Ruelle. :3
cute lol love how u used ciel to make her XD
wanna rp?
[suree] Ruelle: *sitting at the register quiet as always*
Shoushin :*over by a rack fo dolls agraanging tehm*
Ruelle: *glances over at him*
shoushin: *sghs till working eyes shif tover ot the door as someon walks in and the bellr igns-stil ldaranging the dolls*
Ruelle straightens with a fake cheerful smile* Welcome~
person :*nods at ehr and proceed sto wlaka roudn lookign at hte dolls*
Ruelle: *watches the customer carefully with her ameber eyes*
Shinshou: *is queits as always steps away fomr the shelf as the person wlaks over- speaks maybe once evey two day if that*
Ruelle: *eyes shift between Shinshou and the customer* May we help you?~
person: not really jsut looking, me and my siser collet original type dolsl suhc as tese and we've been looking for a new additon ot teh family *smiels wamrly-is an odler woman*
Ruelle: *smiles softly stepping away from the counter walking as dainty as a doll would, her voice soft and melodic* Well I'll be happy to help in anyway possible ma'am.
woman: ur so very sweet~ *laguhs lgihtly* shinshou:*goes over to another doll shelf fixing it* (dont forge tu gonan bring ahuman charicatedr in sometime and lol love how no one knows technicaly all teh dolls are siblignso.e)
Ruelle: *has a slightly tight smileturning gently to face her, the dress turning softly * Oh don't give me that much credit ma'am. (( Hmm should I bring in a girl for Shinshou and you bring a guy for Ruelle?]]
(yess  XDthe guy could be liek the girsl best firne dand she amd ehime come with ehr or somthign XD) woman: *has a clam smile* ohbut u are, every other antique and or doll shop round these part are very rude unless oyu one of those big shot movie stars~
Ruelle: *laughs melodiclly* Not at all ma'am, and we've been in buisness for years~ [[Yessss]]
shoushin: *same * Lady: *chuckels lgihtly*
Ruelle: *walks over to Shoushin nudgeing him very gently, one of the few people he talks too and whispers* You know talking to the customers might serve you well~
shoushin: quiete rather not....
Ruelle: *smiles softly her amber eyes flickering with what would be understanding and she touches him on the shoulder lightly in a reasuring way then walks back to the register*
lady: *notices the time muttering something about it leaivng queitly* shoushin: *same dusts off a couple dolls*
Ruelle *had said goodbye to the woman* I love older people~ *A short red head walks by the store pulling a boy by the arm headed torewards the store* Ruelle: *muses to herself* this should be interesting~
shoushin :*glances up but continues to move to another self* boy: (muttering things like why me and such*
Bekah: *hushes him entering the store* Ruelle: *smiles that simple fake smile* Welcome!~
Jace: *annoyed with her* shoushin :*looks up s they walked in* (g2g ngiht!)
Bekah: *grins at Ruelle* Hello!~ Ruelle: Do you need anything in paticular ma'am? Bekah: *giggles* You don't have to call me that, the name's Bekah, and this is Jace~ *gestures to her friend* And i'm not sure just looking I guess~ Ruelle: *nods lightly* It's nice to meet you bolth, my name is Ruelle, and over there is Shoushin, *smiles softly* feel free to take your time
shinshou: *sma fixing somof the doolls that are startng to lean*
Bekah: *looking around interested* Ruelle: *watching them bolth very carefully*
jace :*wlakign ith ehr mutters i ahte u* shinshou :*same*
Bekah: Oh hush~ learn to appreciate it~ Ruelle: *smiles softly* Not many people do~ *walks out from behind the register leaning against the table allot shorter then normal*
jace: *glances up at her thinkgin~strange clothes...~*
Bekah: *turns around smiling* My birthday is soon and Jace here owes me a birthday present~ Ruelle *smiles softly* That's nice of you~ *Eyes flicker in a strangley pretty way when they catch the light, smells lightly of cinamon* Anything in paticular?
jace: *completley distracte dby her for moment* shnshou: *walks over and apst them gogining itno the back room*
Ruelle: *glances at him almost emotionlessly, neh?
