Slayers takes place in a medieval style world (mostly) with magic of course. Most of the show goes in cycles starting out severely humorous, then slowly working towards serious until at the end of the cycle the fate of the world (of course!) hangs at the balance. Until the very end of each of these cycles though, even the most serious moments will usually have a few short comedic relief moments.
Slayers ran for three seasons. Season 2 goes by the name Slayers Next and season 3 is called Slayers Try. There are also numerous OVAs and movies in which Lina is partnered with the well-endowed and somewhat obnoxious sorceress Naga. These adventures take place before the events of the three television seasons.
Lina Inverse
Tough and powerful, with a short temper, this red-headed sorceres is a 16 year old wonder. She is extremely faithful to her friends, and very dangerous to her enemies. Generaly she travels the world to find new magic, or new food, but sometimes there's a pesky demon lord who needs stopping.
Gourry Gabriev
Gourry is your average do-right swordsman, with a very special sword. He tends to be protective of Lina, but isn't amongst the brightest members of the party (even if you compare him to their shoes), but his heart tends to be in the right place. Extremely skilled with his sword, he has no magic skills.
Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune
Amelia is the princess of the Saillune kingdom with a passion for JUSTICE. She is also a sorceress, specializing in more defensive spells. She prefers to make sailormoon-esque speeches about truth, love and justice from above, then jump down to level, to deal with her opponents. Unfortunately the landings need work. Naive at first, she learns.
Zelgadiss Graywords
A swordsman/mage, he is a chimera (1/3 human, 1/3 demon and 1/3 golem, stirred well.) he was fully human originaly, but was later cursed by Rezo the red priest. He is a white mage, and a very competent one at that, as well as good with a sword. Because of his perdicament he tends to brood a lot, and has loner tendencies. Sadly he is stuck with the rest of the gang, who tend to pick on him mercilessly. Including using him as an anchor when needed.
Sylphiel Nels Rada
Sylphiel is another sorceres, though not the best one (her spells tend to be weaker then average) She tends to specialize in White/Shrine Maiden magic, but she also learned Dragon Slave to compete with Lina. She also has a crush on Gourry.
Xellos Metallium
Xellos is just a monk, who isn't suspicious in any way whatsoever. Really. Just ask him. He also seems to have some powers, and tends to appear at random, when there is something that he is after. Generaly he is not one to share information freely
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