who looks more surprised naruto or hinata.
sakura is being very..... urgh.. !!!
I HATE HER FOR DOING THAT TO HINATA .... and the gift is 4 Hinata
naruto is here 4 hinata , not sakura!
Naruto look like he is thinking...*i wonder just how far i get to go with this????*
LMBO ..... you always mange to ruin a pic .... in a good way
we know we just a little pervey...corse you dont know nothing about that
 Right now I have an urge to kill Sakura. And it's not going to go away until she gets the hell away from Naruto.
well you also have to blame naruto for letting it happen so its not all sakuras fault
it looks like she jumped him ... look he is not haging her ... it IS SAKURAS FAULT
he has the strength to push her off if he wanted to, and its not like they know hinatas there so theres no one to blame really but if there is blame, its both naruto and sakura cuz its takes two to tango
Push her away you baka! She should go cry over Sasuke-teme or something instead of stealing Naruto away from Hinata.
well actually, Naruto has a crush on Sakura not Hinata (im being technical) so why would he push her away huh huh?? so you cant blame him, or sakura for that matter. I guues you could feel bad for Hinata, but its not like shes told naruto she loves him or anything
HELLO PPL ... the gift in his hand is for HINATA ... NOT SAKURA ..... and he isnt the type to push away someone ... he is too nice for that ... but still I think it's more Sakura's fault than Naruto
how do you know its not for sakura? and maybe thats why shes hugging him so...nicely
-_-' why do you think hinata is also holding a present?
nope ... my Japanese told me that it says HINATA not SAKURA .... she ... may thing that the present is for her though
well im just observing what i see, im not being biast with my pairing. And i think sakuras holding the present not him...
sorry didnt mean to be a jerk ....  sorry
theres gonna be some romance in naruto 2 so, you better see it !
Aww, Sakura looks so sincere. She deserves Naruto for getting there first. Survival of the fittest (and prettiest). ♥
-_-" nako...
That`s your opinion.♥
I agree with Daisy_Chainsaw , would you please saying that as fact because Hinata isn't prettier than Sakura, thats JUST YOUR OPINION  The way I see this pic is that Sakura looks a bit sad...maybe she hugging Naruto because she's lookin g for support. Just check out her expression Sakura looks a bit sad and well Naruto is obviously blushing cuz he always had a crush on her
Hinata isn't very pretty when she is twelve, I agree. But when she's fifteen she is prettier than Sakura(to me anyway). Hinata deserves Naruto, not Sakura. Hinata liked him longer than anyone in the series. And Sakura only likes Naruto now is because Sasuke is gone. I'm sorry to those narusaku fans, but that's what I think.
well if youre going to say hinata liked him during the series, you could say the same for naruto liking sakura during the series. so it could be either way narusaku or naruhina.
You're right darkshadows, that kind of slipped my mind. But I just can't handle him and Sakura together. It drives me crazy every time I watch an episode when he's all over her . It's probably because I'm a huge naruhina fan and rather have Sakura with Lee, Gaara or Sasuke.
I still think SakuNaru is a bazillion times more probable than HinaNaru.♥
yeah i agree because if hinata keeps fainting around him, how exactly is their relationship going to work lol
Plus, Naruto has feelings for a certain pink haired kunoichi, blinding him from Hinata.
bascily hinata has a less change to be with naruto but sakura has more ... but what will happen when she sees Sasuke again , than Naruto's changes drop .... I see that his love and hate is just confusing .... will if Hinata cant have naruto , she can have Kiba it's a win win for her
HINATA 4 NARUTO!!  sakura dnt like naruto so it dnt work ya c!
I agree with Clarad001, What will happen when sasuke comes back? It's not right for Sakura to do that.
well, lovely anime, sasuke and naruto could always fight for sakura but then if naruto dies, then hinata will become sad then she'll try to avenge naruto's death and KILL Sasuke *GASP* *GASP* *GASP* *GASP* AHHHHHHHHHHHH my brain hurts....but then what would happen if naruto killed sasuke...then sakura would get mad at naruto then start to kill him...but then what would happen if both hinata and sakura died because naruto and sasuke died trying to fight for their girl...that didn't make any sense...did it???
