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*crack*pull*twist* itachi:owch why doesn't kisame get hurt? Ami: shuddup kisame:haha! gettin beaten up by ur lil sis! Ami: *glare*crack*pull*twist*twist*jab* Shika: O.O *she could kill me...* Ami: sorry about my brother... shika: erm yeah... thanks... want some tomato bisque? Ami: *sweat drop* uhh no thanks...
that is so sad! poor shikimaru! -gives shikimaru a hug-
Poor little Shikamaru!
shikamaru poor him!
 poor little Shikamaru
aww poor little guy......but why shikamaru??
why not shikamaru...? he's smart...but poor thing...
Why is Itachi telling shikamaru how to wash Kisame's boxers?
lol shikamaru is cut in that cosume
ITACHI!! KISAME!! LET GO OF SHIKA BEFORE I KILL YOU SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY NOW!!!!!!! okay I'm calm now. (LOL I was kidding just to let yall now XD)
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