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This is unrealistic. Still, it's a nice thought... for some of you. Not for me! Still, it's good for him to have fun.... grrrrrrr!
EWWWWw they so do not go together
-.-U...I really prefer ShikaTem...
I agree with the nekos....shikamaru and temari are definitly better, ino should be with....*shrugs* she's too annoying for any of the characters.
I don't know what girl is better for Shikamaru... but the pic is cute! ^^
Shikamaru is better for me, not that BITCH!!!!
isn't temari 16 or sumthin? i think shes older then gaara(her little brother) by about 3 years
does age really matter?Shikamaru and Temari simple suite toghether...You will see, oh and I dont like th pic, is not because is ShikaIno, is just.. I dont like
eh guess not and im startin to think there r more shiketem fans then shikaino fans
no hes mine *grabs bazoka and kills ino*
Okay well talking about the pic, I like how they're both embarrassed that they're holding hands. It's so kawaii! And the fact that it does look like the characters.
Hello_185: THANK YOU! Those stupid fangirls need to shut their traps. Anyway, this pic is so cute! Shika looks all embarrassed.  (P.S. Temari is actually fifteen, Gaara and the rest of the rookies are twelve.)
I think they look wonderful together, I think that the most unlikely of couples would last longer than the ones everyone thinks should be ^^
note to flamers:flames will be used to boil ramen ^_^
No!!!! ShikaXTem!!! Shikamaru and Temari!!!! not ShikaXIno! it should be ShikaXtem!!!!
die ino....die with sakura and bring world peace to all.....but i have to say that the artist did a great job so you go artist! *claps for artist*uumm who ever you are....oh and i agree with hello_185..STUPID FANGIRLS NEED TO SHUT UP FOR ONCE IN THEIR-oops sorry YOU FANGIRLS HAVE NO LIFE!
Actually, Shikamaru ends up marrying ino. Sorry for the other kind of fan girls...
ino and shikamaru r total opisites
What do you mean Shikamaru ends up marrying Ino-pig
Ya know, I would really like to see Ino paired with someone besides Shikamaru. I mean thats basicially all you see. Someone should come up with a random pairing for her, like her and Neji or her and uh, Ino and Kiba or something. Give us some variaty!
How about Ino and Shino? (I have no idea how I came to that right now  . But it's a random pairing, isn't it? ^^ And furthermore, I found Shino needs someone, too. Hinata isn't for him, so he needs someone else.)
um shino i think, is way to wierd, i mean he basicly mask himself, more then kakashi ( not neciserly a bad thing) and he has bugs IN him-.- every girls dream? ino shika, sure that can happen, whe she grows up a bit more -.- shes to bothersome
I like Ino, and Ino/Shika is okay for em as well as Shika/Tem. But ashfire asked for a different Ino-couple, and whom else could you pair her up with? Kiba? Gaara? Itachi? :-/ Come one, they're all weird, aren't they?
still the bug guy O_O i dont think ino would be able to over look that, lets face it shes hoplesly in love with the guy who hates her the most -.-"
I don't think that Shika hates her....just finds her annoying! I'm for ShikaTem
was talking about sasuke ^^;
well sorry
I don't think Shikamaru finds her annoying (not more than anything else in the world, I mean  .)
yeah he do fine everything exept clouds to be bothersome
well so what...who cares? God I ain't in a good mood today either...G'll tell you I won't yesturday
I'm sorry for your exams/French, Tasha.
well that ain't gonna pass me is it? For your info, I've already done it but i'm stressed for the rest and bitches at school
I'm sorry to hear, Tasha. *hug*
Yeah I don't think Ino would over look the bug thing with Shino so I guess that wouldn't work. But I did see a Itachi Ino vid on You tube today so I've been thinking about that. I mean he is the closest thing to Sasuke and everybody is sold on sasusaku right?
no way shika should be with my girl temari not dumb ino
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