jace :*shkae hsi eha dnkockin it off*
Ruelle: *raises an eyebrow then turns to Bekah smiling softly~ *If you'll excuse me for a moment I might have something you'll be interested in *goes to the backroom looking for a certain doll* Bekah: *nudges Jace* What was that abouttt~
jace :*bts hi lip and cshake hsi ehad* shinshou: *was helpgn onfe of the younge rliving rolld down off her shelf since she jsut cmae ot form rest*
Ruelle: *brushes the young girl's hair with her hand gently smiling then walking to the inaminate dolls section and pulls a doll out a doll that looks like Bekah* Bekah: Ooooooh~
jace :shush it.... Ally :*hte young doll whos body appears to be 8 and relaly is aobut tha, giggles* Hihi rue~! Shoushin: *heads back inot th main room*
Ruelle: *smiles gently* Hello Ally~ How are you feeling today? Bekah: *is giggling when Shou comes back in*
ally: *giggles* quiete hyper actually t speak teh truth~
Ruelle: *smiles brushing Ally's hair back gently cradeling Bek's doll in her other arm carefully* I'll be right back and we'll play a game~
ally: cna i ggo with u? yoou guys never let me i nthe forn of the store during the dayyy~~~ shoushin: *fixing the dolls inteh glass case next to where jace and bekah are*
Bekah: *glances to Shou perkily* Hello!~ Ruelle: *shees her head softly* You know if it were safe I would let you in a moment*
ally ::*sighs* shoushin :*jumps slgihtly from ehr enthusiams- looks up at her slgihtly-left eyes purple right eye is covered by his hair**(<hiding the bfac tits all broken-hes in hte midts of getting it fixed sinc eshes old and tis really expensive) jace: *thinking~ hes got pretty cool hair layedrd over rianbow colros like that...*
Bekah: *smiles in a friendly way* Shoushin, right?~ Ruelle: *kisses her lightly on the top of the head* Some day darling~
ally :*huffs and skips off farther into the back ar tof the shop* Shoushin :*nods*
Bekah: it's nice to meet you~ Ruelle: *smiles a sad smile and walks out from the back of the store walking back to Bekah and Jace* Here~ I thought you might like on that looked like you~ Bekah: *gasps looking at the doll* She's beautiful~
shoushin: *clsoes and lcoks the cabnit gogint o another one*
Ruelle: *eyes glimmer again smiling* I'm glad you like her~ Bekah, Could I hold her? Ruelle: *smiles* Of course~ *gently reaches out the doll to Bekah moving past Jace in the process still smelling like cinamon* Bekah: *takes the doll gently inher arms holding it as if it were a little kid*
jace :*distracted agiant by it* shoushin: *jumps lsightly heairng the door open lookgin up to see is tehir master wlakign in with some bags* Master: shou, would be kind enough as to hlep, me? shoushin :*goues over tkaing that bags noticeng it jsut supplie for the living dolla nd fe wof te inanimate oens*
Ruelle: *notices Jace seems out of it again and looks at him curiouslly* Hm?
jace:*snaps out of it*
Ruelle: *blinks once then turns to their master* Would you like any helpma'am?
master: im quiete alriht rue, shoushin :*broguht the bags in back* masteR: but im gonna steakl shoushin for a couple of hours, alright? im gonna help him... *refferign to hos his face is crakcign*
Ruelle:*smiles a knowing smile* Ohof course ma'am. *turns back to Bekah and Jac* Bekah: *stroking the dolls hair* Ruelle: *smiles* do you like it? Bekah: Oh Iadore it!~
jace :*chuckles* master:8goes in the bakc room* (timeskip?)
--couple days later-- soushin: *face is now fixed, almsot seemlessly-leaning on the ocunter bore dnothign to do*
Ruelle: *as usual humming around the store dusting the dolls and setting them straight* -a slow day-
shoushin: *watches otu teh window at the humans passing by hs hiar out of his face or the msot part revealing his right eye wihci is brown*
Ruelle: *still walking around* How does your face feel?~ (( Heyy my phone is broken untill tuesday js and I'm going to be on again at like nine thirty cause i'm going to the mall*
(ok) Shoushin: normal agian?
