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it burns! make the pain go away!it burns! help! save me!
*blows kisses*  OMG! Miroku-kun is so HOT!  He is so SEXY!  *hugs and kisses Miroku-kun*
It does need more detail but still :drools:
HUH  oh no. they're stalking me.
*staring at houshi-sama drooling* houshi...HOUSHI MEET ME IN BED IN 2 MINUTES!!!
*GASP* M....M...M...Miroku
Make it stop,Make it stop!It burns like 100 suns put together!!
well well well.... look at this hot stuff O_O
LMAO! OMG Miroku is a stripper! look at the thong! *hands him a 10 dollars* ^^
sorry lol!XD I have to go in 5 minutes... *huggles cuddly Hailey* don't tell Nik but your my favorite!XD
thats it J? *hands him 50 bucks* there you go, now I want a lap dance! AND YOU JERK!!! Well Hailey is my favorite! *huggle Hailey* SHE IS SOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN HA-.... I will not even finish that...
YAY! but MUST you have to leave? *tackles*
no! Don't leave me whoevers leaving TT~TT
*runs and tackles tasha* *runs away*
Yeah... My mom is having a bitch fit! * tickles hailey and then throws sandwich at Nik* you haven't eaten Nik and I want you to EAT! *hides behind couch* TASH! *jumps out from hiding*
yo ~.~
Wheres my damn italian patty?
I am not gonna eat! Cause Nik had a PB and J! so I don't need to eat! I want to lose weight damnit! *huggle Tasha* Hi darlin
Whats wrong Hailey? Wow Tasha sounds like she is one ball o sunshine!^-^
You need to sleep more Tasha! You were Ratty earlier today too! Well yesterday... edit: I just noticed I said PB and J... wow... I ate J?
Eeew Nik... pig!:p no eating me... pervert!*huggles Nik*
lol I didn't mean to! Besides! You are the one who told me to eat! What is better than eating a human that just had Mac and Cheese? *hug J*
I couldn't...I came off my comp at 10.30...listened to music and read...that was until 11, I turned my light out then and couldn't go to sleep, so I put my mp3 player on intil midnight...I lept waking up every half hour >.< and I woke up at 5.50 ~.~ How ratty was I yesturday?
* rolls on floor * *goes still* -dies-
I dunno, I think you said you were ratty, or in a bad mood cause you were tired, and had a headache. I dunno your british lingo ^^ and someone call the doctor, Hailey died from laughter.
ah yes...but if I didn't say that, would you have known? You left me last night TT~TT And soon after I had eye ache...again >.<
Hailey is on mucho Crackola!o_O
...CRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -dies agian-
I think the sleepyness makes her laugh at anything. I am sorry Tasha =( but I get tired! You have to understand that I get tired in the afternoon and at 2ish 3ish in the morning -_-
you've been cheating and telling me lies...you've been creeping while I slept that night....great song  Yeah of course I understand...why wouldn't I?
hmmm... well I gotta go, when Hailey is concious again tell her I huggied her K? Night Neko and Tasha!^^
yeah ok, cya J *hug*
* huggles Neko Tasha and Hailey♥ * Hailey is my special one *gives her shirt that says J's wittle girl* gotta go mom on period and stressed out bye!^-^
Lol, bye J ^^ *huggle*
*put on shirt* YEY I IS SPEACIL
lol J XD Cya
did every1 leave? TT.TT
I still here nin-chan! *huggle nin*
yosh I'm still here and will be for about two hours...a bit less
I am here for about another hour, maybe less... cause, I have to help my sister Tara move tomorrow
ah ok then...I'm gonna have nap before I go shopping, maybe ^^,
lol, tasha going shoppin! whatcha gonna buy?
I haven't a clue ^^, I'm going with my mum...but I'm gonna buy myself a purse ^.~
me no like shopping .__.;
I am not buying a goochie purse...I don't have enough ^^, I like shopping with friends
same here, we gonna take nin shopping! and buy her prada and stuff!
do you have enough to buy Prada stuff? O.o'
me no go shopping! >3
lol Nin...the lack of sleep is ffecting me...I'm tired and my eyes hurt >.>
just close them for three minutes Tasha, lay your head on your desk. Then slowly open them.
O.o' does that really work? Or do you think it would befun for me to look like a complete and utter wanka?
it actually works, it gives your eyes a moment rest, and rather then opening them suddenly, they slowly open, and your eyes can basically smooth the water out on the surface. Sorta like a windshield wiper, but only slower. I do it all the time late at night.
I can't be arsed
not tryin to make ya feel stupid Tasha! *hug* It does work, my grandma tought me it. She used to do it when she worked late nights at the factory. She used to be a head Manager at an electronics factory. It was huge. Then she retired, but went back to working for my aunt, just to make some money. But when she is tired, and her eyes hurt, she does that.
yeah but if I did that...I wouldn't wake up for hours >.< My earphones are doing my head in now >.<
lol, it is all about control Tasha darlin! Gotta control the urge to stay away, or you could try the old coffee! Or Tea actually.... Tea has the ability to keep you awake.
I don't drink either..I have no self control...now that's a great song XD
lol, Tasha drinks no fluids.... O_O
I drink water and milk...and the occasional milkshake and bottl of coke
lol <3 milkshakes ^^ and I drink too much coke -_- well not too much. Like once a day. At dinner, mainly my drinking is water.
I mostly Drink Tea, Milk and water... when I am cheating on my diet I rink rootbeer with vanilla ice cream and make a float outta it!^^
lol me 2
what? What are you talkin about J-gee?!?!
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