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this is Anko she looks great.............is that KAKASHI IN THE BACKGROUND.........WHAT IS HE WEARING....THE HOTINESS....INESS *d faints*
D wake up. *shakes D violently* sorry about that D
kakashi stole tarzans cloth!!!
Lol never thought of that
*d wakes up* HE IS HOT.........and he didnt stole .........he just doesnt have a bathing suit so he used a wash cloth for a bathing suit
lol You have some imagintion
he should buy 1
lol Yeah he should
I LOVE IT.........what a body LOOK LOOK LOOK at the HOTINESS.....INESS
you really need a phycoligist....
And you should go away and Not comment if you do not like a certain pic.
can anyone tell me whats in her mouth? .........please say it isnt that.......*GASP*
Is anko smoking somthing!?!?!?
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