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xD  Hahahahaha..No, not gonna happen...Definitely one of those weird pictures.
yeah!it's impossible, because hinata is with naruto and sasuke is with sakura.But it is cute
Well, the artwork for this pic is KAWAII!!! And even though I'm not a fan of SasukexHinata, it does seem a bit cute....
Uh.....what the kid said. ^
Blah. Sasuke is SO in love with a certain yellow haired ninja boi~ He wouldn't have time for Hinata...xDD But the art style is cute!
its just showin sasuke come up to Hinata its not like they a couple
NaruHina is better....
iz there supposed 2 be a love connection, cuz there iznt n e
what you get from the picture is in the eye of the beholder
This pic is so cute, no matter what you see in it. Couple or not. It's just such a kawaii style!
what a strange picture...huh!?
im a naruhina fan but i only draw sasusak cauz its easy
well then i think it is cute and it is just as impossible as sakura and sasuke...people get a life! sasuke hates sakura and if you read the manga then you would know that sasuke almost killed sakura and naruto and a guy named sai -_- don't mean to be mean i really don't but i am just saying the facts here so don't yell
YES!!!!! my fave couple of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now now, I don't think Sasuke hates Sakura. Even when I don't like Sasuke myself anymore, I don't believe he hates everyone. He may though, I don't know but if you recall he had a confritation with her before he went to Orochimaru. And if he really hated Naruto, he would had killed Naruto when he had the chance. But no, instead he chose to wait a few years and finally become stronger, but why? He had Naruto where he wanted him and yet he let him live. Anything is possible. Nothing is impossible.
u talk alot...
Not going to ever happen between the two.
The couple doesn't have to make sense, it's just supposed to be nice to think about. There are other crack couples there too you know (e.g. KibaTayu, HidanTema, etc...). Besides, I know there are NaruSaku lovers out there too and would appreciate it that you don't bash their pairing now would they? You don't see us saying we don't like SasuSaku or NaruHina as much as you do, so please, show us some respect. We know it's not possible, so please don't remind us of the pain of reality... Thank you
That is not ok she should be with Naruto
Thanks for sharing this picture http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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