I made the List Shorter xDDDD
XD i dont feel like reading ti all right now but he looks awsoem :3 -ish xD
What does u mean -Ish!?!?!??
What does u mean -Ish!?!?!??
im kidding XD
>.> <.< Wanna RP xD
sure but what should i name my guy?
Um .... sumthin sexy like ...... idk XD
Wadaya wanty it to mean?
ikd , angel? o.o
Four choices mitsukai, tenshi, tennotsukai, enzeru
enzeru it is :3
KK il starts Akahiko: *Rolerblading down the sidewalk next to Yuki- Wearing Black jeans and a pink shirt with the sme sweatshirt i have on with the lolipop* Yuki: *Starts going faster* Your beter keep up Aka! Akahiko: *Stays the same pase as her* I allways will!
Enzeru: *ends up goign past them skate boardign down teh middle of the raod on a hill with his friend* first to mess up lsoes! *goes fast down teh hill-crouches somewhat getting mroe speed* his-friend: that'll be u~! *does the sme as him*
Akahiko: Hey Yuki, i know you cant do this. *Turns around rolerblading backward* Nya! Yuki: Hey! No fair! Im on a bike!
Enzeru: *goign down teh middle of street wicked fast with his friend*
Aka: *Still backward- looks at Enerzu and his friend* They dont seem very smart, they caould kill themselves. Yuki: Your not very smart yourself either. Aka: Oh Shut Up Nya!
Enzeru: *does an ollie right b4 the hill goes steep-crouching goign fast* Kie! turn on the side street, stay of teh main~! kie: *nods* (oh btw i have like 4 alice nine song on my ipod Xd in my videos XD
(FUCK U Again!! I want alice nine TT^TT) Aka: *Turns back to face forward* Yuki: Aka! Stop turning like that! Your gonna fall and hurt yourself!
--at the bottom of the hill-- kie: *lost balance trying to turn and falls off his board hurrting himsel* AH! enzeru: *glides down quickly jumpign off his board-helps kie up* hey! u ok? kie: n-no i think i broke my ankel...
Yuki: Oh mi gosh! *Rides down to where the 2 guys are* Aka: Ouch. *Rides a little faster than her and comes to a quick stop* Hey Are you ok!? Yuki: Oh Mi gosh! Are You!?!?!??!??!
Enzeru: *holding him up* Kie: *has one arm around enzeru* i serisouly think i broke my ankle enzeru: can u move it at all? kie: n-no *winceign slgiht tears in hsi eyes at teh pain*
Aka: Want me to call and ambulance? Yuki: Yea?
kie: n- enzeru: yeah call them, he wont wnat it but that becuz he hate the ambulance... kie: after ur acident of course id hate them~!
Yuki: *Whips her cell out faster than Aka and dials the numba* Aka: What happened?
Kie: i didnt turn right and i fel off my board hitting the side walk*
Yuki: *Talking* Aka: Ouch.
Enzeru: slllsss(<--ill show u how to pronounce that later) c'mon lets sits down for now kie... *helps him lip over to teh sidewalk better to sit- grabs both the boards sees how kies board has a crooked and noticablly crooked wheel now*
Yuki: *closes her cell* There on the way. Kie: *Starts rolerblading bacward in a cricle*
(u put kie XD) enzeru: wow, look at ur board, kie... *shows him teh board- picture under the board s of a frozen heart*
(Sorreh xD) Aka: *Laughs while going in a circle* Gonna hafta buy a new one.
kie: duuude that was my good one too! enzeru: *notices a bolt missing* yeha its the really good kind, dude its missing a bolt, and u shoulda made that turn, i ve seen u do it b4... someoen messed with ur board... kie: waht the hell!
Aka: Anyone out to get you? Yuki: Yea?
kie: *shakes his head* no, not that i know of... Enzeru: u think maybe it was Izami, form school? kie: duuude, shes a girly girly she wouldnt even know what a wrench looks like... enzeru: yeah but her machine junkies mgiht... (xD yes isaid machine junkie deal with it!)
Aka: You mean Izami -Insert lats name here- From Sakura Cho High? Yuki: I know her!
(dude i forgot to say ih ave charlie 1 and 2 on my ipod and 1 song by antic cafe XD)kie: yeah, do u two girls ataend there? enzeru: dude, sont be an idiot they're not boht girls... *knows aka is a boy* (aka is A.K.A XD)
(FUCK U AGAIN!!!!) Yuki: What are you talking about?
(xD rotfl!) enzeru: ur a gilr, and hes a boy, unless ur just a gilr witha guys body...\
(XD) Yuki: A-Aka's Not a boy! She's- *Was cut off* Aka: Yuki! Face it! Someone was gonna figure it out sooner or later! *Ambulance can be heard in the distance*
Enzeru: *thinking~ hes cute, why does he try to be a girl~* listen if no one was suposed to kow, we'll keep out mouths shut for ya...
aka: Really? Thanks. *Smiles* *Ambulance pulls up* (Whould they have to take him to the hospital?)
