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Styth girl
004~1.jpg  006~13.jpg  006~20.jpg  006~19.jpg  002~6.jpg 
Rate this picture (current rating : 3.8999999999999999111821580299874767661094665527344 / 5 with 26 votes)
Picture information
Album name:blackki / blackki's album
Rating (26 votes):
File Size:64 KB
Dimensions:475 x 800 pixels
Displayed:8514 times
Favourites:Add to Fav
Ellefolk [May 31, 2005 at 07:38 AM]
So cute *O*
blade_the_dark [Aug 25, 2005 at 11:50 PM]
oh, definetely. is it just me, or does she look like sailor saturn?
Ellefolk [Sep 23, 2005 at 10:53 AM]
she is sailor saturn... gothic sailor saturn Razz
Creator_Of_Worlds [Sep 29, 2006 at 09:58 PM]
That's Hotaru (Aka, Sailor Saturn) from Sailor Moon. I know so because I ordered a Halloween costume from someone in Japan, and she told me that it was supposed to be Sailor Saturn...
xXxIamGhostxXx [Apr 03, 2007 at 05:01 PM]
How can you guys remember that show? It was so old! But still one of the best classics! Anyway congrats to those who recognized her! Shocked
tishtashpoe [Apr 04, 2007 at 02:54 AM]
Why should we be congratulated? Sailor Moon is still popular...she's one of the best characters...I don't really like her goth look...I don't really like goths Rolling Eyes
Kratosgirl [Apr 05, 2007 at 02:09 AM]
dang...thats cool...
SassyKat123 [Apr 06, 2007 at 08:54 AM]
I'm goth...i really like this pic it's so...dark but awsome.I'm giving it a 5.
Sasukes girl [Apr 06, 2007 at 09:00 AM]
well, sailor moon is not as popular as it used to! now that i talk about it i think sailor moon and drangon ball z were my 1st anime o-o
SassyKat123 [Apr 06, 2007 at 09:07 AM]
I think they were every one's if u watch cartoonetwork.
Sasukes girl [Apr 06, 2007 at 09:12 AM]
well to me they were my 1st ones! and then it came pokemon! and i still can't believe pokemon is still on! its boring! its always the same -.-" and back then i liked dragon ball better than sailor moon! dunno why
SassyKat123 [Apr 06, 2007 at 09:24 AM]
My big bro was making fun of the pokedex so back 2 the 1st season all it could do was this...Pikacu:pika pika pikacu! Ash:I wouder what that one's name is. Misty:I know let's use the pokedex! Pokedex:Pikcu!
Gaijin_Otaku [Apr 06, 2007 at 10:49 AM]
havent seen one episode of pokemon and i will never do so -.- DBZ rules XD hahaha one of my first animes to, my No1 was actually fushigi y�gi... some girls in my class made me my friend see it >_>
tishtashpoe [Apr 06, 2007 at 11:16 AM]
I watched Sailor Moon and Dragonball Z on a england channel:Fox kids but has had it's name changed to fav anime is Ayashi no Ceres...the same person who did fushigi yugi Wink
SassyKat123 [Apr 14, 2007 at 07:50 AM]
I don't know what my 1st anime was there's 2 many.
~Soletta_Orihime~ [Apr 14, 2007 at 04:54 PM]
Hotaru looks cool and creepy at the same time
girlwithagun [Dec 06, 2007 at 08:20 PM]
i remember those shows i would watch them with my bro
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