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S: Na-Naruto? N: Yes Sasuke? S: I've... always... loved you. N: Oh Sasuke. <sob> S: Naruto? N: Uh-huh? S: Kiss me... once again. (They gently kiss and as their lips part, Sasuke dies. Naruto kisses him again with a river of tears flowing down his face. He takes one of the sharp acupuncture needles from Sasuke's neck, and whispers "I love you too" and slits his throat. He died next to deceased lover. Never was there a tale of more woe than that of Sasuke and his Naruto.)
This is such a yaoi picture. Not that I have anything against yaoi. And it does look like Naruto is going to kiss him by the way his lips were drawn
S:naruto come closer*Naruto leans down*No closer*leans down more*you are such a l-loser*Dies*
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