Uhm...She's pwetty.
-.-' This picture just totally proves that Kagome's a slut...
For god's sake she is just in a dam bikini...doe's that mean all girls that wear bikinis are sluts..WTF.
It's fanart morons...WTF? Can't you tell fanart from the real shiz? Or are you all idiots?!
Whorish bitch is a whorish bitch...
akahana do you even watch the dam series because you don't seem to much about kagome.
this isnt a real picture. and kathysohma, i havta tell u something, i love kyo and yuki, if u love them too, good for you.
ok the thing is this kindove isent fan art and it kindove is. its a magazien. oh and kyo-kun is better.
This photograph is not real  Idiots
kathysohma u just jeleose cuase u not sexy like her.KAGOME A SEXY BITCH!
BITCH - you got that right. But sexy? Well, not like that. Whorish - that's the word.
This fanart makes Kagome seems more whorish than usual...Why does Kagome always wear that stupid school girl uniform...doesn't she have anything else to wear? I mean...in that episode wear she was fighting with yura of the hair she wasn't wearing that gay school girl outfit. Anyways I find Sango way more prettier than Kagome ^_^
....weird...im a proud kagome hater!plz don't kill me we all have our own opinians.im just looking at her picture even though she's just a cartoon charecter relax.
I dont like kagome much too ... but this ... pic shows how pperv guys can be
 hehe yes we can
wait ... your a guy ??
 ah yea
no way
yes way... maby i can post a pic of me so that you might belive me
... I can feel embaressee now ... I was talking to you like if you were a girl omg .. am so stupid
hahaha no youre not... and i didnt see any difference in youre way of talking to me... i just tought it was funn ^^
gosh ....
i hope there no prob with it
no thats not it ... really your a guy ... I have never been wrong with my gut like this before ... and if you were wondering am a gay guy ... jokees ... I am a girl
yeah i tought so with al the gaaraxlee pic and stuff like that ^_^; and you had a pic of youre self in your album
which ablum I have two ablum with my pics and one of them really sucks since I look fat ,,,,, wait when were you goonnna tell me *glads your ear* ummm....
itai oo... well i tought you knew ^^;
I didnt ... and which pic did you see me in ... the one with the pink dress *eww wtf was wrong with me* or the hat one * love that pic*
i dont remmember... just one whit al cosplay dudes standing around...
Wow this picture sure has sparked a big (...) the heck ever you wanna all it. All I can say is....Boobs
What a dumb photograph!
no!!! it's just a picture it's not d ril kagome!!!  you idiots
superNaruto, don't get mad at me because even U have to admit this is a slut pic!
hahah the pic when D realized that i was a guy ^^ lol
yeah back in the old days
TT.TT is any1 here?
NIN-chan! *hug* X3
yay! ^^
first of all, lets dump this pic and head to some one less  making second, missed ya ^^
lol ok and sorry for bein gone i have to leave again not now though later
U people r idiots!Not u theprincess!
I dunno...
Ummmmm.....I'm at a loss of words...
Do I have to?!.....
so bothersome -.-
Im totally seeing the humour here xP
Okay, so who r u people?????????????
Im stupid
No that bankotsu lover#1 wouldnt answer
did i just happe to miss it by any chance -.-"
Yeah u did, coz only my mad sense of humour can find humour where apparantly, there isnt any ^_^ '
anime133, what r u talking about? And Gaijin_Otaku, what do u mean by bothersome???!!!!!!???u PEOPLE r mean.....
yeah that thing is clear to me aready XP
Im insane ignore me -_o
no need to ask fr the imposible XD who could ignore you
Yes, ur insane....do any of u know superN?And why'd Red Ninja call him/her self stupid?
Is my madness that noticeable?  and yes i do....if u mean superNarutootaku1292
yes  ah J...
Okay, do u know D?And how rude.............
yeah clarad 1 and so on...
YeeeAAAahhhhHHAAAAA i do!!! =P
And yes I'm callin u rude!!Do any of u know theprincess????????????helllllllo????
-.-. and this whole thing leads to... here we go again *puts in earplugs* -.-"
Its like an interrogation
I'm callin u rude because of ur comment!duh!
Her what???