Sakura will switch back and forth from Sasuke to Naruto while Hinata creates a sculpture of Naruto out of his pre-chewed gum.^_^
0_0 ...... or maybe sasuke and naruto die, than Sasuke will end up with Lee and Hinata with kiba ..... what do you think ?????
*twitch twitch* Must. . . resist . . . urge . . . to . . . kill . . . Sakura . . .
hay ppl who said sasuke is dead did i miss somthing?
If Naruto died, Sakura would go to Lee and Hinata would spend the rest of her life sitting in a corner, biting herself.
I think if Naruto died Hinata would try suicide by cutting herself. I know she probably wouldn't go that far if he was dead, but that what I think what would happen.
if you think about it. Hinata is obsessed with naruto as much as sakura and ino are with sasuke, Its just she doesnt show it, so i would say that she probably would kill herself. Hmm what a morbid topic lol
What a hoe!
for once agree with you Star-chan ^_^
shes not a hoe, she just got their first
yup I agree with you Dark-sama ^_^
Wait a minute. Clarad, how can you agree with both of them if they have totally different views? I question your mental stability, I really do.
yup I agree with you Daisy-chan ^_^
Oh Clarad, you are a weird one alright. ^_^
yup , super weird !!!!!! @_@
very weird! do u agree D?
daisy-chainsaw you seem to forgot that when neji almost killed hinata naruto tried to kill him
That`s because Naruto just didn`t like Neji. I`m sure if he tried to kill Sakura, Naruto would be just as angry. Probably even more.
Yeah if it was sakura im sure naruto would have killed Neji. And Naruto was mostly mad about the Hinata neji fight because he tried to attack her once the match was over and she was hacking up blood ^_^
But what about when Shino, Kiba, Hinata and Naruto were looking for the bug. When Naruto thought Hinata was dead, his eyes turned red and wanted to kill the three intruders.
wow, a debate, this is what i can say:
1.maybe sakura will die O_O, if you think about it, a cherry blossom(sakura) has a short life span, but sakura is not a cherry blossom,
2. maybe naruto will eventually make sasuke come back, and go with sakura
3.maybe naruto really cares for hinata but he doesnt notice it
4. anythings possible.... right?
ok ok .... came ppl ... Naruto is a dumb to notice anything in front of this nose 2 I agree with Mel-nee ..... 3 no knows what is going to happen and thats why we are debating ... it's better to see if anything new cames up in this situatuion
OMGWTFYMCA, is this real. NOOOOOOOOO!!! THERE IS NO GOD! (jumps out window and dies)
1. Naruto loves Sakura and he's always loved her.2. Hinata loves Naruto but as we all know Kiba and Shino told Naruto that Hinata likes him and yet Naruto knows but yet he still shows no love for hinata so that shows that Naruto loves Sakura still. 3.Hinata should just end up with Kiba or Shino cuz they are the only ones who really care for her especially Kiba.4. Sakura is not a whore cuz it is not her fault that she is more open with her feelings than Hinata.5. in a battle Sakura would win with her stre...
WRONG!!!! 1. Kiba and Shino have NEVER told Naruto about Hinata's affection for him (where you got that is beyond me). 2. Kiba has never displayed any sign of affection for Hinata what so ever, and Hinata doesn't like Kiba (in that way) cause he always teases her and he's mean to Naruto. 3. In a battle, Hinata would win because it dosn't matter how strong you are, a Hyuuga can win because of their special Taijutsu. 4. Theres more evidence in the manga and the anime that suggest Naruto with Hinata.
Hinata may love naruto but he does know that she does and ot's that he never showed her any emotion towards her like that but he does kinda when they get older, maybe he will develop feelings for her since sakura is still deepy in love with sasuke I like to believe, and kiba is just helping out a friend and we dont know as a fact if he has feelings for her but would explain alot, wouldnt it 2 of all we need to make sure that the things we say are fact and not just fan love comment
 Why are we even debating, we're all crazy.
