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thats cute
Hey Sakura!!!!!!!! Pull His Cape And Throw a Kunai on Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he's going to kill her
first sasuke now his brother woah she's must be despreat
lol i like there shoes(cant c there faces)
If she can't get Sasuke, she can get the better sibling.
- _ - ok, who has an animal that I can use to mual her?
naruto: hay sakura chan therz a peson in konoha that looks like sasuke san tebayo(sakura: you shur its not sasuke chan(- -)(naruto:no he looked older tebayo(sakuraz miynd:hm.. a older sasuke chan oh! it could b sasuek chan from the fucher!(naruto:so what im thingking is that it cuold b sasuke san from the fyucher tebayo(sakura:THATS STUPED NARUTO BAKA!!!!!(after seeing itachi sama)(sakura:OMG HE IZ WAY HOTER THEN SASUKE KUN!!!! HE WILL B MY NEW CHAN!!!!(me: YOU FUCKEN ULTRA SKANK GOUZARU!!(sakura:flip off
I wonder if there are anymore similar pictures http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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