Ruelle: *smiles softly* That's good at least~
shoushin :*shrugs* i sitll wish amster wouldnt speand so mcuh to fix me... (reffering to hes extremely fragile the way eh was made and that certain parts that he needs cna cost up to 57,000.00 or more)
Ruelle:*smiles sadly* you're her favorite,
shoushin: no im not...
Ruelle: *raisws an eyebrow* Don't kid yourself Shoushin, She cares about all of us deeply but you are most deffinatlly the closest to her'
shoushin: you all think that cuz im always tlkgin wtih her shes actually asking me about all of you... she greww up arouond me she doesnt consider me anythything except the living doll her grandforather introduced her too....
Ruelle: *looks at him blankly for a moment, never one to say something uncalculated* At least you aren't considered just the copy of the original masters love.
Shoushin: *pulls up this factor that hes never said to anyone else-leans up off it* atleast you werent originally human.... *walks to ward the bakc of the shop*(reffering to msot of te living dolls have artificial souls and thier memorys begin with being a doll, emotiosn being not as strng as ahumans)
Ruelle: At least you were! *refering to the fact that he had the privilage to expirience being human then turns and exits the store sitting on a bench outside and looking down*[It's usual for her to sit in this spot when she'd upset]
sohushin :*sihgs* they all think humans being great.... but it worse than being what we are....
Ruelle: *looks up at the sky which is darkening with rain clouds, her usual array of smiles absent from her face, she'sjust blank*
masteR: *had gone outside after seeing she wanst in the main rom sits beside ruelle* is there something wrong?
Ruelle: *turns to her face still blank* No Ma'am.
master:rue, whats bothering yo i know u better then that
Ruelle: *blinks once* Nothing is wrong ma'am. *speaking in the strange formal way that she speaks to strangers*
amster: *sihgs gettign up* i truely dont understnad the function of your emotion of any of you
Ruelle: None of us understand you or Shoushin either. *looking back to the sky*
masteR: adn what do u mean about?
Ruelle: *lowers her voice eyes not leaving the sky* Human emotions.
master: *sighs* liten rue, human emotions may eb confusing but trust me they suck, half the tme i wish i didnt have emotions...
Ruelle: Happiness, Love, contentness. despite the negative emotions like Anger,Jealouslly, and sicknees. I would give anything just to feel. You have no idea how it is to try and fake something that you could never expirience.
master: *sighs* listen rue...come with me for minute i have something i wanan show you, tha ti cnat talk aout out here* shoushin: * helpign ally get dresse din back*
Ruelle: *stands up brushing her dress off softly*
master :*goes inside*
Ruelle: *follows her inside*
master: *goes to teh bakc room with ehr adn voer to ehr lil office thing*
Ruelle: *stops and smiles softly brushin Ally's hair back* That dress looks nice on you dear *goes into the office following her*
ally :*gigle and mswiles* master :*goes ove rot a filign cabnit tkaing outa folder* there is away in which i cna allow you temporary humanity.. its never been done and tis relaly only a theory but if u really wnt it i cna let u see how it feels...
Ruelle: *had closed the door and shakes her head* Over Four hundred years. It took Shou, just to get to the level he is at now in check with being alright with who he is now. However much I would give my entire self to actually feel the emotions I fake, We do not have four hundred years for me to get over those emotions. It compromises our safety and this store and I will not be at fault for that ma'am.
master :*shkae her head but smiles* rue im trying to prove to u u do have some emotions, you longfor to be human this will only enhance the emotions ur able to feel , it wont come wiht sideeffect,s and dont think of sohu like that, its tken him so long becuz u guys dont know this but he has a horrible reason as to why he is now..
