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she just relized somtin... didn't she... INUYASHA KIKYO 4EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she really looks at kagome in this pic. she is really pretty
Wasting of time looking at Kagome. Better hit Kago in her stupid head!
Don't be mean to Kagome-chan! And haters! Don't be mean to Kikyou-sama! Their both awesome! And besides there, Kagome was defending Kikyou-sama's life!!! They were trying to to get out of that stupid cave!!!
yea don't hate
inuyasha wasnt there to help,so kagome defended kikyou knowing how inuyasha would feel if something happened to kikyou...kagome is kikyou's reincarnation wich means she has the same kindness
Point there: Kagome only defends Kikyou since Inuyasha would go mental on her if something happened to Kik. Anyway...Kagome is kind to a certain extent I guess...even though I hate her...
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