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cute...but y're they hugging there?
they are not hugging. sakura was tired and fell on li. (but it is still really cute).
yup they are not hugging this is the episode where Eli took control of Li's body so Sakura had to transform the sword card and after that she fell into him since she feel asleep.
It looks cute!!  btw Who's Eli?? Do you mean Eriol?
Eli Moon is Eriol Hiiragizawa's dubbed english name. sigh, after explaining so many things to people I feel like a CCS know-it-all even if i don't know so much.
Damn dubbers
HEY!!!! I'm English.
okay people. . .yeah, the gesture IS cute, but i think it's poorly cut and pasted. . .tsk,tsk
XD I don't watch teh dubs. x33 I only read the manga.
 sooo kawaii... 'napakacute naman nito'
i totally agree with anime_luvah17 on this one
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