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aaawww...i wonder if ten ten knows
yeah i wonder if tenten knows.....
Maybe someday she'll know... Cute! ^^
Cute! ^-^ Neji has a chibi sized Tenten doll!
like i said on the last ninjitenten one
do you guys even know who tenten likes? rock lee not neji (tenten likes lee)
no she likes neji cuse you see them train with each other and tenten is always saying stuff like neji is so strong and all that stuff and i think that neji likes her
lee should be erased from existence so neji could have tenten to himself
...that's a little...strange, but okay. It looks like they used MS paint. If they did then whoever did this has some serious skill
i think this is weird.hugging a tenten doll??????who made this pic!!!!!!!!??????????? i'm sending a complaint!!!!!!
hahahaha! its sooooo cute...
aww!! you know, he should make a voodoo doll of himself and make them end up together! so cute!
I got the eraser! now, where's lee!?
Dream on CHUD. She'd never have anything to do with your ugly smelly ass!
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