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Why is Sakura with Itachi?
It's a reverse phsycology freaky fan arts.
hahahaha freaky fan arts
sasuke is going to be mad.......then he'll really kill itachi......
this could be one of the reasons why sasuke he wants to kill itachi
sakuraXitachi dont match
They're not a couple in this pic right? I think that its showing what would happen if Itachi raised Sakura or somethin like that
I agree with Yuri-chan, they're not a couple and I like this pic
Just to let all future flamers know, all the kill Sakura flames are so stupid and in fact you are to.
gosh Hello_185, you are such a kill-joy!!!  What is your deal!?
They don't like dealing with all the crap on here, sounds like. I must admit it's a bit tiring, all the flames.
they're really cute together
it's cute.....but........it's not right...
hello_185! i am a sakura and ino hater....i thought you were my friend T^T......but anyway i agree with yuri-chan...tho i think they are knd of cute together but hey thats just me so don't yell...i don't like to be yelled at T^T
I really think you Sakura haters (or Ino haters) shuld stop this. If you hate her so much, stop looking at art of her. And if you really love Itachi, you wouldn't care who he was with as long as he is happy or at least content. Sometimes fan can be so crazy and ignorant. I didn't even post this for flamers, but for fans. So shutup you crazy fangirls, that is my warning.
umm....nice pic kinda kreepy though
i think sauske would probably pay more attention to sakura after that..
I hate Sakura.
-_- nah, sasuke won't get mad, he'll be confuzzled, but otherwise he won't give a damn. Ok, whoever has that mini bazooka, can I borrow it?
Thanks for sharing this picture http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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