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so cute!!!
I used to love Sasusaku..but...Sakura is just REALLY OBSESSED with Sasuke, she needs to understand he�s not the only thing in the world, plus, she needs to be a lot more nice with Naruto -.�U
noperv just a anime lover
u no i dont care about the sasuke and sakura thing i am a naruto and hinata fan but sakura lokks like a slut in that pic
Wats wid the hair of sakura??????????
i agree she looks more better with Naruto but then again Naruto looks better with Hinata...
nice pic
Its cute but NaruHina is cuter
i wish this could happen but i know that naruto is gonna get sakura
I luv it! And noperv just a anime lover, how the hell does sakura look like a slut? It's just a black, shirt that shows her stomach, for kamis sake!
I wish i was her.
great drawing, but i dont like the couple. sure, its the most likely to happen, but i like ones that probly will never happen.
lol sakura's hair is long now!
Her hair matches the black tank perfectly. Nice pic.
Sakura looks well i can i put this...
I think im going to kill her tomarrow.....I'll be back tomarrow, kay peoplez? bye!
nice pic but i HATE sakura!
ppl dont hate sakura i hate hinata ino and tenten alot so plz dont hate sakura
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