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Oh dear... *busts out laughing*
OMG....So funny...I love Gaara's expression... and Temari and Kankuro...OMG!!!!!
Gaara's sooo cute!
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol ew.....
ok i never thought of gaaraXlee but its still cute(p.s. it should be gaaraX some 1 else)
Ill Kill both of them......they need to get laid bIg TIME
Ok, I don't know if I should be  or  ...Gaara looks cute, though!
i think u should be both. im in between shock and hysteria rite now
NOO!! They're not gay!!  But this is really funny!!
Just because Lee is weird....okay, REALLY weird....doesn't mean he's gay! And Gaara is definitely NOT NOT NOT gay!!!!!
It's just a comic. Relax.
LOL!!!!!!  Im not seeing this , im not seeing this! ROTFL
I love gaara xpretion XD but im still in shock, please upload the rest
I'm getting irritated at you freakin people. >> You have no proof that Gaara is or isn't gay.. (I don't include Lee because he "loves" Sakura.. So, yeah.) Did Gaara ever flat out say "I'm not gay"? No. And Tekai please, do me a favor and shut the hell up. Typing in capitals does NOT make you look any smarter. I'm getting sick of people bashing yaoi pairings; but that probably won't stop anytime soon, now will it?
 pppppppfffffffff!!! *bursts out laughing* Oh god! that's soooo funny! I especially love gaara expresion when lee says "nothing more" hee hee he's all like 'heh heh, uh, hello *smiles*' at least that's what his expression says to me
OMG!!! this is so funny.  I just love this pairing.
 that's funny, even though i don't like yaoi.
aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gaaaras not gay hes me boy friend he told me so
Poor Temari. xD
adding to favorites
Not sure whether to laugh or cry that Gaara couldn't do better than Lee.
oh crap........kankuro's fixin 2 kick sum A$$...poor temari-chan!!
neha! this's great! oh and by the way, this comment thing is to gather opinions of everyone! you can't just make ppl not post their flames because it's not nice. besides gratitude gets kinda boring to read. savy? (oooh i said it! ehehe!)
lol, priceless XP
Oh shit!!!!!!!!!! my eye's!
ummmm.....neither of them are gay but still, you ppl make such a big deal out of it....  anyway, very funny!
GaaLee is NOT a good couple!!!  but tis mii opionon (is tht how ya spell it?) anyways, i luv gaaras and kankuro's xpression in the last column!! so funii!!
I wonder if there are anymore similar pictures http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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