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OMG...its beautiful....
WHO-DEY!? that his girlfriend?
ummmmm...that's gaara and sakura and i think this is cute
I_LOVE_U_KAKASHI, u must be new
lol im new here but im not new to anime
erm i like it but its not gonna happen
hey sakura i'm ganna kill you gaara is mine damn
Sakura looks way different. XD And Gaara is no one's. O_O;;
ummm...nice pic really hot not goin 2 happen tho oh well this is really cute
have you people lost your mind she belongs with sauske  and nice pic too.
Gaara is all mine
No she belongs to Lee! Sasuke's mine and so is Itachi and Kakashi
I'm getting sick of all the arguing on this site. ;_;
I'll Sauske shes mine any any one who says otherwies will die as well
please fan girls, look at the beauty of the picture or not at all. All this hes mine shes mine hes her and shes his is annoying. But anyways, I find this picture really cute ^_^
even though that'l never happen...they're a really cute couple
Really cute couple, but it's so sad that it will never happen
Hey sakura you are not going to have Gaara he mine
oh my gosh i thought gaara was evil aparently hes had a crush on sakura though
gaaras all mine all MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well then i don't see this ever happening but it is a good pic
people nobady belongs to anybody okay!!! and stop fighting before-*sees weapons being thrown around* grumble:nevermind
this is beautiful. i mean look at it
kawaii! ^^
This pic is really beautiful but yea not gonna happen
I really think you Sakura haters (or Ino haters) shuld stop this. If you hate her so much, stop looking at art of her. And if you really love Gaara, you wouldn't care who he was with as long as he is happy or at least content. Sometimes fan can be so crazy and ignorant. I didn't even post this for flamers, but for fans. So shutup you crazy fangirls, that is my warning. And Gaara doesn't belong to anybody but his creator, so stop acting like a bunch of idiots.
I hate Sakura and want her dead, but... I can love her for this moment because she does look rather beautiful and Gaara-kun seems happy. But if Sakura makes Gaara-kun sad....Bad things will hapen.
Not one of my favorite couples but it's kinda intersting.
God all you people sound crazy... besides i like kakashi so whatever... but its funny to see you all argue..uh or read anyways.. cute pic..
He's our's! (talking about us fangirls) She better be dead!  I'm not ginna be selfish with Gaara. We can share.
Maybe Sakura died and she's about to be burried!I mean,look!It's somthing bead people would wear!
gaara u better not go any closer!
dis will neva happen eva but nice pic
Thanks for sharing this picture http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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