Ruelle: *glances up at her* And what is that?
master: he was ill when he was put itno the doll body, he ahd a family, and i mena a wife and child, he saw them both die stuck at 17 himself .... (brb gotta eat)
Ruelle: *leans against the wall* And why didn't he ever tell us/
master: he doesnt like to thik of them, it maeks him sad, and he cnat cry so it only hurts worse, tis tkaenhim htis logn to clam himself whent hinkging aobut them and to get over teh factor...
Ruelle: And that's what i'm talkling about. I would give anything to be human for just a day, after that though I know I would regret it, I would fall into a false depression.I refuse to become a weakpoint to the secret.
master: *shake her head* ur emotiosnw oudlnt be strong enough rue, shoushins ar eonly strong enoguh cuz they're sitll human emotions theres so much to emotiosnt hhat niether me nor sohu cna understnad...
Ruelle: *stares at her blankly*
master :*loosk up at her* jsut think about it ok rue.....
Ruelle" *nods turning back to the door and walking out* [[I gotta goclean my room if I finish soon i'll be back on]]
(ok)shoushin: *was wathicng a couple of the younger dolls(
Ruelle: *stops and watches him for a moment thinking about how he used to have a family*
shouhsin :*leans agiant the wall*
Ruelle: *smiles softly and walks out of the backroom*
shoushin :*same*
Ruelle: *goes back outside as it just starts to rain*
jace: *id walkign down the street, works in one of the shops on hte far end*
Ruelle: *goes and sits on her bench smoothing her dress out lightly*
jace :*samE*
Ruelle: *smiles softly noticing him*
jace: *goes into the shoop across the stret*
Ruelle: *watched him go into the other store wondering if he remembers her*
--few minutes later-- jace :*comes outta that store and sees her
Ruelle: *see's him and smiles then looks back down*
jace: *walsk voer* hey~
Ruelle: Hello sir~
jace: its shocking ive never seen any of you besides miss Longheart, otu here and about~ (longheart= master)
Ruelle: *Laughs lightly* Oh? perhaaps you just never noticed~ care to sit? you'll catch a cold if you stay in the rain*
jce :*chuckles sitting beside her* thats what my ma uased to say, inever believed it~
Ruelle: *smiles softly* oh it's the truth~
jace: not really i mean iused to run aorund inteh rian all the time~
Ruelle: *shakes her head lightly smiling* you still don't want to risk it~
jace :*shgrgs*
Ruelle: *smiles softly* How is your friend who baught the doll doing?
jace: shes good, shes been kinda busy lately so she hasnt been able t hang much...
Ruelle: *nods softly staring out at the rain again*
JacE :*looks p at te sky*
Ruelle: It's so pretty~ [[Always had wanted to be able to feel the rain*
jace :*thinking iwonde- get supand holds his hand out-says sicne there nto mary cars* would u care for a danc ein the rain with me? *smield while holding hshand out
Ruelle: *a hint of doubt crosses her eyes, knowing that she's water proof but still is wary about touching him* O-oh I'm alright sir.
jace :*that total rejected emotion filling him smile faded putting his hand down*oh alright, uh see ya leter.. *turna nd runs off downt eh street to avid getting mroe wet then he is*
Ruelle: *feels slightly bad and slips on a pair of white dress gloves then runs after him catching up quickly putting her hand on his shoulder lightly* excuse me sir~
jace: *had jsut opened the flower shop door whe she caught up with him*
Ruelle: *sighs lightly knowing she's going to have to be very careful* Do you, really want to dance?
jace: i owuldnt ask of u if u dont want to do it.. *reffering t how she already said no*
Ruelle: *smiles lightlythinking on her feet as usual* I just have this thing with germs ~ *smiles softly taking his hand* It had nothing to do against you
jace: *looks at her kidna wanting to belive her but somhow having ocne o htose feeligns i nthe abkc of hsi head*
Ruelle: *still smiling her charming smile*
jace: *smiels slgihtly*
Ruelle: so sir?
jace :*was aobut so say sotmhginw hen insid eht shop ehs getitng called in* un momento madre! i have to go, sorry *smiels slgihtly at ehr gogin in*(XD hes spansih lol)
Ruelle: Hm. *turns walking back to her shop quietly*
shoushin :*sitting at the counter i nthe shop reading8
Ruelle: *walks in* Shoushin. *blinks once* I need help *soaking wet*
shoushin :*loosk up at her- closes his book* sohuld i star twith asking why ur soaked?