(yeha for x-rays and cuz if its broken he needs a cast) Enzeru: *smiles* --guys i nteh ambulasnce get out tkaes out the stretcher and put kie in it*
Yuki: *Sees the suns setting* Come on Aka! We gotta go so you can make me dinner!! Aka: *Sweatdrop* Ugh, fine. *Tuens to Kie and Enzeru* Nice meetin you guys.
kie: *waves beenign put i nteh ambulance* enzeru; u too!
Yuki: *Gets on her bike and startrs riding off* Aka: *Waves* Bye! (Ya know what would be funny, if Enzeru got like termites in hes dorm or sumthin causin him to move out and move in with Aka xD)
(xD yeah!) enzeru: *get son hsi skate board and carries kie-starts to skate back to his doorm*
(Wait did we just do a timeskip too? xD) Aka: *Siding in Yuki's dorm watching her eat- ha allready eaten a very small plate of spagetti*
(no o.o he was leaving afte th ambulance did XD) enzeru: *skating to his doorm carrieing kie's board*
(Well timeskip then xD XD) Yuki: Aka! Why dont you eat anything? Aka: Cause im not hungry.
--a couple weeks later-- Enzeru: *gogi to his dorm but sees its closed off* ?
*Note on his door* Dear Enzeru, We are verry sorr but we have found a termite infestation in your door and several otheres, you are to come to the office and pick up your things and we have asigned you to room 1219 till further notice. From- Ther Director* Aka: *Knows someones coming to his doorm so is cleaning up a bit*
Enzeru: *black lins* oh waht teh f-! *sees a teacher* -fudge....!
Aka: *Same- Picking up his girl clothse and putting them in drawrs*
enzeru: *goes to get his stuff formthe office-then head up to th dorm-sihgs -knocks on the door*
Aka: One sec! *Whipes off the conter quick and walks to the door and upens it* E-Enzeru?
Enzeru: O.O a-aka?! seriosu!
Aka: Who do you think it is the pizza dilevery man!?
Enzeru: this si too weird...
Aka: No duh, *Moves out of the way* Uh, come in.
enzeru: *sighs walkign in*
Aka: So what was it? Termites?
enzeru: *sighs* yeah...
Aka: Thats bad. *Sits on his bed*
enzeru: yeah...
Aka: So ... wacha been up to these past couple weeks? (Hey i gotta go ill call u in a bit)
(kk) enzeru: *shrugs* skteing..
Aka: Oh ...
enzeru: u?
Aka: Just schoolwork and some blading.
enzeru: *nods*
Aka: Just boring. *Falls backward so is now laying on the bed- is wearing a pink t-shirt with a spagetti strap black and white striped shirt oveer it with jean shorts and no socks or shoes.*
enzeru: *lauhgs*
Aka: *Giggles slightly*
enseru: ...
(A lil akward xD) Aka: ...
(yah* enzeru:...
Aka: *Sits back up* So Enzeru ... how did you ... know?
Enzeru: *shrugs* i jsut did....
Aka: Oh ....
enzeru: ...
Aka: A-Are you hungry? I could make you somthing.
enzeru: uh no thnx im fine.. *sits o nteh otehr bed that is his now*
Aka: Uh Ok. (We need somthing good to happen. its to akward xD)
( i know e.e") enzeru: ...
(Wanna timeskip so their good friends?) Aka: ...
()sure) --long time later-saturady-- enzeru: *sleeping in*
Aka: *Was allrwady awake and getting undressed- around 11:30* (OMG what if he woke up and saww Aka in his boxers xD)
(xD yes!) enzeru: *eyes twitch-waking up*
Aka: *Didnt notice- starts taking off his pants* (Gotta take a shower now, brb)
(mmkay) enzeru: *opens his eyes*
Aka: *His back is to him- in his boxers*
enzeru: *blushes and sit up quietly jokingly does the wolf whistle*
Aka: *Looks back face all red* Ah! *Coversa his chest like a girl usually does*
Enzeru: *lauhgs* there really is nothign to hide, the only thing worth hiding is coverd
Aka: *Tamaki red* S-Shut Up! ITs a habit!
Enzeru: *is blushing noticably-laughs* how many guys actually see u half naked?
Aka: N-None, but obviously my dad used to. *Goes and grabs his jean shorts*
Enzeru: family dont count but ur stil wrong.... *smirks*
Aka: H-Huh?
Enzeru: *points to hismelf* u got one guy *winsk palyfully*
Aka: *Blushes more* S-Shut Up! *Puts his shorts on*
enzeru: *lauhgs -and stretches a bit*
Aka: *Butons them still blushing- walk over to his drawr to get a shirt, opens it and his cat is in there- sweat drop* Edward, get out of my drawr. Edward: Mroww! *Dosnt move*
enzeru: hey aka?
Aka: *Pick up edward and moves him to his bed* Yea?
enzeru: how come, u pretend to eb a girl?
