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ooh sasuke engry is get ing srtong er and stornger
thats his curse
i thought that kakashi hatake sealed the curse...
he sealed it for a amount of time
what was the point of that?! oh, sasuke...
the point of it was so sasuke didn't attack everyone(note: im assuming)
well, i guess that makes sense...
sasuke nija of the forest
well ether way he does kill someone his brother it is sad though
he looks so evil  but so cute
sasuke's_girlfriend : Kakashi sealed the curse AFTER this...
the curse mark looks cool when its like this but when it completely transforms him its kinda ugly
. . . ok. . .
Sakura:"no!Sasuke!don't go towards the purple light!"
sasuke: must follow the purple light away from sakuras voice. . . "
sasuke: ahhhh sakuras forehead is too big must run fast . . .
lol  that's true
Sasuke:aaaaaaah..wait a second*turns around*....why am i running from sakura..i should kill her instead.
wow we havent commented here for a long time
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