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are they wearin the same scarf
I don't know. As if those two would go together. Sasuke doesn't deserve anyone, let alone Hinata.
They just don`t fit together...Hinata is just for Naruto...
Yes, they're wearing the same scarf.
Naruto's going to KILL her...trying to steal his boy...
Hinata looks like a man
erm sasukes wit sakura naruto wit hinata
Hinata Get Out Of That Pic. Right Now
im sorry but that is just messed up that is like sakura being with the old man never going to happen
its cute!
hmm... I'm confused... HinaxKiba is awesome, but if Hinata leaves Kiba Kiba will be for us Kiba fangirls, and then SakuxSasu is demolished{thank GOD sasuke was waywaywayway too awesome for Sakura} and he moves on to Hinata. Okay. I dig this pairing.
God, if you don't like the couple, then don't bitch about it.  Go look at some other pics of couples that YOU like, and leave us who just want to appreciate the pics alone!!!
hinata actually does look like a man in this picture.  but i'm not saying that she is one.
psh you people dont have an eye for art. youre to blinded by the pairing to see the beauty of the picture. And Like Mizure said, If you dont like the couple look at something else
hinataXnaruto only
shut the hell up animeprincess123! If yew dont like the pairing then go and screw! byebye! I love this picture thank you
bashers, you're horrible. Someone put their hard work in this picture. And you're saying they're morons for drawing a pairing that they like. Do you like making people feel bad? You would be hurt too if someone made fun of you're picture, right? You should be ashamed of yourselves...
i agree with Anime Crazee
okay, either you bashers don't read or just ignore. if you guys don't like the pairing i'm fine with that, but if you guys just say sakura/sasuke and hinata/naruto you're saying this artist is clueless about "good" pairings, that's just horrible  anyway, this is a great picture, thumbs up for the artist
I am guessing that your the artist ...... or am I worng
 you're funny! i can't draw to save my life or anyone else's. I just don't like people who bash other people's hard work!
you people are just as bad as sakura and ino put together if you things like hinata is stupid or sasuke is a dumbass (which he is in my opinion) but you are just mad cause they are not really people and sasuke/sakura will never happen! so get over it! and also you mad cause they are together and your not with sasuke.
Please don't bash, if you don't like the fanart that I post up here, please don't bash about it. Like a few people had said, someone might had put a lot of hardwork into this drawing and I don't think they would approve of you bashing it. I post what I post because I believe there are some decent fans out there who love certain couples and would love to see art of it. So please, no bashing.
god its like a cat fight.. man i enjoy the pictures here but the comments are just plain out funny..
First Hinata/Neji now Hinata/Sasuke.  Thats a little creepy. Cute pic though.
I wonder if there are anymore similar pictures http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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