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Do something cool, Kaka-sensei ^_^
Well, he summons up a bunch of special dogs.... is that cool? Yes, seeing as it's done by him, of course it is!!! (I love you I love you I love you)
*blinks* what?
I love you x100 You are sexy as hell....*blushes x2*
here we go again with who likes kakashi more wll it obviously no one in this room except perhaps KBK(i love more than anything but i don't want to fight over that...)
hmmmhmmm ............ well i should not stick around if it is a battle here ![Sad](images/smiles/icon_sad.gif) well laters ppl * walks off reading make_out paridise *
Neither do I, AEK. Yeah, I do love Kakashi-kun... a lot.
oh so it not a battle here then .....* sighs * ok then hmmmm i wounder were naruto and sasuke even sakura are right now i better find them
They are at the ramen shop.
{kakashi} blinks really ok then *walks to the ramen shop* u coming KBK???
I love kakashi-sama more than anyone...Why can't you people get it through your thick heads!!??? KBK isn't the only one who love Kakashi-sama!...
Yeah, I'm coming... come on KG.
*links arm with KBK...* Kakashi: That my KBK..*kisses you softly then turns around and kisses KG too.*
im coming too!!!!
[kakashi] hey how can i kiss you wen i am wearing my mask??[me] blinks ok at least he is not reading this time if so *cracks her fists{kakashi] looks at me "sigh why are they so ...{me] smiles 'well go and have fun *takes sensai's book so he won't read ^_^
me:hay! come here! Kakashi sensei! *Grabs book from kakashi sensei* me:here, kakashi, sorry she took it!*gives book back to kakashi*
...He only kisses me and KBK without the mask. Why? Cuz he is in love with us.
me: i knew it, but that's ok. i like him better with his mask! makes him more mysterious!
[me] *grins and rips the book out of his hands * i said no reading!![kakakshi] i never took it back ^_^;[me]*glares at him * why don't you go and have fun with K.student [kakashi] well i .[me] good then *grabs his arm and tosses him at K.student *you need to talk to others too you know ^_^
i found this vid on you tube and it's Kakashi in Im Too Sexy- h t t p : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = n E T A F i 7 i s Q A (remove spaces)
Lol..I know that..I watched that like... so many months ago..Sexy and cute..
Damn he is so hot!
Thanks for sharing this picture http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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