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Cute...I thought Kiba's hair wasn't red? Well, it looks reddish in this pic...
Work your pimpin
KibaxHinata??? I like that idea! Naruto is stupid. Kiba is WAY better for her!
no she has naruto.
THANK YOU, _kakashi_girl_. Naruto is stupid. Kiba is so better for her. And i like this red hair thing he's got going on.
she is sooooooo shy but she is better with naruto but kiba is cute but gaara is my bf so...... -hugs gaara calmly and nicley-
naruto is stupid so you see that is why he needs Hinata because she is smart ;-)GAARA is mine hugs gaara and hugs him agane.
oh ya well if kiba dosent get hes hands of her il personaly tear his liver out for my buddy naruto
they are really cute together!!! kawaiiness!
they don't make a good couple. Hinata should be with Naruto.
If Hinata doesn't make a good couple with Kiba then what makes you think she's good with Naruto, he and Kiba are the same only Kiba is cooler and smarter!
I think Kiba is trying to like force his toungh down her throught..I'd sure enough kiss him blush and slap him...
there is this guy who says that they really do end up together... and i hope they do
he looks like ban-kun from get backers
kakashi_girl Naruto is the whole point of the show. How can you hate the guy who owns the show? And NaruHina is better, no offense.
you guys do know that hinata runs away with kiba even tho she was with naruto, right?
Sooo kawaii!!!! But I just don't like the look on Kiba's face  but anyway KibaxHina is sooow my fav couple
it looks like he's pulling her hair out...
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