Aka: Well the truth is, ever since i was a kid every single person i met thought i was a girl so i pretend to be one to make it easier. *Takes out a black shirt with TDG One X on the front*
ezeru: *can see the shirt* that sux, and nice shirt
Aka: Yea, you like TDG?
Ezeru: no doubt about it, i haev that whol cd on my iopd *lagus alil*
Aka: So do i!
enzeru: *smiels* cool
Aka: *Smiles back* So what are you gonna be doing today?
enzeru: *shrugs* dunno
Aka: We could go for a ride, me blade, you skate?
Ezeru: sure, sounds cool *laughs alil*
Aka: What? *Still in bare chest holding the shirt*
Enzeru: *shake his head*
Aka: *Puts the shirt on* Want me to make you breakfast?
enzeru: *get off hsi bed stretching* u dont ahve to do that... *mumbles~ liek i tell u every morning~*
Aka: *Heard cause hes a kitty* Well sorry, thats a habit of mine too.
enzeru: *innconet face* ^-^"
Aka: Wel it is *Laughs*
enseru:*lauhgs alil*
Aka: *All dressed and sits on his bed to wait for him and stuff*
enzeru: *grabs his clotehs and agoes in the bathroom to change-comes otu wehn hes done dresse dina blakc and red hoodie- withthe stiched and barb wire heart i do-black skinny jeans and a blakc under shirt*
Aka: *Looing for his blades onder his bed*
Enzeru: * reaches unde rhis ebd and get shis skate board, witha heart with rose in the middle and barb wire around it -out*
Aka: *Pulls them out and their black and red with a blood red A on each toe*
enzeru: *lauhgs* ncie skates
Aka: *Sweatdrops* guess so, nice board.
enzeru: *sticks his tounge out playfully*
Aka: *Laughs- stands up* Lets go.
Enzeru: yeah *ahd put hsi converses on-opesn teh door holdign hsi board- jokily>* ladies first xD
Aka: *Sweatdrops with black lines* Shut up! *Walks out in bare feet*
Aka: *Sweatdrops with black lines* Shut up! *Walks out in bare feet*
enzeru: 8laughs -steps out and lcoks the door*
Aka: *Walks with him to outside*
--outside-- enzeru: *puts his board down*
Aka: *Put on his scates wikid fast*
enzeru: lets head to teh park k?
Aka: Shure. *Starts blading* (Yo, i gotta go ill call u k?)
(k xD) enzeru: *skates off*
Aka: *Blading really fast*
Ezeru: *caught up to hm and no time goign fast- makes a turn perfects with and ollie included*
Aka: *Turns at the same time as him but switches to going backwards*
Enxeru: *laughs alil*
Aka: What?
enzeru: *saheks hia head*
Aka: *Turns back to front while turning a corner*
enzeru: *does a 360 flip while turnign the corner- did it perfectly*
aka: *Impressed in his mind (XD) Starts going really fast*
(xD) enzeru: *goes fast to cath up to him*
Aka: Lets se if yuou can catch up! *Goes faster*
enzeru: *catches up easily*
Aka: 8Keps going faster*
enzru: *keeps up until his board hits a rocka nd goes out form under nieht him-hit sthe ground* oof~!
Aka: Ah! *Was surpeies by the sound, tries to stop but rolls forward*
enzeru: *sits up rubbing his ribs* board: *goes sliding by aka*
Aka: *Face first-hit the ground pretty hard- forhead bleeding*
(dude wth? i go to make enzeru get hurt and aka gets hurt?! XD) enzeru: >_<
(XD) Aka: *Sits up* Ow. *Hoes to feel his head and takes is hand of quickly feeling blood*
enzeru: *coughs inot his hand-holding his ribs* h-hey aka u ok?
Aka: S-Sorta...
enzeru: s-*wince* sorta? *holding his ribs still*
Aka: *Facing away from him* Y-Yea im bleeding but im fine ... for the most part
enzeru: *coughs loudly spitting some blood up i nthe process-into his hand othe hand gripping his ribs*
Aka: Oh mi ngod Are YOU Ok!??! *Tries to crawl over to him*
Enzeru: i jst kinda bnged my ribs.. *trying not to look a tthe blod in his hand that came out of his mouth*
Aka: I think were bolth kind of a mess huh?
enzeru: yeah.. *lauhgs a lil and winces*
Aka: W-Want me to call and ambulance?
enzeru: u-ur cal...
Aka: *Takes out his cell and calls* (Wanna timskip?)
~When their getting hime from the hospital~ Aka: *Has a big band-aid on his forhead-walks into the room after unlocking the door and throws his blades to the floor and sits on his bed*
enzeru: *kicks his boar dunde rhis bed na arfully lays down-has a broken rib*
Aka: A-Are you shure you dont need me to do anything?
enzeru: y-yeah..
Aka: I-Im really sorry ... this is all my fault ...
enzeru: no its not...
Aka: Yea it is, if i wasnt going so fast ... and told u toi keep up ...
enzeru: it ot ur fault, u didnt place the rock that my eye didnt pick up on infornt of my board
AKa: Yea ... sorry ...
