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So cute *O*
oh, definetely. is it just me, or does she look like sailor saturn?
she is sailor saturn... gothic sailor saturn
That's Hotaru (Aka, Sailor Saturn) from Sailor Moon. I know so because I ordered a Halloween costume from someone in Japan, and she told me that it was supposed to be Sailor Saturn...
How can you guys remember that show? It was so old! But still one of the best classics! Anyway congrats to those who recognized her!
Why should we be congratulated? Sailor Moon is still popular...she's one of the best characters...I don't really like her goth look...I don't really like goths
dang...thats cool...
I'm goth...i really like this pic it's so...dark but awsome.I'm giving it a 5.
well, sailor moon is not as popular as it used to! now that i talk about it i think sailor moon and drangon ball z were my 1st anime o-o
I think they were every one's if u watch cartoonetwork.
well to me they were my 1st ones! and then it came pokemon! and i still can't believe pokemon is still on! its boring! its always the same -.-" and back then i liked dragon ball better than sailor moon! dunno why
My big bro was making fun of the pokedex so back 2 the 1st season all it could do was this...Pikacu:pika pika pikacu! Ash:I wouder what that one's name is. Misty:I know let's use the pokedex! Pokedex:Pikcu!
havent seen one episode of pokemon and i will never do so -.- DBZ rules XD hahaha one of my first animes to, my No1 was actually fushigi y�gi... some girls in my class made me my friend see it >_>
I watched Sailor Moon and Dragonball Z on a england channel:Fox kids but has had it's name changed to Jetix...my fav anime is Ayashi no Ceres...the same person who did fushigi yugi
I don't know what my 1st anime was there's 2 many.
Hotaru looks cool and creepy at the same time
i remember those shows i would watch them with my bro
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