra?
beth: yeah i think me.... * thinks *
Shiro:*evil smirk still* So, you have a demon? Shizuka: No! Ichiro:..
beth: dont know at all suki: um beth.... beth: yeah. suki: nothing....
Shiro:*evil laugh* Ichiro:*looks at Shiro then Beth* This is my older brother, Shiro.
beth: oh hmmm lets see i have to go do something for suki bye * leaves *
Ichiro: See ya! Shizuka:Um, I wonder what she's going to do..
beth: * wheres she at * im here. suki: i need you too try to focase your charka on this fish. beth: ok * trys to and red charak comes out from her hands * i didnt know i had charka. suki: ..... * in her mind: yes now maybe she will remember how to use her charka now * very good now you can go. beth: ok * comes back * hi guys
Ichiro: Um, hi again.*sitting on the fall* Shizuka: Its safe to come his brother left. Ichiro: Hey! Shizuka: i dislike your brother..
beth: ok i just found out i have red charka ^_^
*Shiro comes* Shiro: So you have a demon then. Ichiro:*hits self in the face* Shizuka: Oh no.
beth: u-um yes
Shiro:*evil smirk* Then your most likely to have a lifestyle like my brother, Ichiro ,and this girl*points to Shizuka* Shizuka. Shizuka:*gets angry* Don't listen to him!! Ichiro:...
beth: um um suki!!! * runs away *
Ichiro: Wait!*sad*...*walks away, depressed* Shizuka: No, come back!!*chases Beth*
beth: SUKI!!!. suki: hmm beth: i need you for something. suki: for what?. beth: to kick shiros but. suki: um i cant right now.beth: ok then time to fight hehe
Ichiro: No!! Don't!*angry*Please don't!*sad* Shizuka: Um, what should we do, then, Ichiro: Yes he abondoned his village but he's my brother, and my only family member. Shizuka: .... *looks sad then looks at Beth*..
beth: ok lets see GRR!! * grows fang and ears paws and a tail * hmm wrong jusu. suki: oh no better get ready for the seal * stands in a place for a seal *
Shizuka: Um, what are we going to do? Where's Katsuro? Ichiro:...If you plan on fighting him you have to go though me! Shiro;*evil smirk* I bet you guys are all weak.. Shizuka: GRRR!!
beth: lets see um this jusu * glows red all over *ok this one im useing ( i have to get off school is tomarrow so talk to you tomarrow ok bye )
Ok. Oh see ya tommorrow.
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