Maybe we can all kidnap the creater of Naruto and won't let him go until he tells us who Naruto will end up with.Then we can all stop debating over all this.  ...What? I'm sure most of you thought the same thing, right?  Now excuse me while I look for plane tickets to japan and a map to Masashi Kishimoto's house.
Kidnap Kishi? Tee hee, that would be fun!
I AM SO IN, I need to know the truth THE TRUTH , and we are debating this because we care and want our answer to be true or came true
i'm not in this but I wanna help!!
me too...  by the way hinata is not drawn like that
Kiba and Shino did tell Naruto that Hinata likes him obviously u arent very far in the anime and it is true that they told ask anyone and in his profile it says that Kiba is always watchin out for Hinata. plus he stopped being mean to Naruto when Naruto beat him in the chunin exams, also Kiba showed affection with Hinata in the finals when Neji was fighting Naruto and he also worries about her like who she would fight in the chunin exams, and He teases Shino not Hinata
Nope, I've seen all the NaruHina episodes which one are you talking about though, cause methinks we have different subtitled versions. Kiba does worry about Hinata, but he doesn't worry about her now because he knows she can take care of herself now. If you've seen the beginning of episode #148, Kiba teases Hinata cause she always faints in front of Naruto, same in the final chapter of the Naruto 1 series, and Hinata gets mad when he does that. And I meant affection like Naruto has for Sakura.
well i think shino and kiba indirectly told naruto that hinata liked him since they said she admired him or something( correct me if im wrong ) its was when she was fighting the bee clan ppl during a filler episode. And the affection that kiba shows for hinata im pretty sure its just platonic. Oh and count me in for the kidnap of Kishimoto!!
All I heard from that episode is that Hinata pushed herself so hard to be acknowledged by Naruto, you guys must have a different subtitled version.
STUPID SUBTITLES, they drive me MAD @_@ mahahahahahaha letrs get him'
in narutos profile, it is said that he is still clueless about hinatas feelings for him, that was a fact
 Hmmmmmmm, so confusing.
what the hell, I am going to punch the crap out of the creator because heis pissing me off
the author already know how to end naruto... i wonder....
So CON.....FU......SING. *faints*
*pokes Zero Ex-Machina * are you alright?
I know how she feels * hits head against wall x 10 and now forehead id bleeding* I feel better *thumps up *
I feel a little light headed *falls backwaards, blacked out* @_@
*gets a lot of poking sticks and pokes nee-chan and Zero Ex-Machina *
cool * grabs pokeing stick and starts to poke as well* well evedently you got a different subtle version cuz I read the subtiteles and it said this : " Hinata is always watching you and she admires you a lot Naruto " and shino's and Kiba's faces were like they were hinting to him as in: she likes you idiot don't you get us?
i respect your answer but, wat i heard from the anime is "she did it to be acknowelged by her father, everyone and you, naruto"...... thats what shino said......... and it is a fact that naruto is STILL clueless (i already said that two times.......because its true) and you have to remember that naruto is the most clueless character in the series/manga *continues to poke*
OW *wakes up* YEP YEP, that makes more sense.
*stops poking Zero Ex-Machina * wat makes more sense? *continues to poke nee-chan*
You of course, Naruto is clueless, even if Shino and Kiba had told Naruto he still wouldn't understand, but then again I think they would be more respectful and not intervene in Hinata's bussiness.
yea.... they will keep a friends secret
Well Shino maybe, I don't know about Kiba.
you can stop poking me  Shino doesnt do much in the manga and in the anime
oops*stops poking nee-chan* kiba is kinda of a loud mouth, but i think he can keep secrets... i mean...he's a good guy
Well I still think Sakura is better of with Naruto he does know all about her and she even said that ( watch Ep.110-111 ) cuz she found out that Naruto transformed into Sasuke and Then she said " Naruto-kun he's known all about me the entire time!" . Hinata is used to Kiba's and Shino's comfort.