AKa: Yea ... sorry ...
enzeru:*sighs* its fine..
Aka: ...
enzeru: *looks over at him*
Ala: *Looksing down * (BBL gotta watch sweeny then dinner then more sweeny xD)
(XD) enzeru: *looks away*
Aka: *Same*
[[ ammyyy does you know where vrs ish? =3 ]]
(At her dads)
[[ oh nuuu D= she can't get online there can she? ]]
(No she cant ... hey i got an idea, we could make up our own RP when VRS isint online xD)
[[ hmm I guess....I mean if I can be the girl .-. ]]
(You can ^-^ Im editing a guy right now =3)
[[[ mkai =3 what's the story about? i'll get started ona girl]]
(Um ... Ho about ..... A demon boy and an angel girl?)
[[ righty tighty ]]
(XD u mind if itsh english names or u want japanese?)
[[ eh english i'm too sick to think of japanese ]]
(Awww your sisck? Are you ok OMG!!! Is it the Swine Flu!!!! XD)
[[ haha yeah it's just a head cold Dx ]]
(Aww so sad!)
(i do live >=D sneakkeh on x3 and yes i usually can sneak on a tmy dads...) enzeru: *smae*
(Oh and im listening to songs from Sweeny Todd! XDDDD and we need to do somthing 4 the game! wanna timeskip? when his arms better?)
(arm? it was ribs XD and im gonna listen to joanna in a minute)
(XD it was so ill timskip) ~A few month later when he's better- After school~ Aka: *Sitting (Obviously in girl clothes) against a tree and sketching*
enzeru: *tlaking ot some of his skater buddys*
Aka: *Sketching a picture of a fairy*
skater-guy: HEY! girl heads up! *throws a footblal he had over at aka*
Aka: *Looked up quickly and cought it with both hands*
s-g: nice! enzeru: *looks voer at him holding his board behind his abkc laughs*
Aka: *Stands up-Says in a really cute girl voice* Now lets see you catch this! *Throws it waht seems not so hard but very very hard*
s-g: *falls over* gAH! enzeru: *laughs* --all teh otehrs lauhg--
Aka: *Giggles and sticks out his tounge, sits back down*
one- of- the oher guys: nice throw! enzeru: *smiels at aka*
Aka: Thanks ^-^. *Smiles back*
enzeru: *laughs alil* --his friends all lauhging punch enzeru playfully mumbleing soemthign to him and walking off wih him--
~Re-Posted~ Aka: *Went back to sketching*
(sorry i completely forgot :O) --later that day-- enzeru: *eating lunch with the sakters*
( fine) Aka: *Walking to an empty table in the back of the cafeteria with Yuki* Yuki: Aka, whatd ya bring for lunch today? Aka: Nothing. Yuki: WHAT!?!?!? (He has a fast matabalisim)
(wait that ameks no sense e.e" why would he bring nothing? if he has a fast matabalisim it doesnt matter what he eats, he'll stay thin) enzeru: *annoyed wtih his friend cuz tehy were making fun of him earlier*
(He dosnt like eating, and Yuki gets mad cause he never eats, cause if u notice Aka allways asked Erenzu "Do you wnt me to make YOU anything to eat") Yuki: You have to eat! Aka: I dont llike eating, i have better things to do with my time, i ususally eat about a meal a day, beter than it was last year, rember? *Sits down* Yuki: *Sits down next to him* That was worse! You only ate about once a week!
(e.o") enzeru: *take shi try and wlaks past them moving to a table otside the cafertiria*
Roka: (One of Yuki and Aka's friwnds) Guys you can come sit over here! *Poins to 2 open seets* Yuki: Come on Aka, lets go =3. Aka: Nah, im gona go keep Enzeru company. *Stands up and walks outside. Raka and Yuki at the same time: What been with him latley? Lol! Hey! Stop coppying me! I said Stop! STOP!
(XD) enzeru: *sitting at the table eating somehwat kinda playing wtih his food*
Aka: *Walks over and sits across from him* Sup Enzeru?
Aka: *Walks over and sits across from him* Sup Enzeru?
enzeru: *looks up at him and shrugs*
Aka: You ok?
enzeru: yeah... *looks down at his food kinda just palying wtih it*
Aka: You shure? Normally people play with their food unless their upset about somthing.
enzeru: *shake his head*
Aka: *Looks down* Ok...
enzeru: *takes a bite of his chicken *
Aka: *Twirls his finger in a circle on he table*
enzeru: *is quiet for once*
Aka: *Looks up at him with thee corner of his eye- thinking* ~ Whats with him?~
enzeru: *looking down at his food*
Aka: ....
enzeru: ..
(We need to get past this aquard block between them!!! XD)
(i know but how?!
(Did u ever have any of these in your other yaoi games?)
(maybe like once in rai-x-tenchi- and once in both zane-x-asa and asa-x-jacoby but tehy were different circumfrances)
(Hmmmmm wanna do another timeskip, like a month where theyre BFF's both when Aka is a boy and a Girl?)
