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Ya it is NASTY
I agree... no WAY!
They belong together!
No, I don`t like it!! >_< that`s....nasty XD
This pic is ugly!
I try not to be obnoxious with my hatin', but...DANG. If that's not OOC I don't know WHAT is.  Wtf. The art is really nice, but the pairing just isn't going to happen. @_@
cute  but his hand is on her butt.........
never ganna hapen cause itachi has no haert
it's too bad it doesn't happen though...although it's nasty, if sakura was with itachi, naruto and friends would eventually end up killing her off! HUZZAH!
Itachi is Stealing Sasuke's Girl. Ofcourse........ A bad Idea
Sasuke's gonna kill Itachi anyway
Flames suck, I laugh at flames ahahahahahaha.
lee should have sakura
One word: wrong.
wait a minute!!!! wasnt he just trying to kill her!?
whet again holly f@&%$#* sh@%
she kinda looks like the chick from that one anime..who always has the guitar...i ferget the name..
Oh! I know.... wait... never mind lol But the anime is Fooly Cooly lol I dunno why but for sum odd reason..... I like this pairing >< plz dont yell at me fangurls lol
WHo is Itachi?
Um...Naruto_Fan_27_7, Itachi is Sasuke's older brother. And...if you don't mind me saying...Itachi's hand is on Sakura's tailbone, not on her butt. The art is really nice.
I kinda like this pairing..and I don't care where his hand is it is close enof of me!
ew. -gag-
wow thats cool
*cough* Sakura should die alone  muwahahahaha
omg way to much for me
I really think you Sakura haters (or Ino haters) shuld stop this. If you hate her so much, stop looking at art of her. And if you really love Itachi, you wouldn't care who he was with as long as he is happy or at least content. Sometimes fan can be so crazy and ignorant. I didn't even post this for flamers, but for fans. So shutup you crazy fangirls, that is my warning.
hee hee you people are crazy and funny
oh...i love Itachi so much but i like this couple too  i'm just sad i can't have him oh well
Itachi is too hot to hang out with a slut.
you guys are just jealous of sakura and newsflash....anime is NOT REAL! like, they don't exist in real life anyway so sakura can have anybody. (not calling her a slut or a whore cuz I don't hate her) But I think itachi's hot and that they're a good couple
 I don't like Itachi he is kind of creepy  Sakura can have him.
No! MY husband!
Itachi is cute  and form my point of view i agree with mouse16
.......ITASAKU!!!^^ I have not seen Itasaku in forever!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! IT IS NOT NASTY ITS CUTE!!! ^^^^
sakura: hay fugly neko....(me: what sakura bitch gouzaru(T T)(sakura: reymember the time i waz going out with itachiiiii(^ ^) (me: (^_____^)yeah! do you reymember how he dumped you gouzaru(^-----^)(sakura:(TT_TT) SASUKE CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is a wonderful picture that you are sharing http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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