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm back BABY, and I bring forth excellent news, THE FILLERS WILL OFFICALLY END ON EPISODE 199 (according to NarutoFan.com), I'm sure many of you already know this but still this is wonderful news. *grabs giant chocolate cake and eats it*
ive heard the news too... and yea!!!! finally, episode 199 is going to be aired on around august 30, 2006
Damn, that's still a long time, HMMMM gotta do something to pass the time. *continues to eat chocolate cake*
in canada we arent even on EP 20 *I think * but ..... YAY
el puma... you have a good idea  but i also hope they dont make a delay 
btw sakura didnt say that J , i just watched it...again to make sure
yes, I saw something different too.
sakura was just crying and telling naruto to get sasuke, and sakura never said "naruto-kun" exept the time kakashi fell for that eraser trap in the anime episode 4, and about naruto...he is the most clueless person, but is smart sometimes, i mean he was a prankster....and still is
thats sooooooooo true, she calls him, NARUTO in a annoying voice
yea like this *naaaaaaaaaaaaarutoooooooooooooo!!!!*
the memories, the truma ....... my ears are ringing is that normal
At this point and time it's probably best just not to argue about this whole NaruHina vs. NaruSaku thing, although I am a big NaruHina fan and want nothing more for Naruto to be with Hinata.
Somebody just need to open Naruto's eyes REALLY and he will notice. Hinata... or Sakura...? Well since Kishimoto said, he's not near from the end of Manga and Anime, it means some more will come, I heard rumors that Hinata and Sakura will fight in the end for Naruto and yeah... I'm really a NaruHina supporter. I don^t think too that the anime and manga will end soon, because many secrets are not answered yet and as example, past of TenTen?!
dont forget the past of shino, im an obvious fan of naruthina and yea, they did say something about hinata and sakura fighting for naruto, and masashi kishimoto already knows how to end naruto, so lets leave it to him
There just rumors, until they can be confirmed there just rumors, but it dosen't seem to be right though, Sakura vs. Hinata, is that how girls settle things in Japan.
Sakura would win you know why 1. Sakura is intelegent and has much more knowledge in combat than Hinata. 2. Sakura has the best control in her chakra than any of the rookies as Kakashi said. 3. Sakura has monstrous strength at age 15. 4. Sakura is also a medical ninja any wounds will be healed. There you have it all in a nut-shell. And WTHF I said ep. 110-111 not episode 10 and 11 go to youtube and you will see her start to cry and Naruto says he will bring back Sasuke and etc. just watch!
hey J wat is your problem, of course i watched it, and if you didnt read my comment here on Aug 16, 2006 at 02:41 AM i watched the episode at least 9 times already and she never said anything about knowing naruto disguising as sasuke, actually, she never knew it was naruto...btw i didnt say i watched episode 10 or 11, about episodes, i discovered the titles of episode 200:Working hard on active duty, The strongest helper and 201:Multiple traps, Countdown to destruction again, sakura never said naruto-kun...
kk ill stop now  , i dont know about j, but i should stop arguing with something i already know
I say this as an opinion not as an argument, but I belive that Hinata deserves Naruto more, after all she's loved Naruto since the beginning and has greatly respected and acknowledged him whereas everyone viewed Naruto as a freak; Sasuke refuses to admit that Naruto's better then he is, Sakura constantly beats the hell out of him, and Shikamaru, Chouji, and Kiba act as they never had a friendship with Naruto at the beginning of the series, but still Hinata was the only one who belived in him. I'm done now.
i agree with el puma
You can say the same thing but did you remember that Naruto loved Sakura from the begining aswell and Naruto never show that much affection to Hinata,and I am not argueing.And if I were sakura I would beat the hell outta him cuz he is annoying sumtimes!
well, yea, but we have nt been in narutos head lately so we are not very sure if he still likes her like before, but hey, i respect your opinion
Yea I admit that, superNarutootaku1292.