Ruelle: Humans.
shoushin:*shakes his head lightly* what do u need help with?
Ruelle: I need a dry dress if you could, If I keep this one on, well I don't want to see what that'll do to the prcelin, and I need to dry my hair, I don't want it to grow mold *saiys as if it's a normal thung, which for them it is]
shoushin : *nods head in back*
Ruelle: *walks to the back with him removing her cloves and taking her hat off, undoing her hair ties and letting her dark hair fall down her back*
shoushin :*goes over to abox of vclothegin getting ehr and otufit anf grabbign an towl for her wlaking abck*
Ruelle: *brushing her hair lightly thanking Shoushin taking the dress and heading to a room off to the side closing the door*
shoushin :*goes back to te front of theshop* ally :*running aorund chasing abutterfly that got into he bakc door-has never seen one before*
Ruelle: *comes out awhile later in the new dress her hair dryed and in it's usual style and see's Ally* Be care Ally~
ally: rue, looks its so pretty i dont knwo what it is it fle win the door....
Ruelle: *smiles softly walking torewards it holding out he hand, animal always liking Rue,it lands on her hand and Rue turns to Ally kneeling down and holding it out to her* It's called a butterfly Ally~
ally: oh~
Ruelle: *smiles lightly as the butterfly heads torewards Ally* It's harmless but very fragile
ally: *giglge shwen it lands on her head* like us~
Ruelle: *smiles softly* Exactly dear~ *stands back up not bothering to put her hat on but carries it with her to the front room*
shoushin :*is staring out thw iwindow day dremaing*
Ruelle: *leans next to him* What are you thinking about?
shoushin :*shugs* memories...
Ruelle: *nods softly*
shoushin :clsoes his boo kwhich ahd been oepns till8 whys it os dead around her now, remmber how full the streetsused to be?
Ruelle: *sighs lightly* people are moving away in droves, they all want some bigger and better town.
shoushin: *nods* its stupid....
Ruelle; *smiles lightly always the optimist around the others* It makes hiding a secret easier~
shoushin: nto for long, we dont get enoguh buisness for this place we're gonna ahve o mvoe.... and how suscpiious wil lthat look... 18peopls who never see daylgiht otusde the store allw alkign out? (refferign to all the dolls except for them*
Ruelle: *sighs* Christmas is soon, you know how much buisness we get then. [[drastic time change for sake of the shop ;D]]
(XD!)shoushin :*ndos slgihtly*
Ruelle: *smiles softly* It'll be alright, we've got 400t years into this *laughs*
shoushin: *doesnt really laugh tends to be a very depressing person XD dont tend to have much meotion in the first place*
Ruelle: *smiles lightly at him whispering* Lighten up, the younger dolls look up to you.
shoushin: *jsut tuens hi attenion bakc to his book*
Ruelle; *turns back to the register sitting after sighing lightly*
sohushin :*reaidn aing leanign onteh counter* (bekah should come aorund agin soon)
Bekah: *comes almost skipping through the front door beaming with her bright red hair* Hello!~ Ruelle: *looks up* Hello Ma'am nice to see you again~
sohushin :*looked up agian*
Bekah: *smiles at him* Hello Shoushin~
shoushin :*nods ocne a ther*
Bekah: *blushes faintly then turns to Ruelle* Ruelle I was wondering, the dollI bought here, you guys made her from hand right? Ruelle: *nods softly it's an effort between Miss Longheart,Shou and I, why?
shoushin :*bakc to reading*
Bekah: It's just so wellmade~ Ruelle: *smiles softly* Miss Longheart's family has been making dolls for years~ the secrets have been passed down for generations~
shoushin: *reaidng*
Bekah: *eyes sparkle* that's so fancy~ Ruelle: *smiles softly* I suppose*
Bekah: *looks over to Shou* Dosn't talk much does he? Ruelle: *laughs softly*
shoushin: *same*
Bekah: Guess that answers that question.
shoushin: loosk up t ehr and ees one of the dolls trying to get past her to it* excuse me
Bekah: *steps out of his way quickly* Sorry~
shoushin: *fixing the doll with delecasy most guy slack*
Bekah: *raises an eyebrow* I know that they're important, but you trat them like babies?
shoushin: *looks at ehr* ive been working with this shop for as along as i cna remember, and to us here these dolls are fmaily, we treat them with respec tehy deserve...