Ban-Chan let me introduce you to: G=Gaijin Otaku, Annie= Anime133, Kari=Talee Hyro, RN ir Nin-chan= Red Ninga and Tasha= Tishtashpoe
I know i just wanted 2 hear it from bankotsu lover......yo J!
yoo J-san, come to join in?
The, yeah we know J! ,one...hi J....
I just told u!!!!!!!!!!!!weren't u paying attention??!!!!??
eh... thats not rude... -.-" all this for THAT!
Agree with G
and I'm seriouse J!Theprincess was kidding!!!!!!!!!!I don't expect everyone 2 be damn perfect!!!DAMMIT!
and the show goes on -.-
*reaches annie the popcorns*
Ta....oh a twist! ^_^
*sound of popcorns crunching*
I'm not gonna call u a bitch....I'm gonna call u a shit-ass retard!!!!"cause ur actin like one!
I know I'm not sayin sorry!And exscuse me? I'm not a crack whore!She is!!!!
You know what this is a pointless catfight...it's as bad as a bad porno....either you guys apologize or I WILL end this...
mm thanks annie ^^ and J, just sitt down and have some popcornes... *gives J the popcornes*
J is pissed G.....dont hand him popcorn just yet  *pushes hand down*
You REALLY wanna see how I will end this? do you?
i guess playing it cool just flew out of the window -.-
I wouldnt push J Tasha
Oh, please tishtash whatever!U need 2 go away!Go and lick your flabby man boobs and go finger yourself, even if it will be kinda hard since u have a dick!And I gotta go, but Ill be back at 7:00!I swear!!!See ya!And J, how r u susposed 2 end this?
Tasha were you just challenging me there?
"She started It" Oh god what are, like in kindergarden, JUST IGNORE NEXT TIME!!! That was not even a bad insult!
Uh... Hi. Stop fighting.
I hate people like u!!Stupid head...And what do u mean by that J?????
I already have one!Ur the one who needs 2 get a life!!!And J why ru starting 2 be mean 2 me again?
J is a nice guy Tasha  Hes just trying to calm everyone down
i dont know if should cry or laugh my ass off here...
I am trying to be nice but both of you nare my friends so I can't pick a side...I am sorry but if this keeps up I will NEVER speak to the both of you...
Thats right Tashe...see she is being Mature...Now Ban-chan apologize...NOW!
Ur right...this is getting stupid!but im still upset... 
*runs away upset*
sorry to be of no help here but.. not much really
I wish Clarad001 was here...  J, ur a meaner!I'll meat u back at the old pic in 2 hours!! dont u dare forget!!BYE!!!!
Nothing u can do J, they have to sort it out
J, don't forget! In 2 hours at the old pic! bye....
dont make me bring out the popcorns again -.-
why didint you?
so you gonna go and be bitter about it... thats not gonna help
i get it more then you know... you think your the only one who has been hurt, this litle thing is not worth it ( well obviusly not litle for you) ... ever heard of forgive and forget?
Nobody is arguing Tasha
and you never wonder why it happen?
that thing at school...
no i dont think you like it tasha, no one wouldi was simply asking, why it happens that they do that then...
Tasha im sori but u need 2 calm down  We're not trying to hurt u
Ok im gonna go....see ya later Tasha
well sorry if i stressed you then.. wasent my point like annie said, wasent trying to hurt you or anything like that
what happened?
yeah i get it...
Ok. So anyway, omg we've practically destroyed this pic with our comments ^_^ ' xD This Kagome from Inuyasha....cant say i watched that anime
Im on till......hmmmmm when i can be bothered to come off
I think this site is good...ive been here since May 06 i think.....still not bored of it so that must say sumthing
Whoa!! U beat me! I didnt know uve been here that long
Kool. Why have u just started posting now then?
How did u mean D and J btw?
Typo xD.....and i remember when i met D for the first time she was talking about Tacos (sp?) she said "Would u like to be my....fr....friend?  "
xD And i believe u know how i met J.....if i mention it one more time he will kill me painfully
what the hell O.o .... are you guys talking about me
Speak of the devil xD Oh and i decided to moan about Sakura's weakness once and J slaughtered me for it -_- thats how we met - and yes D u are indeed correct *HUGS* YO D!!