Thank you and of course Naruto likes sakura still, everyone knows that and did you see the glow in Naruto's eyes when he saw 15 yr. old Sakura? also Naruto beat Gaara the shukaku form cuz he wanted to protect Sakura and everyone else but I mostly heard him say I will protect Sakura-chan! so he still loves Sakura.
hehe, i told you, i respect your answer  so, yea, i understand that and even though im a big naruhina fan, i was originally a narusaku fan then i thought sakura had a short patience in mind, on the outside , she doesnt show it that much, and recently in part 2 inner sakura is overtaking the outer sakura, i just hope she doesnt have a short patience, i gotta admit she cares for naruto and sasuke, naruto. from being a victim of the akatsuki and sasuke from being a victim of orochimaru
True NF you are very smart and have you seen D? also weve been able to chat without any rude interuptions!
havent talk to nee-chan in days  , do you know wat happened to her? am 13, i take things the way i like but i also look to respect people and look at things like it should be, and yea, this conversation was'nt been interupted
True, I've been wondering were she was.
i have seen her in days, am worried
Maybe she's busy, I'm about to go to college myself next week so you won't be able to hear from me often.
 we are going to miss you
yeah I know what happened to D I will tell you if you wanna know NF?  also how do you make hearts?
the hearts? i use copy and paste for microsoft word, if your talking about the other kind of heart, i dont know  but hey wat happened to nee-chan? im very worried...
I'm sure she'll be back, don't know when but I'm sure she'll be back. BELIEVE!!!
oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just discovered that the fillers will end at episode 201 or 202 no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just hope nee-chan is ok
Oh well at least we still have the manga, speaking of which I wonder what Naruto's new original technique is going to be.
*nods* yea and in chapter 320, i wonder wat kakashi said about "showing something interesting to naruto"? i like the manga, but lately not much happened
Probably saving all the best stuff for later. (Somehow I get this weird feeling that Asuma is going to die, maybe it's just me)
i thought it was just me too, i think asuma is going to die, but i hope not..
If asuma Dies Kurenai will be really sad and so will be Ino and Shika and chouji!! and D right now is liveing in a shelter cuz( I think this will be a shocker) her mother is running away from her father and D being the good soul she is ran away with her mom cuz she idin't wanna leave her mom alone so now she won't speak for awhile! And I will cry if Hinata dies!
Well I hope everything works out for her I really miss her, but I still don't understand what happened.
i miss her too.. so much
ok ok, PPL calm down, I am here but not for long because the shelter doesnt have internet so it's hard for me to talk to you guys, and I was on last tuesday, and thursday but no one was here.... WTF i dont have a good soul, you guys make me said like I am dieing or something bad is happening to me, it's not so bad, but I wan to be back home to talk to you all, it's just so hard dealing with my mom right now but I am starting to hate my dad or step dad more I think about it, he doesnt even care, NARUTO RULZ
O_o wat the oh my mama mia
LOL maybe I shouldnt have said any of that
O_o *face frozen*
O_o *faints*
Wow D That was random @_@ any way miss ya an hope you come back ands perv dance and chat! And maybe Kurenai will rescue Asuma with Kiba, Hinata, Shino, Shika, Ino and Chouji to the rescue!
huh? that was kinda random
who me? anyway I was talking about Operation: Rescue Asuma!
i thought you meant something else sorry
It be ok and it was not your fault I am weird!XD anyway I also have a feeling he will croak.
So it's not just me then.
yes, it is not just you... hmmmm..... i wonder wat technique naruto is gonna learn?
Hmmmm, well the rasengan is an incomplete jutsu, yeah. (Interesting)
maybe he is gonna fuse "nature manipulation" with the form of rasengan, and who knew kakashi could do rasengan?
WTF?? my head hurts ... i am going that way because you guys are just talking randominess ... THAT"S SO SRAW
wat the oh my mama mia.... nee-chan -_-"
WOW, you're back, yeah. Join the party. Speaking of which, course Kakashi would know the Rasengan (thanks to the Sharingan), but weird how come he can't copy it in the games  . And, about the Rasengan, me thinks Mr. Masashi Kishimoto might pull something from Dragonball Z and make the Rasengan into a Kamehameha-like technique, yeah.