Bekah: *eyes flash lightly* Interesting~
sohushin :*turns back to thedoll fixing it correctly b4 walkign to the desk*
Bekah: *sighs lightly obviouslly someone who dosn't handle silence well* Ruelle: *notices* So your friend cameby earlier?~
shoushin: *leans on the desk*
Bekah: Jace? Ruelle: *nods slightly*
(g2g night) shoushin: *looks over a them and especally rue*
Ruelle: He's rather, blunt. *laughs lightly* Bekah: *laughs7 Oh yeahh that's Jace alright~ *notices Shou looking at them* [[k]]
shoushin :*looks away wquickly when she notices*
Ruelle: *raises her eyebrows at Shou lightly* Shoushin, I forgot, could you help me with something in the back quickly?
shoushin: *looks up ay her sighing softly clsoe shis book*
Ruelle: *walks to the back dress swishing softly*
shoushin: *follows her*
Ruelle: *turns to him* Why do you watch her so?
shoushin :*shake his head akign the "not so easy hand gesture*
Ruelle: You don't do that normally, what's going on?
shoushin:im not sure ok rue? i relaly dont know? *thinking~ i havent felt anyhtign liek this in so long it cant be what i think it is...~*
Ruelle: *looks thoughtful for a moment* I like this. *always loves a bit of mischeif*
shoushin :*rolls his eye and walks bakc i nto the main room goign over to the desk when his book is*
Ruelle: *walks back into the front room smiling*
shoushin :*had gone tot eh fornt desk openign hi book agina*
Bekah: *runs a had through her hair looking at the dolls but not daring touch them*
shoushin :*ends up wathcing ehr slgihtly but not too noticalby*
Ruelle: *notices him looking at Bekah and grins walking back to the back of the store*
master :*is watchign the litt eone in back& shoushin :*saem*
Ruelle: *goes to a room to a side opening a huge box of dresses she had made over the years and takes one out walking to the front again* Bekah: *same*
shoushin :*glnce over ast her*
Ruelle: *smiles in a knowing way* Hey Miss~ Bekah: *turns*Hm? Ruelle: For you~
(gtg night) ShoushiN: *watchign them*
Bekah:*eyse widen* Seriouslly? Ruelle: *smiles nodding, and holds the dress out to her* Think of it as an early christmas gift~ Just because we like having you around~
shoushin: *glances at ruelle curiously*
Bekah: *takes the dress gingerly running her hand over it* Ruelle: *catches his glance and smiles lightly*
shosuhin thinkgin~ what is she up too...~*
Bekah: *looks at her* I-i can't except this~Ruelle: It's a gift~
Bekah: *hugs her lightly* Thankyou!~ Ruelle: *goes rigid eyes oanicking*
shoushin: *eyes widne thinkgin~shit...~-knwo that teh doll bodys the way they're buidl feel much difent then normal bodys*
Bekah: *let's go lightly* are you sick? you feel really cold, *looks concerned, had barely touched the uncovered part of her* Ruelle: *backing up behind the register quickly* Y-yeah.
shoushin: *glnaces at rue eytes sitll widend slgihtly*
Bekah: Are you alright?
shoushin: shes fine...
Bekah: *thinking* [I didn't know your name was Ruelle.]
shoushin: *lookd bakc at her otuh" u algright?"*
Ruelle: *nods looking down* Bekah: *raises an eybrow not beliving them* Alrighttt thenn I guess i'm jst going to go.
shoushin:*galnces over a tehr slgihtly*
Ruelle: *still looking down* Bekah: *turns around walking out*
shousin :*wathces her*
Bekah : *had left* Ruelle.: S-she toouched me.
shoushin: i noticed...