I remember meeting J, he was screaming at me because I was an ino fan ......... and back though days I used to be shy and now am LOUD !! ... hehe... what to know how I meet ANni ... hehe .... and Tish it's really been that short hasnt it ... WOW MORE FRIEND !!! holla ANNi and guess what ... am eating a taco XD
J is a crazy perv isnt he anni ... am like the devil what did you call me ANNI !!!  ... I mean we been friends for a short time compared to Anni who has been my friend for a year ^_^
Its a sayin ^_^ ' and kool a taco......oh btw D, this may sound very very very very weird and possibly creepy......but is that stain on ur ceiling still there?? xD
*hugs* but I still care about you Tish .... and i think it's still there, remember I dont live in my dad's house anymore, but I think the strain got bigger too XDDD
OMG....maybe it developed a face and a family....OMG ITS COMING TO KILL US!!  Nah nah thats just my crazy imagination......right???
..... right ...... O.o .... u know I am getting a strain in my closet now that you mention that .... omg this has good memories '
A stain in ur closet.....its an acomplis of his i tells ya!!  Ok well down dont go in the closet, ull be fine.....so anyways D its been ages how r ya? ^_^
ages arent the words I am thinking *hugs* man it's been like forever and forever ... anni do you remember the 4 month cookies ... guess what ... the cookies are one year old and it's got cake babies
good times good times .... but I think that Strain and the cookies are sercently trying to take over the world
flamming frog Oo
we know bankotsu ^^ not a problem to come back att all
I believe so bankotsu lover#1 ^_^
Thank u people!!!  Ur so kind!btw, this may seem pointless 2 u, but if U r J or D u would know that I finally broke up with my bastard of a boy friend! Ban-Chan is now availebale!!!
damn if i wasent so darn tired i wouls so be in for a pillow fight right now -.- 'yawns*
a pillow fight would be cool...2 bad no one's at my house right now! Every one of my damn friends had 2 go and get them seleves grounded!!!!I'm soooo bored...
hmm so how old are you  j/k
Is there a wardrobe near by any chance??
no more wardrobe for you missy >_>----
Awh  I will cry!
*dark corner w/t an ice pack on head* curse u fever TT.TT
I'm 15....how old r both of u? And who r u Sasukes girl????
annie >_>--- um im 20 ^^; gonna turn 21 later on... *takes out ice machine* here we go K ^^
Im 17....and awwwwww Sasukes girl!!!!  Not a fever!!
thx G and to bankotsu lover#1 i'm 14
Ok, so G, u r 20?? how old r u annie??Uh...scratch that. I gotta go to the bathroom...  U people there?
yeah im old TT_TT
Gotta go people, got work in 7 hours  see ya
too much info
yeah i better go to.. ja ne ^^
BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!So, it's just me and Sasukes Girl??btw, call me ban-chan!
yesh me too! i'm sick! well ttyl u guys!!
So.... its only me than....I wonder who else will appear....I'm all alone again....TT_TT....oh well! PEACE OUT!!
and the princess is back
blah blah blah....*walks away*
pop lock and drop it that wat im listening 2 *does pld*
Oh, shutup theprincess!!!!!!!
omg... I ain't readin all of that Tasha!!! O_O
hahaha me also!^-^ this is ban-chan btw just diffrent username!
nooooo no more fighting PEACE PEOPLE PEACE!!!LOL and yay!!^-^
NO MORE FIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I meant up there!  but it is fun to read
haha  sorry just wondering.
Dang how late do you stay up!?
uhhhhhhhhh meow????????
this picture is fake!
No duh captain obviouse!!!!!
hey can u guys just get a life?!?! its just a show.. its not like they try to make them look like sluts!! its just for entertainment!!!!!!!!!!! geez and the picture was obviously drawn by a loser with no lifee sooooooo freakin deal with it!!!!
i dont thank thank that is true if this is what they do for a liveing then they have a life only filled with a lot more sexual content or something like that...so that person probally has a life
This pic is on the ''too much'' side for me. Where's the bottom? Why is she in a two piece instead of the usual one? I know some of the answers but still. I feel very ashamed of my fellow males right now.....Lighten up. People who keep saying bad things about kagome.PLEASE go to another site and talk ill of her, or create your own site. I'd really appreciate it.
its not real i would nt do that
I'm a perv! where is the gallery you speak of
ITS JUST FANART. I love her!!! GO KAGOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why does everyone be that way its fan art maybe the person that drew its horny but kagomes NOT!
Fantastic pic you have there! http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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