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Naruto: AHAHAHA! *beep beep* Ah man!
HA HA HA! Too bad Kakashi...
Welll Naruto is in trouble too!
Kakashi:I told you,I don't have any more weapons!*shriken drops from pocket*CRAP! Airport Police:Its a terroist!!TAKE EM' DOWN!*tackles Kakashi* Kakashi:OW!YOU SON OF A *****S!!!
Kakashi: Why won't you take a ninja license? I allowed to carry these weapons.
hahahaha this is great!!  It kindda looks like something that would happen to me....
Poor Kakashi!  ...but it's funny!
Kakashi:Well at least they didn't check me down*interrupted* Airport security:Sir I will not ask again all weapons in the box. Kakashi:DAMN!
LOL very funny! I wonder if they would do a cavity search
ha kakashi
*goes through metal detector. metal detector beeps* damn. *empties any and all items into a box.* (airport security) anything else? (pheonix) *takes chainsaws and swords out of vest* (a.s) is that all? (pheonix)sigh....*shows security liscense* (a.s) o.k. you can go through. (pheonix) thanks. *waits at end of security check* (kakashi) WHY DIDN'T YOU ACCEPT MY LISCENSE?  (a.s) sorry sir. you may also pass. (kakashi) *goes through and waits with pheonix while Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke get searched.*
kakashi: I TOLD YOU I AM A NINJA F**** this I'm going home Sakura you'r in charge Sakura: ok sensei
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