Ruelle: *shakes her head looking down* No one, touches me.
shoushin: *nods alread yknwoig this*
Ruelle: *pulls at her hair lightly nervous andaggravated*
shoushin: *looking at her*
Ruelle: *walks to the back room hastily*
shoushin:*watches her*
Ruelle: *walks oujt the back door and walks all the way over to the front sitting on her bench*
sohushin :*cna see her otu the window*
Ruelle: *sighs, having issues with germs, what she told Jace, not a complete lie*
jace: *hangign with bekahotuside the flower shop*
Bekah: *had been talking to Jace about it not facing Rue*
jace :*cna see rue the way hes standing*
Ruelle: *had seen them when she walked out pupouslly not looking at them* Bekah: *still talking*
jace :*same*
Bekah: Are you even listening to me!?
jace: *snaps bakc to reality* sorry bekah sorry *had a major sweatdrop*
Bekah: *rolls her eyes*
jace: really sorry *same being sincere*
Bekah: Whatrver Jace, Somethings not right about them and i'm going to find out what it is. *walk past him in the opposite direction of the store*
jace :*wqatches her*
Ruelle" *stillsitting* Bekah: *turns the corner out of sight*
jace :*curiosu btu gets called bak cinto the shop* shoushin: *ahd gone in back and i changgin cuz he had lifteda box i the absemnt and got wet cuz the box was damp*
Ruelle: *continues to st outside for about fifteen minutes then walks back into the store*
shoushin :*was sitll in back*
Ruelle: *walks to the back* how did you get wet?
shoushin :*pullign on his shirt* i was helping master in the absment and oen of the boxes was wet an didnt realize...
Ruelle: *sighs lightly walking over helping with his shirt, treats everyone asif she was there mother even Shou*
Shoushin: *sotps when she hlepe dhimthe res tof the way-jsut pull his over shirt on qucikly*
Ruelle: *sighs softly taking the shirt away and get's him a new one*
shoushin :*sihgs softly*
Ruelle: *holds it out to him*
shoushin:*takes it* thkan you *pus it on*
Ruelle nods softly quieter then usual and walks back toi the front sitting at the register*
shosuhin :8oputs his voer shit coat piece back on and sighs goes nad sits onhtebakc steps*
[[I commented on the other picture]] Ruelle: *same* Bekah: *walking outside of a coffee shop*
shoushin :(Still sitting o nteh abck stesp lookign up st hte sky*
Bekah: *walks down analley by the doll shop half hoping to see something and half just wanting to take a shortcut*
shoushin :*was out on the back steps ince most people dont go inteh ally wearing the outfi tin the pic id dint of him&
Bekah: *sees him and see's behind him with the door open to the back room and raises an eyebrow*
ally :*runnign aorudn chasign another butterfly gigglgin* sohushin :*was wathcing ally thru the door so he didnt see ehr in the outfit fomr the pic i did wher ehis sohulders are showing the joints obviosu*
Bekah: *eyes glint and she smirks lightly whispering to herself* I knew it!~
ally: *watches it and wlaks otu the the step8 shou! shou! look i caught it *opens her hand and it flys away*
Bekah: *watches for a moment more and hurries down to the main street*
shoushin: *heard her footsteps then not thinking muchof it*
ekah: *heads toreward the flower shop knowing that Jace is working*
jace: *in teh flower shop*
Bekah: *runs through the door saying Hi to Jace's mom knowing her since she was younger and going straight to Jace eyes gleaming in excitment* I was right!~
jace: *raises an eyebrow leanign o n a talbe-was gogin trhu amagazine to see thigns tehy nee dto order* abooouuuut?
Bekah: *whispering to him* Ruelle and Shoushin~
ce: *sighs and goes iwth ehr i nthe bkc of the stor* what are u going on about now?
Bekah: Alright I was leaving the shop~ [[Her older brother owns the coffee shop and she works there]] and I took a shortcut cause I was heading over hear and guess what I saw!
jace: what?
