Sasuke �r cool!!
*laughs* that's funny
Don't worry, everyone knows you'r the best!!
Yeah for sasuke!!
wtf is wrong with him?!
Sasuke thinking: "I didn't realize it was happy hopping moron day."
I LOVE him he's so cute
*peeks down his shirt* giggedygiggedygiggedy alll right
*points at comment above* ok thats retarded....
Sasuke is mine!!!!!! lol i get like that alot
IT WAS NARUTO AGAIN!!!!!!But still Sasuke is so kawaii!!
so you girls like me ?? ARIGATTO
I agree...With myself!?
That's funny I like drawing sasuke.
It's ok Sasuke, we still love you, even though Kakashi waz pretty cool in that episode!
I... Don't... Have... Time... for... this!!!!!
hmoh, taht naruto!
Meh LOVE this pic
you girls are geting anoying...
dont worry sasuke about kakashi, us girls still love you
Agreed ^_^
I agree too
ahhhhhhhh,too many sasuke posers!ALL SASUKE POSERS SHUT UP! TO LAUREN AND SAKURA HARUNO,YOU SHUT UP TOO! to Uchiha_Sasuke_Goth:you sasuke posers are getting annoying... EHA,I HATE THIS,ALL THE POSERS ARE HERE EXEPT FOR ONE...
I'm going to take a gess and say that it is Sasuke's_girlfriend
no,she would fit in the catagorie crazed and psyco,there's a new poser,his username is sasuke uchiha(real)
Yeah I just saw the post early
im bored,and i can't believe all the "sasuke"s gathered in one place
So am i and there are way too many sasuke poser here and Sasuke's_girlfriend is really geting on my nerves
there's too many posers and too many people who claim sasuke,two of them stopped claiming him though,and yes sasuke's_girlfriend gets on my nerves too
Yeah, I like sasuke but I don't go and cliam him every sec. of the day
same with me....but lone_aurora_wolf keeps torturing me about it,she must think its funny,but oh well nicole's crazy
Yay crazy people
i know,crazy people are awesome!
Yeah they are
crazy people are what make the world go round!
I could have swore that it was money that made the world go around
k, crazy rich people who give out money to people like us
I like that idea
me too
*Throws money in the air*
hey look,i caught a twenty
aw man I just got a one
noooooooo,i caught a picture of (...)
i caught a picture of sasuke's_gf,its scarry
Lets burn it
*grabs flamethrower*oh yeah!
*Chants burn it*
*burns it*that's interesting,when i burned it it didn't burn
I should have know because it's evil
oh i know
Know what
the pic is evil
What should we do with it
hmmmmmm,stab it,throw bombs at it
That may work
*throw bombs at it* now we must wait for the smoke to cover
*smoke clears* hmmmm,did it blow up
What should we do? What should we do? Hmmmmmmmmmm I got it lets feed it to the wild dogs.
im not sure if they would eat anything so ugly,scary,and rotten
Oh no the dogs just died will we ever find away to get rid of this...this thing
poor dogs,i hope we find a way(sorry im late dad was on the compy)
Should we try to tear it
i don't know,but i don't want to die from touching it
We could stab it with a knife
lets get sasuke to use chidori or the grandfire ball technique on it!
By the way where is Sasuke because we'll need him to do it
at nicole's house,i wish they were here(im getting on someone's nerves at the sakura pictures,its fun really)
lol What should we do
we'll just have to wait for sasuke and nicole
*waiting* ok we need to do something now it's starting to smell(yeah it is fun to get on their nerves)
your right,let's put it in one of those boxes that keep the smell from coming out
Yeah lets
*PUTS IN BOX* i just talked to nicole,but she's reading something,so she'll call me back
Now that the smell's gone how are we go to get rid of it
i don't like this picture!
Naruto: Nope. Constipated. *gets gagged and dragged away by a crowd of raid fangirls*
Sasuke looks like he needs a hug *Huggles Sasuke*
No Sasuke's Sakura Sasuke is annoyed because in the eppisode were they protect Tazuna Sasuke was hoping to kick mist ninja butt but Kakashi sensai appeared and saved the day.
yup kakashi is so smexy..but so is sasuke
he looks pissed....the same way i look every mornin
he looked the same way when naruto was acting like a moron
o.o Dudes... and dudettes, like anyoone notice the random white dots on the image?
yea.... i see them..... y r they there.....?
I remember this episode...why does he look like such a dumbass?
i like Sasuke kun's facial expression, one of my favourites though
If anyone is a show off it's you Sasuke
show off in a good way
showing off is just a series of actions and reactions,in a couple of cases it's being a jerk,but normally not...
I like this picture because it shows that Sasuke has more than one facial expression.
jealouse much Sasuke? lol I totally agree kissed_by_shikamaru
Show-off?! You're one to talk Sasu-kun! Butt-hole...
Fantastic pic you have there! http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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