(sure? XD)
~1 Month Later~ Aka: *Is a saturday, for once, sleeping in*
enzeru: *left early to go to skate park*
Aka: *12:30- Wakes up and looks through his drawrs for somthing to wear*
enzeru: *on his way to a skate park*
Aka: *Changes into somthing a guy would wear- adds a s8er hat so he looks like a guy*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Goes outside and decided to blade around the city- puts his rolerblades on and started down the sidewalk*
enzeru: *gets tothe shop*
Aka: *Blading to random places*
enzeru: *starts sakting around*
Aka: *Blading down a sidewalk really fast* (BBL Gotta Eat Dinner)
(kk) enzeru: *at the park skating is lonely*
Aka: *Blading by the skate park and sees Enzeru, (Has never looked so much as a guy in his life as he does now xD) blades over to where he is but behind the fence on the outside* Hey Enzeru! Whats up?
enzeru: *hears his voice-stops mid roll-glances around the fence eyes go right over him then bounce abck realizing its ihm* oh my god *laughs alil -picks up his board and walks over* look at you..
Aka: I allready did at home. xP
enzeru: *Laughs*
Aka: *Want me to come in there or u wanna come out here?
enzeru: *shrugs*(
Aka: *Sees a hole in the botom of the fence- leans back onto his hands and blades on the botom of the feet, crawls forward trying not to get cut by the wire*
enzeru: careful...
Aka: I Got i- Sssssss Ouch! *God cut in the cheek and the arm at the same time but not deep enought that u need bandaids but bleeding just a bit*
enzeru: *jumpeda bit* u ok?
Aka: *Got all the way through and fell to his but anf put his hand to his arm before* Y-yea, think so.
enzeru: *pus hi board down crouching next to him* u cut ur cheek and ur arm,... i hope u've had ur tetsus shot jsut in case
Aka: Yea ... *Puts his other hand to his cheek* (Hey, gotta take a shower and did u check my new game idea?)
(yeha btu i dotn wanna do it cuz idk i jsut ont feel like ti at this point ill think aobut it kk?) enzeru: *same*
(Shure ) Ake: *The blood dried and Aka pushed off of his gands to get bto his feet but for some reason he couldnt and fell back onto his @ss* wtf?
enzeru: u ok?
Aka: Yea, my legs wont let me get up. *Glares at his legs*
enzeru: here.. *holds his hand out*
Aka: *Blushes faintly- takes his hand*
enzeru: *helps him up*
Aka: T-Thanks.
enzeru: no prob
Aka: So were you gonna plan on doing here?
enzeru: *shrugs* just some skating around
(>.> <.< *Glares*) Aka: Oh ... *Turns around and starts blading backward* Then lets go.
enzeru: *laughs a lil and gets on hsi board*
(*Glaring*) Aka: *Blading bacwards then jumps back onto a grind rail*
(?) enzeru: *goes up a ramp*
(*Glaring*) Aka: *Grinds all the way to the end and blades up a diferent ramp and puts his hand at thew top so it looks like all the pro's when their balencing on one hand* (Udk how do decribe it...)
(?) (and i get what u mean) enzeru: *same*
(*Growls while Glaring*) Aka: *Comes back down*
(??) enzeru: *stops but wathcing hm*
(*Grrrrrrr*) Aka: *Goes slightly faster and jumps a rail*
(waht?! for godas sake!) enzeru: *goes up a hjalf pipe*
(.... *Looks away* Nothing, nothing) Aka: *Jumps another one*
(=_=" if its about ur stinkin game idea i didnt join becuz im tryign to revive one of the old rps that never got rp'd butmy thing wont uplod >_<) enzeru: *skating around*
(*Still glaring cause thats not it*) Aka: *Goes up a ramp and does what he did before*
(im u dont tell me why ur glaring im not gonna comment this rp anymore...) enzeru: *same*
(Nothing, just something that happens constiantly ... no biggie *Stops and walks to glare at Tamaki for being an idiot*) Aka: *Didnt grab the top right so his hand slipped so he fell down the ramp and hit the bottom really hard*
(well i want to knwo waht it is if u ahve to glare at me for it, and no beating around the bush jsut tell me straight forward...) enzeru: *saw that and flinches*
( *Huff* Ok .... it happens constiantly ... say thres 4 pics one u do with holly then one of mine than holly again then pink .... you do the 2 by holly and pink first and it gets me pretty madd ......) Aka: Agh.... *Grabs his arm*
( *sahke head* no~ i do it by who comment first, seriosu if pink comment bakc first i click that pic, if u do it first i click yours, but sometimes a i lag and i clcik the wrong pci and end up commenting out of order OR i get delayed and lose where im suposed to be i swear to god i dont do it on purpose)
(Whatever >.> Well it happens ALOT and i get pissed cause no one's on .... and! You have like 3 rp's with pink and 3 with holld ond only 1 with me, and no ones ever ususllu on to RP with me!)
