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Ishida has the same voice as Sasuke... hell, minus the glasses, he even LOOKS like Sasuke. Sasuke the idiot. Huh, I like Ishida better.
yep, agreed
I was just saying the samething Kissed
and... this is what sasuke will look like when he gets older and gives up being a ninja after beating his bro... yes... he will pick up sewing... and need glasses... because... wel... JUST BECAUSE!
... yeah... my work is done here...
Ishida-kun has the same voice as Sasuke-kun and they both have black hair and a cool attitude! KYAAAAAAAAH!  Ya you SEW boy!! Lol
Bear: OH!! sTOP RAPING ME!!!!!
is it just me or r u guys saying hes like sasuke?i didnt really notice......
is he stabbing the poor thing........ O_O
well anime-boy mad he is VERY like sasuke is you watch the animes in japanese virston they all got hte ezact same voice, their both cool, black hair, last survivor of their clan and mines the glases they look almost EXACTLY the same*sortof* and guess what els? WHAT BUNNYSD IN HIS BOXERS!!! XD
and renjis voice is made by the guy who does choji�s...
O.o but renji seems so cool!
yea who knew but this guy is so funny
you guys need to GET UR FREAKIN FACTS STRAIGHT!!!! damnit the voice actor that plays sauske IS NOT the same voice actor for uruyu! damnit! it pisses me off that you people dont look this up! the guy who plays uruyu is derek stephen prince. and the guy who plays sauke is yuri lowenthal!
angel777 you need to get your facts straight, they may not have the same voice actor in the ENGLISH DUB but they do in the original JAPANESE versions. His name is Noriaki Sugiyama
ok this is.....random. i ahevtn seen the episode but OMFG SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!! uryuu is cool
sew away my love, sew away
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