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Yay! Naruto is hokage! ^^
Dumbass, that's a yoai couple. I've seen alot of your pics leenad and I've come to the conclusion that you are gay.
if that's true, then...what's wrong with being gay?
Hey! I'm not gay HizuyamaChic25  I just like yaoi. Don't be so judgemental to people you don't now or assume things cause really your just making a total ass out yourself.
Ilike what you draw Leenad its cool
lol but I didn't draw it. Glad you like it though.
OHH I love this!!
Naruto's Hokage? Oh so his. Yay! HOORAY FOR NARUTO!!  Oh! and Sasuke looks hot in his new clothes!
I like it and I like yaoi but I'm not gay. People can like yaoi and not be gay!((You know, I always wondered how you pronounce yaoi...  ))
nice  .... but if naruto's hokage.... we're all doomed.
Hmmm.....Not bad.....I mean for sasuke
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