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you will never know when love will strike you!
I know! I like the color for the pic tho. My style (but i only have color pencils)
O.O M-E L-O-V-E I-T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S the most BEAUTIFUL picture I have EVER SEEN!!!! I LOVE IT!!!
noperv just a anime lover
TGhats a good pic (never happen)
hey sakura get out of that pic sasuke is mine
....Its beautiful
i'm with sakura12 and yeah right saske_is_mine
awsom pic
Awesome, I love it!
the only thing i like about this picture is Sasuke in a chuunin vest. I don't like SasuxSaku. Except if it's a good picture...
wow nice and really cyte pic i really like this couple alot
nice pic
I REALLY approve of the Sakura and Sasuke couple.
Awwww....how adorable...I love nose nuzzles....^^
i hope sakura ends up with sauske one day
This is an even better couple! So kawaii!
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