Bekah: *smirking whispering now* The back door to the doll store was open, and Shou was sitting there and a little girl came out playing with a butterfly, and Shou turned to him and it looked like there were these joints or something in his shoulder! and then the thing with Ruelle before when she freaked out when I touched her!~
jace: did u smoke soemting bekah ur speaking nonsense~
Bekah: *rolls her eyes pushing him* Seriosully though!
jace: *jsut raise an eyebrow* ur insane~
Bekah: Sre you telling me that nothing that has ever happened around them that seems straange?
jace: *srhugs* other then they're kind of kept distance? no....
Bekah: *stares* Oh come onnnnn there has to be somethingg.
jace: i dont go near te shop very often bekah and thats i, ur just tlakgin nonsens* goes to wlak bak to the front*
Bekah: *rolls her eyes following him* Jace, you just don't want to belive me cause you have a thing for Ruelle!~
jace :*sweatdrops~* Jacesma: QUE?! *cna speak enlgihs very well but cna understand it extremely well XD*
Bekah: *smirks knowing that it would happen*
jace: *tursn to aekah glares a ther mutting hate u* JM: Jace! Que habla?!
Bekah: *flips her hair lightly smirking*
jace: *getitng yelled at by him mom* jm: bekah, cuwld du porfavor? *motiosn tot he door askign ehr to leave*
Bekah: *smiles sweetley nodding and waving lightly*
jace: *glares at ehr*
bekah: **smirks when his mother looks away and leaves the storee *
shoushin: *walkign donw par to fhte street to a differnt shop getting soemhting they need-wearing an outfit that covers all hisjoints like he normally does* (<all the old buisnesses on this street that they work with knwo that they'e dolls but play cdumb)
Bekah: *see's him and hurries over to the store not going in though*
shoushin :*goes into the sewigns tuff store and goes up to the woman asking for the order they made*
Bekah: *leans against the stoor away from the window*
sohushin :*get sthe box thkan her pays her and wlak otuof the store*
Bekah: *pops up next to him* Helloooo~
Shoushin :*jmups lsgihtly almsot drops the box btu does-looks at her*
Bek: What'sup?~
shoushin: getting some things
Bekah: What are you doing afterr?
shoushin: *going bakc to teh shop...
Beka: Is that all you do?~
shoushin :*shrugs*
Bekah: *rolls her eyes lightly* You don't talk much do you?
shoushin: not really....
Bekah: Why's that?
shoushin:*shrugs walking back to the doll shop*
Bekah: *starts to walk with him* Soo what was with your friend earlier?
shoushin: wah do u mean?
Bekah: Why did she really flip out when I touched her?
Shoushin: she's a germaphobe why do u think she's always wearng gloves~?
Bekah: Germaphobe or not, She was as hard as porcelin. that's not normal.
Shoushin: *is a very believable lier* as hard as porcline? *wlaking into the shop* get real, ur imagining thigns~
Bekah: *eyes flash in the dimming light of the store voice getting slightly quieter* You're lying, I saw your shoulders/.
shoushin: *wasnt facing her eyes widen*
Bekah: *stays silent her face blank,*
shousin: *i dont knwo wha tur tlakgin about... *ptus eh box on the counter*
Bekah: I was walking outside before, and I went to go tak a shortcut I happened to glance in this direction and the back door was open and you were sitting on the steps, A little girl I have never seen here before came out and you turned to look at her, Your shoulders, the have joints.
shoushin :*keeps calm* honest to god i have aboslutely no clue what your tlakign about, the only people living here are ruelle myself and miss LongHeart, and i was enver outside yesterday i was helping miss lngheart wth soem boxes in the absement...
Bekah: I never said yesterday. It was today. and if not show me your shoulder.
shoushuin :*thinking shit..... oh rihgt... i have those apd on shae his head and tkaes off his over coat-had pads on this toso all ove rit that make it feel like normal skin btu it not on his amrs* what do u want me to say? my arms were amputated when i was very little so i have fake arms is that a probelm... *still an amazing actor and lier*
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