(well im sorry! we always rp over the phone remember? thats where all our rps go and id have more with u, but tehy get akward and then they jsut kidna dissappear, and if u were ot look at my last upload u could rejoin that rp,AND u sohuldnt complain u had decided nto to join my asas rp either, ok... so u cnat blame me and u shouldnt be getting mad at ME cuz its no ones fault things jsut happen)
(U have a point but u never asked me to so i touht u and holly allready decied it to do it yourselves .......... so can we just go back to RPing now i dont wanna be in a pissed mood while this is the only time im gonna be on the comp al day cause im using a friends at the beach house and my mom dosnt want me on all day)
(i did to ask you, and u said "i dont know, i really dont wanna" ) enzeru: *runs over ot him* u ok?
(T H A T W A S A L O N G F R I G I N T I M E A G O ! ! !) Aka: Y-Yea, im fine *Gripping his arm*
(bakc when i asked you, i asked u 5 tiems b4 pnik took the spot) enzeru: *kneels down* u sure?
(Ive mostly been the SEME in all of the games we plat so i didnt wanna do it again!) Aka: Yea ... I-Im fine.
enzeru: *ur sure sure?
Aka: Yea *Fells down the arm to see if anything feels sprained or broken- flinches when he feels his wrist*
enzeru: are u really sure? that flinch didnt look to good...
Aka: No, its ok.
enzeru: *worried expression*
Aka: *T-Theres nothing to worry about, ive hurt myself plenty of times beforer *Says nervously*
enzeru: i thought u said u wer efine.. *bite shis lip*
Aka: .... *Hits his hand to his forhed* Im such a retard!
enzeru: *sighs and shake shia ehad*
Aka: *Geys black lines* Yes i am...
Aka: *Head hung with black inles*
enzeru: c'mon u gotta go see a doctor...
Aka: N-No im fine.
enzeru: *gives ihma stern look*
Aka: Fine >.>
enzeru: *helps him up*
Aka: Should i take off my blades?
enzeru: yeah probalby...
Aka: *Blades slowly over to a bench and sits down*
enzeru: *had grabed his board sits by him icnase he needs help*
Aka: *Unclips them with his othger hands and slips them both off along with his socks very easily*
enzeru: *keeping close watch on him*
Aka: *stuffs his socks into his blades and has a tough string thta ties the two blades together and puts one over his shouler* There...
enzeru: c'mon... *get up wtih him*
Aka: *Stands up and follows*
enzeru: *walks with him to a car*
Aka: I didnt know you drove yet.
enzeru: i only have my permit, but this is my friends car, he lets me use it...
Aka: Oh.
enzeru: *goes to teh drivers side* get in..
Aka: *Gets into the car and buckles his seat belt*
enzeru: *starts the car-didnt buckle up*
Aka: *Griping his arm*
enzeru: *starts t pull out*
Aka: *Looking out the window to his right*
(dude enzeru didnt buckle up sahem on him) enzeru: *now drivign o nthe road*
Aka: *Looks down* (Yo, VRS i gotta go take a shower and then ima call ya =3)
(mmkay...) enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Waiting-same*
enzeru: *saem*
Aka: *Same* (Hiv im do sumthin)
(i was thinking aka would, cuz enzeru is still not buckled) enzeru: *same*
(KK) Aka: *Looks up slightly* Y-Ya know Enzeru ....
enzeru: yeah?
Aka: You should really ... put your seatbelt on ....
enzeru: *sweatdrop* ok... *puts it on being careful thinking~ i dont wanna argue~*
Aka: ...
-at the hospital- enzeru: *in the waiting room cuz they wouldnt let im stay i the room sinces hes not family*
Aka: *Walks out with a small cast on his wrist*
enzeru: *reading a magazine intently*
Aka: Uh, im back enzeru.
enzeru: *looks up and sees the cast* broke ur wrist?
Aka: >.> Yea ....
enzeru: *laughs alil* told you...~
Aka: >.> Shut up.
enzeru: *laughs*
Aka: ... (Hey, i gotta go)
enzeru: ... (mmkay .-.)
Aka: We should ... probally get going ...
enzeru: *gets up*
Aka: *Walks with him* ...
--at the dorm-- enzeru: *lay son his bed*
Aka: *Closed the door and sat on his bed and reached under his bedand grabbed what seemed like a book wich the cover had been covered with red constrution papaer*
enzeru: wahts that?
Aka: Uh ..... A book
enzeru: whats with teh paper then?
Aka: Its a ... private book .... (U kow what it is right cause if u dont i slap u!!)
(jouranl?) enzeru: what ever.. *lays bakc on his bed*
Aka: *Opens up to a saved page* (*Bonks u on the head* No You BAKA! Ita Yaoi!!)
(oh wlel do u realize how many posobilitys tehre are! btw what are we doing about tomarrow?) enzeru: *yawns*
Aka: *Blushes slightly while reading* (Ill call u)
enzeru: *dozing of*
Aka: *Blushes slightyl more*
enzeru: *notices the blush* hey u ok?
