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Home > Naruto > Hyuuga Hinata
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Album name:Hyuuga Hinata
Rating (13 votes):
File Size:45 KB
Dimensions:960 x 720 pixels
Displayed:45496 times
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Sachi [Mar 23, 2006 at 10:21 PM]
what happened to /her/?
El Puma [Mar 30, 2006 at 02:54 AM]
Bad people captured her and are planning on doing mean things to her.
zikamegx02 [Apr 09, 2006 at 06:53 PM]
WHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN HINATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RUN!!!!!!!!
sasuke lover#1 [Apr 15, 2006 at 03:46 PM]
no the bee queen thing made her a caccon.....thing
TecDax [Apr 29, 2006 at 03:58 PM]
bees seem to not like her
day_dreamer_137 [May 11, 2006 at 04:57 PM]
what episode is this? and what's covering her mouth? Surprised
El Puma [May 26, 2006 at 01:38 PM]
I think this is episode 150 or 151, and thats bees wax by the way.
Hinataluver1993 [Jun 18, 2006 at 12:32 AM]
it's eppy 145 DUH keep track of ur eppies!
El Puma [Jun 23, 2006 at 05:41 AM]
What are you talking about, the Hinata arc doesn't start tell 148-151. (BAKA)
I hate Sasuke [Jul 02, 2006 at 10:09 AM]
This is when the Furizuma clan is trying to steal the Bikouchuu from the Kiba, Hinata, Shino and Naruto. At the moment she is in a chakra held bees wax from the Furizuma clan while being held hostage. It's about episode 149 or something.
Gaaras girl~Shika [Jul 03, 2006 at 02:12 PM]
ooo..i say images of this episode with a few sub titles but then the images ended and i went onto the next episode and it wasnt even the same!!!!!!!!! Mad
garra_and_cherry [Jul 21, 2006 at 09:39 PM]
did naruto rescue her (please!!!!!!) Embarassed
day_dreamer_137 [Aug 02, 2006 at 11:09 AM]
i just found out! it's episode 150 and no, naruto didn't save her.
Neo Burner [Aug 07, 2006 at 11:30 AM]
she used water manipulation to break free. its okay folks, shes okay
Clarad001 [Aug 07, 2006 at 11:44 AM]
she is the cooliest, she doesnt need no one to save her ^^
bowserthefrog [Aug 13, 2006 at 05:57 PM]
i agree
youknowwho [Sep 12, 2006 at 11:17 PM]
It looks like sand is in her mouth
♥naruto#1fan♥ [Sep 12, 2006 at 11:18 PM]
its beeswax... thing.. Neutral
Hentai King [Nov 26, 2006 at 07:23 PM]
Shocked I wish I could save her! Shocked
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