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So Kawaii!
this pic is so cute!
so cute!!!
A beautiful picture....
this pic is so darn pretty
This pic is really great. I dind't now her hair was so long??
This pic is beautiful...
This pic is so Beutiful and one of my fav charecters to!
This is so cute...*sniggering*
such a beautiful picture!! i like it =^-^= good good job of whoever found it.
Yes, good pic, Kagome is cute!
No more pic but I love her. Thanks for the one who fine it
I like this picture!!! It's soooo KAWAII!!!!
This is some good Anime
This is soo cute!!!!!!
Kagome looks so pretty!^^
Awesome picture of Kagome, whoever found it. Very detailed, but the reflection is a little messed up. Anyway, great job.
sparkley, nice
It's pretty good but I must remain a Kagome hater.
What I Love Kakashi said.
It's not an original picture. Her legs here like a goat's legs/ And her hair is too long o be real. It's a nice colors, but I don't like this character, so this picture not so kawai at all.
Kagome Chan looks beautiful here! ^ ^
Kagome_Chan2, you're idiot yourself. I hate your stupid Kagome. But wait, you're both are stupid. Two idiots.
I hate Kagome too, but this picture is really pretty.
she looks so pretty
Is'nt she always!
SHE S so pretty i wish i looked that way
always kagome getting bashed ITS NOT FAIR UGHH IT MAKES ME SO PISSED. you guys always come into kagomes gallery because you have no fucking moral and dont respect KAGOMES FANS. we dont want to read your stupid anti-kagome comments so stay the fuck away. how rude. so to conclude KIKYO SUCKS. KAGOME ROCKS. there, like it?
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