Aka: *Looks up still blushins* Y-Yea im fine ...
enzeru: u sure, ur face is all red
Aka: *Burrys his face in his book* Y-Yea, im fine....
enzeru: o *yawn* k
Aka: *Takes his faceout and face gets redder after every page*
enzeru: *fell asleep*
Aka: *Readinga* (BRB gotta eat)
(k) enzeru: *tunrs in his sleep*
(I had taco bell!) Aka: *Looks up ant Enzeru and blushes a little more*
(gross "yo no quiero taco bell~") enzeru: *same*
(I know u dont like it but ... i do XD) Aka* Puts down his book on the beed and stands up and walks over to Enzeru* (What whay is he laying?)
(xD i copie dthe chuwawa but i put no in there XD and hes laying o nhis side facing aka) enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Hets on his knees and blushing while face to face with Enzeru*
enzeru: *same -a smile twitches on and then off of his sleeping face*
Aka: *Blushes even more- thinking* ~A-A kiss wouldnt hurt would it .... h-es asleep ... so he wont feel anything right? ... right?~
enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Leans in slowly blushing like hell and kisses him*
eneru: *was ina lgithly sleeps eyes strt to open realizes akas lips ar gsint his own blushes*
Aka: *Backs up quickly and covers hsi mouth* I-Im sorry! Im so so so so so so so so SORRY ENZERU!!
enzeru: *blinks twice* ... a-aka, *looks down* do you have f-feelings for me...?
Aka: P-Please dont hate me but ...... Y-Yes
enzeru: *does teh come here beconing motion*
Aka: *Goes closer*
enzeru: *puts a hand on teh side of his face kisses him*
Ak: *Blushes*
enzeru: *doesnt move his lips*
Aka: *Dosnt move his*
enzeru: *pulls away from teh kiss when he doesnt kiss make*
Aka: *Slowly brings his hand to his lips and covers his mouth*
enzeru: *looks down but forced smirk says jokingly* now we're even...
Aka: *Looks away blushing*
enzeru: i-i... i really like you too *said rushed then quickly hides unde rhis blanket shyly* o///o
Aka: H-Huh? *Blushes even harder if thts even possible*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: A-Are you s-serious?
enzeru: *nods*
Aka: *Blushing- looking away(
(cna u tell anna and pink brb for me cuz i mgonan help my mom make a cake XD x3 =D) enzeru:...
(KK) Aka: *Looks back at Enzeru*
(im bakc and i got the bowl and spatula XD) enzeru: *smae unde rhte blanket*
(Wow that was fast XD) Aka: *On his knees, tries to move the bloanket off him*
(yeha :3 well its cooking now duh~!) enzeru: *doesnt stop him sitting cross legged lookng down*
(BRB gotta take showa) Aka: Enzeru, l-look at me.
(k) enzeru: *ooks up at him*
Aka: *Leans in and kisses him*
enzeru: o///o *kisses bac*
Aka: 8Kisses back*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Same*
enzeru: *same-hand goe stot eh sid eof akas face*
Aka: *Same- Arms rap around Enzeru's neck*
enzeru: *still kisssing him*
Aka: *Kissing back*
(can u go chekc otu raikou plzzz :3) enzeru: *same*
(I dd) Aka: *Same*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Same*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Same*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Same*
enzeru: *same*(
Aka*: *Same- His cellphone rings*
enzeru: 8pulls away form the kiss hearing aka phone*
Aka: *Blushes and takes hsi arms from his neck- takes his phone from his pocket* H-Hello? Yuki: Aka? Where Are Ya? Dont you rember! You have pratice tonight! Aka: O-Oh Shit! I-I Fergot. Yuki: Hey Aka? Are You Ok? Your stuttering. Aka: I-Its nothing, ill be there in 15 minuets ok! *Hangs up hyis phone*
enzeru: *tilts his head*
Aka: I uh ...... gotta go .....
enzeru: oh..
Aka: Ill be back in ... about 2 hours or so .... *Stands up and walks to a closet and grabs a backpack* (Hey i gotta go too XD)
enzeru: oh ok... (k buh bye XD)
Aka: S-Seeya... *Walks out the door and closes it behind him* (VRS!!! OMGGUESSWAT!!!!!)
(waht?) enzeru: *sighs*
(My daddehs lettin me download IMVU!!!!! XD) ~Comes back 2 hours later~ Aka: *Uses his key to uncock the door and walks in*
(sweet!) enzeru: *asleep in a postition wher ehe was reaiding- yaoi fan fic of his own over his head*
Aka: *Closes the door behing him- sees him and blushes*
enzeru: *same snoring very softly*
Aka: 8Puts his bag down and walks over to him*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Takes the fan fic off his head*
enzeru: *same but without the book still asleep*
Aka: *Blushes when he saw what he was reading- ste the book asite and went to the closet to grab an extra blanket*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Comes back over and covers him with a blanket*
enzeru: 8moves slgihtly in his sleep*
Aka: *Blushes slightly and goes over to his drawr for some pajamas*
enzeru: *hugs his pillow in his sleep*
Aka: *Changes and walks over to his own bed*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Gets in his bed and reads the Yaoi that he left on the bed before he left*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: *Reading*
enzeru: *same in deep sleep*
Aka: *Reading* (Hey ima leave on dis and just go on IMVU)
(k) enzeru:*same*
Aka: *Same*
enzeru: *same*
~The Next Morning~ Aka: *Asaleep*
enzeru: *waking up* (are u home?)
