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he's cute
i just love pictures of sasuke..hi's veeeery cute..is sasuke on movie????
dunno....but the pic is really cute. ^_^
He is so cute!
Cute~!!! ,,> <,,
something wrong?
He looks so cute in this pic!! Wait a minute, Sasuke doesn't have 3 spots in is eyes!?!? Maybe this simply an error they commited while drawing him...
he got those three in his eye in ep 133
Cute picture Sasuke.
Sasuke is just so awesome and hot! I love his sharingan!!
can someone help me???my norwegian friend wonder if she can buy a movie of naruto in norway..do someone know???????
maybe on e bay probably just on internet, oh Sasuke looks so amazing using is Sharigan this pic is a little weird though
HE's so cute and handsome when he uses his sharigan.
he's so cute.... unlike itachi.. (i think those were eyebugs he got-itachi)
sasuke has three spots in his eye cuz hes using the sharigan. the sharigan is so cool and it makes him look great
Sharigon is definatly a good technique for sasuke
He shall always have my heart
I LOVE this pic! My question is, why is he so sad
to matsumori you dont know anything about Sasuke dont you? they didnt make a mistake he is just using his sharingan
gosh hes really cute in this pic
hes so cute! i want to help him,hes so sad
OMG! Sasuke in movie! This is when he trys to defeat the guy that bit him! He's so sad. Once again, He's mine!
,shut up Corina_mew......can't you just once stop trying to claim him,im tired of you...
He looks cute ... but he looks a bit sad...
He looks troubled, and innocent... it's too good to be true. *faints*
aw,ugh,im not...nope! see,im trying to stop loving sasuke,it worked....for a couple of seconds,hahahahahaha! no,im just kidding,heh,but im sure some of you people would have never guessed
he looks so sad i love him ! in the u.s we are only in episode 31..but over course i like to find spoilers... so i know almost all the charaters that havent even been introduced yet.
AH!!!! I love him! He looks so fragile here! :3
Poor Sasuke
i thought he was crying lol
it looks like hes gunna cry . . . . . . . but hes hot ^^
Yeah, that sad look's taking over him as the series goes on. *pokes him* You okay?
He looks so sad but in a cute way Poor sasuke *hugs him sideways* Me:you ok?
awwwww he looks so sweet!!!!
Sasuke!!!!!! >o< I luv you!!!!
lol!! u guyz r funny but a agree!!
he looks like he was crying, his eyes r glossy
he looks kinda like a girl in this pic
He really does
yea. . .gross. . .
his eyes don't even look red here
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