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yeesh watd he do 2 her?
he's killing her omg noooo ............oh well
He's a killer
YES, kill sakura!!!!!!
holy smokes!  wth did he do to her??!!!
no sakura no!!!!!!
Yeah!!!Kill sakura
he's not killing her he's making a move on her
how is that making a move her?*weirded out tone*
ok i've said it about 30 times and i'll say it now: WTF is an understatement
Well it would would appear that he's killing her. but if you look closely at the face you'll see a very bored expression so it's probablr he's just "playing" with her.
hes gonna rape her if he hasnt already.
Kill, Sakura! Please Itachi! I hate her so much. She deserves to die. And I loev Itachi! *snatches Itachi away* Mine!
why is he wearing nail polish
WTF?!!! o.o;; Poor Sakura..
1. he's "playing" with her 2. that's no nail polish (it's blood)
I Agree With Sasuke It's Not a Nail Polish.......is it?
All you people that say you want Sakura dead, have way to much time on your hands and are total freaks.
It's both nail polish and blood. I guess. DX
1he has no mowth 2 nail polish
shtu up Hello_185 cause sakura deserves to die I hate her so much
I agree with Hello_185!! i dunno why u guys hate her so much even if she dosent exist in the real world!
lol ..some of you guys are kinda scary... ^^....
ppl ppl hate her because he is has no purpose in the show and in the manga...... and ppl just find her annoying
omg...creepy pic but I love the fact that Sakura is in pain!!! o.O mwuhahahaha
sakuras ok but she needs to let go of sasuke
sakura rox so shut up! and wuts with all these sakura and itachi pics
It is nail polish, actually. It's canon. XD And to Itachi: CRADLE ROBBER!
He always wears nail polish for some reason.
haku did
boy had better run hes mad me so  im just goin to shoot him in the head
ye syes yes yes yes!!
I told you guys hes gunna rape her!
o.O guys guys calm down...im not a major fan of sakura ^-^" but i <3 itachi..so i'm way against this pic but..no need to argue..er...^-^" yeahhh dont kill me...
*Laughs at narutogirl1230 comment* wow you need to get a life
i agree with Hello_185
i dont care what hes gunna do 2 her Naruto_Fan_27_7 hes still hot!!
I really think you Sakura haters (or Ino haters) shuld stop this. If you hate her so much, stop looking at art of her. And if you really love Itachi, you wouldn't care who he was with as long as he is happy or at least content. Sometimes fan can be so crazy and ignorant. I didn't even post this for flamers, but for fans. So shutup you crazy fangirls, that is my warning.
I agree ^^ They're just jealous cause she can probly get Sasuke and Itachi both.
Itachi's just making a move....in his creepy little way
kinky... i had a dream with itachi once... very forceful that one...* looks around to see everyone just stareing wide eyed* okies.... *walks away*
how is this a love picture SO NOT ONE
I'm not involved, that's the good My Gaara fangirlism is calling, byebye!
my gaara fangirlism is callin too! byeee!
 awwww! my tachi-kun's playing with his puppet! sakura:  What did you call me?
He is "playing" with her
Itasaku is hawt
wtf Vshippo san  hiz not with her hiz trying 2 kill her are you bliynd gouzaru
I wonder if there are anymore similar pictures http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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