Aka: *Still asleep- looking kawaii* (Nope ^-^)
(then how're u-?) enzeru: *yawsn feelig the book no longer on his head*
(Im using a friends computer) Aka: *Same- Kawaii*
(oh XD) enzeru: *blushes*
Aka: *Same* (Srry, had to grab a bite to eat xD)
(XD its ok) enzeru: *gets up and starts chaning*
Aka: *Same*
(omg he sohuld wake up this time) enzeru: *pulls off jsi shirt and un buttons his pants*
Aka: *Waking up*
enzeru: *pulls off his pants*
Aka: *Sees him and Blushes completely Red*
enzeru: *wasnt facing him so didnt relaize he was awake*
Aka: *Quickly puld his head under the covers- noise was made*
enzeru: huH? *looks voer hsi shoulde rand blsuhse dark grabs his clotehs and goe sin the closet*
Aka: S-Sorry ... >////<
enzeru: *talkign form isndie the closet* n-no it was my fault ishoudlnt have been changing in the o-open~
Aka: ... >//////<
enzeru: *gettign dressed*
Aka: *Hiding
emnzeru:*comes out when hes done changing*
Aka: *Still hiding*
enzeru: its saf enow...
Aka: *Sits up taking the blanket off his head* Well ... i guess were even n ow....
enzeru: *chuckles nerveously blushign darkly* y-yeah... (omg me and devon were just arguing abut whipped cream XD)
(OMG! Ima call u cause im gettin off the comp) Aka: Yea ..... >/////>
(mmkay.. o.o) enzeru: ...
Aka: ....
(dude for a akwaii picceh look at the wone i posted of raidena dn daich last night :3) Enzeru:...
(oh...) Aka: *Stands up out of bed* I should probally get dressed ..too
enzeru: *nods* (bbl i gott go finish my pwoerpoint)
(Whatever >.>) Aka: *Grabs his clothes and goes into the closet*
(hey, Amy, waana rp again on the SSS pic that we rp'd on b4?)
enzeru: *smae*
Aka: *Changes and comes out*
enzeru: *sitting on his ebd*
(what day of the week is it) Aka: *sits on his bed*
(ikd u pck) enzeru: *smae* (omg bw im doing an edit of amsas and hes got a cigarette in hsi ahnd and a beer cna in his other hand =O)
(sun) Aka: So ..... Enzeru, what are you doing today?
(and no response to teh masas thing?) enzeru: *shrugs* nothin i guess.
Aka: Oh .... *Wants to ask him out* ( nope ^w^ JK XD OMg)
(XD) enzeru: why?
Aka: I was wondering .... Never mind.
enzeru: no waht is it?
Aka: D-Do you wanna .... h-hang out? ...
enzeru: *thinkign~ like ...a ... date?~* uh sure i guess
Aka: R-Really? (Hey wanna RP MH?)
(sur i guess) enzeru: *smiles* sure ^-^
Aka: S-So wada ya wanna do ....
enzeru: *ahrugs*
Aka: *Starts to think*
enzeru: *same*
Aka: H-How about .... t-the movies?
(hey are u home? *just occured to me* cuz if u r au still logge don imvu) enzeru: uh sure... *smiels softly*
(Uh i fergot xD) Aka: C-Cool.
enzeru: *bites his lip*
Aka: ....
enzeru: *same*
Aka: W_What should we see ....
enzeru: night at the museum 2?
Aka: *Smiles cutely* I wanted to see that.
enzeru: *smiles blushign* cool then ...
Aka: W-Want me to check what times its playing?
enzeru: uh sure~
Aka: *Takes out his iPhone and checks* (hey J2LUK I I'd on meh ipod and intonet may dissconect at times)
(k) enzeru: *waits*
Aka: Uh, 11:00, 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00, and 11:30
Enzeru: how bout nine?
Aka: Shure.
enzeru; cool
Aka: *And maybe we could get somthing to eat before...
enzeru: id like that *smiles*
Aka: *Blushes* yea
enzeru: *chuckles*
Aka: W-what?
enzeru: *shake his head*
Aka: Tell me!
enzeru; really i swear to god its ntohign~
Aka: Then why'd you laugh?
enzeru: *shrugs*
Aka: Gese enzeru, your so ....
enzeru: im so....?
Aka: Confusing.
enzeru: *laughs*
Aka: Its true.
enzeru: *sticks his tougne out*
Aka: *Laughs* (hey .... Can we get another one of MY pics so comment on >.>)
(ok i guess) enzeru: *chuckles*
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