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Do you even know what 'Lolita' is??? Lolita is a 5 to 10 year old that has sex with her mother's husband and/or father... In Japan they are aslo labled 'kindersluts'. -__- The style maybe as cool as hell, but what it represtent is not. I just though you should know that before you go advertising it somewhere else
Well Creator_of_worlds you can STFU cuz nobody asked you! Normally I wouldn't say anything but I looked at some of your past comments and you had nothing nice to say to anyone! I think on one you commented cuz the person spelled petals wrong, ever heard of constructive criticisome asshole?
Well, technically, Honey-senpai is a "Loli-shōta". (Well, so Wikipedia says.) I really can't remember which "type" he is, but whatever. Just remember him as teh cute type. ♥
Loli Shouta is basically an adorable little boy with older girls. If you watch the series closely, it's pretty obvious to figure out the definition. (And NEVER trust Wikipedia...)
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