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Oh yeah!!!  I added this one!! d^-^d
Oh yeah and It's sooooo cool and hot and awesome
Yaaay you like it!!  I should add more pics of him, yup. ^^
I don't just like I love and yeah you should put more in
Ooh I found this really cool short story about Zabuza's childhood, it's like fanart in comic form, really nice. ^^ I don't have the exact link, but you can try Googling "If Pheasant Didn't Cry"
Ok thanks
Did ya read it yet? Did ya read it yet? Did ya? Did ya? *grows wolf-ears and a tail and jumps around excited-doggie style*
Phoenix:Calm down now Laiyo-san*scraches her behind the ear* Good.....human, doggy, werewolf thingy. -__-;
Laiyo: *makes a friendly growl* (wolf alternative for barking) Gaara: Throw her a stick, she'll fetch it. -_- Me: GGRRrrrrr shut-up grrr!!! *chases Gaara around the room* Gaara: Well whaaaat?? You always make fun of /meeeee/... *is chased*
*sighs*......oh yeah Laiyo i read If Pheasant Didn't cry! It was really good and i like the art and story alot thanks for sharing the info!
You're welcome! ^^ (If I'll find any more interesting stuff, I'll be sure to post the links. ^^) But that story was so sad, wasn't it. T_T
Yes, Yes! It was sooooooo sad TT^TT. Ohh crap no i'm gonna start crying!
TT~TT *joins you in crying*
It's okay Laiyo-san!! Zabuza's in a better place now with Haku and his teacher.....and...and TT-TT ohhhhhhhh it's just to sad!!!
*crying loudly* (...) I read If Pheasant Didn't cry! It was SOOOOOOOOO sad.... My poor cousin..
*still crying* Come here, Zabuza-san, I'll comfort you!  Naruto: Sounds dirty, hur-hur-hu-- *gets gagged with a cucumber pie and dragged away by Haku*
NOW 'DAT'S MORE LIKE IT LAIYO!!!! Anywho, do you guys know why it was named that it's kind of confuzzeling if you ask me! o_O
Hmm, let me think about that one... o_O *scratches chin* *stares off* Hmmm... Acoording to my calculations I can tell you that... *drumroll* ...I have NO clue why it's called that! xD Ha ha ha... Naruto: You suck! You s-- *gets gagged with a calculator and dragged away by Haku*
Alright then.......well how about your name? Not that it's bad or anything! It's an awsome name, but where did you come up with it?
Meh name? ^^ Well, the original version was supposed to be Lai, which means 'barking' as in dog's barking in Russian, but it was taken when I first started using it, so I made up Laiyokii, which I use everywhere and which I eventually shortened to Laiyo. ^_^ So, if you sign up to anything else and come across a Laiyokii there, it'll most likely be me. Yup.^_^ (Incidentally, if you take three last letters of my full name and switch them around, you'll get Lai. ^^)
*some time later* Zabuza: Sorry, I made pudding with them and fed it to Laiyo already. ^___^ Err, Laiyo... Laiyo? You can stop licking my cheek now... Laiyo? Laiyo?? Me: Aww shut up, it's not like you /don't like it/ or anything...  Zabuza: Point. -_-
Phoenix: THERE IS NONE AND THERE WAS NEVER A POINT!!! MWAHAHAHA-did someone say pudding? *Gets all excited and runs around in circles* Mehehehe, PUDDING!!
Zabuza: Laiyo already ate it. -_- Me: NOOO, -You- ate it, Zabuza-kun, and I just licked it off your cheeks. Yum! ^_^
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