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lol sweet
how cute! (and yet slightly diturbing at the same time.) i like it.
thanks everyone! ^_^ I think O__o *looks to I'minlovewithkizna* >>
It's a good and funny pic. It just disturbes me that whats-his-face is enjoying it.
Wonder what'll happen to Kakashi if he makes Sakura's hair bad  ? BEWARE INNER SAKURA!!!
Poor poor Sakura. If that was me, I'd just turn on him and give him a good whack across the face! Sry about the evil impulse
I think he's doing a pretty good job for a guy lol!!
x3 Very sweet, Vshippo. I hope that Kakashi doesn't try to figure out what she should wear with her new hairstyle next.
i think he needs to see a therapist
I think kakashi is out of his mind  ,could anyone just please call 911 before this gets worser
YAY! I think this is so funny! Kakashi expression is priceless  ! He's even making Sakura's big giant forehead smaller  .
Kakashi: I always wanted to be a stylist. 
Sakura's Thoughts: But why does he have to experiment on me?
ahahha kakashi looks like hes having fun...but sakura looks annoyed
Wow Kakshi makes a great hair stylist!
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah  He Needs hobbies
so cute!^x^
aawww kawaii!!!
Lol that's so funni XD
I would hit Kakashi if he made my hair like that, sorry I like Kakashi but I hate that hair style on me.
that is very cute! nice job!
lol its so cute!!
He now has a hair fetish? O_o This picceh is okay.
XDD Lol Kakashi looks like he's enjoying himself, neh?
 dnt do it kakashi....dnt become gurly!!
I want Kakashi to do my hair!!!!
 kakashi is not allowed to touch my hair
lol!! this is so funny
aw ^_^
it's cute but......KAKASHI AND SAKURA SHALL NEVER BE!!!!!!!!
thunderkid_kirsty, i agree with you, this pic is sweet.
omfg i want kakashi to do my hair
Me too! But if anyone wants me too execute Sakura just type ESP. *gets bazooka ready*
lol so cute
lol (Kakashi is showing his femine side)
Fantastic pic you have there! http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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