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omg!!! that is soooo cute
What do you think they'er saying, Ashes Uchiha?
i dont know i think they were just mad st each other then naruto started crying and made sasuke feel bad
that is tooo cuuuttteeee
XD Cute
SO Cute!!! TO KAWAII! ^_^
nice.... and other than that, no comment.
I wish they will fnish like that every time!
i'm taking a wak at this, so don't kill me(first)sasuke: you jurk, moron, BAKA!! Naruto: you evil person(second)naruto: a moron!? a jurk!? a BAKA!? Sasuke:  (third)naruto:*starts to feel sad* sasuke: *turns away* (forth)naruto: *eyes start to water* sasuke: !! eh! (fith)naruto:*crys* sasuke: WAIT! DON'T CRY! (sixth)naruto: SASUKE! YOUR THE JURK YOUR THE BAKA YOU- sasuke: eh?! (seventh)naruto:*clench teeth* sasuke:!! (eighth)sasuke:*kisses naruto's cheek* sorry(last)both:*hugs*
oh wow well it's kawaii!!!!
AWWWWW.......  this is soo cute
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