I think he has been taking to steal ideas from inuyasha and dragon ball z from day 1, which no one cares and I think i will JOIN THE PARTY
yea, i notice that, i wonder if its gonna be something like "kaze-rasengan" or something, and that needs a lot of skill according to kakashi
I think someone should say something about the fact that he thielf ............. AND A LIER
huh? i understand a theif but why a lier?
A thief, he ain't a thief, yeah. Sure there are many elements from DBZ in it, hell every other anime/cartoon ripsoff ideas from DBZ. I mean it was like the first God Anime the world has ever known, yeah. Everyone was inspired by it's magnificence.
somehow DBZ reminds me of "astro boy"? im not sure
DBZ sucks!XD never liked it that much and the jap voices are corny same goes for the english and the powers and the enemys, they were all the same three transformations and two of them had tails also, sorry DBZ fans but I think in todays anime's that they all make DBZ look lame-er, The stories to DBZ were also lame and corny and the lines were also cheesy overall DBZ sucked and by the way Inuyasha is also lame I only liked the first 80 eps. then it got boreing.  I only like Naruto, Bleach and Fullmet...
shut your month, DBZ was awesome in it's own way and inuyasha is cool but it's too long, anyways it doesnt matter because here to 4 yrs everyone will say that naruto sucks it always happens to the great shows ^^
DBZ is LAME!!!!  and Naruto is cooler, so is Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist! and D you have to admit DBZ is lame and corny! DBZ is sooo corny Goku sounds like a little girl or a boy on Female hormones!
stop that i had a huge crush on him and his excellent body but everything in the most fade away and naruto will also too
i like DBZ, after all, its the first anime i ever drew (since first grade) and i DBZ is very similar to naruto, goku=naruto!
goku is hot naruto is hot , I see the how it is similair hehehe ^^
and i think DBZ characters are easy to draw compared to other anime, and i like DBZ than DBGT
DBZ is lame! and true NF they are easy to draw I use to love #18 and draw her all the time!
I really need to watch Inuyasha and the other animes but I still haven't finished watching the rest of the Naruto fillers, DO'H. And anyways D, I think it's more Goku=Yondaime, you know cause they both have a super cool move that allows them to go extreamlly fast, they both sacrificed themselves for the people they love, and they both place their faith in their own sons (assuming that Naruto is Yondaime's son), yeah.
i see, thats so interesting to know puma, but it still stays the fact that Goku wasnt evil like Yondaime
yondaime is not evil... and currently i am reading different kinds of manga
Yondaime might be evil ya never know?
How is that possible, I thought it was just a rumor, yeah.
yup see he could be evil we dont know not like goku, we knew everything about him
Plus we don't know much about Yondaime they dont mention him that much.
he is so ......... not there
I really don't understand, where did everyone get the idea that Yondame might be evil, I thought Kakashi's story might have made that clear, yeah. (Man, how troublesome)
but he could be a leader of rare crimals who are evil, think about it
Who the Akatsuki, no that can't be, we now know that some brown haired guy is the Akatsuki Leader, yeah.
i think he is the leader and it;s rumoured that we will find out soon
yup > thats all you have to say >.>
yup, and maybe the leader of the Akatsuki is a pawn for what Yondaime has instored.
maybe, or maybe is has gone mad like orochimaru @_@ MAD I TELL yA
they are drugs, shhhhhhhh WE ARE ON DRUGS hehehe so sraw
LOL! D you are so SRAW! and another rumor says that the leader of the Akatsuki is form Kurenai's clan cuz of the eyes.
you think it's obito ....... kakashi's team mate
no he is probably a Yuhi like Kurenai Yuhi.  and Obito is worm chow already.
I know endless rumors! well I wonder what the Yuhii's special abilitys are?
I know that but I think obito has returned to us for some reason and Puma are you ok
I know u seem shocked and who still thinks Asuma is gonna DIE!!!!????
Endless rumors and there is no end to the fillers, what has happened to the world.
@-@ aiyaaaa! ? ! ? ! ?
sraw ......... and Asuma will die I know it and the fillers are deadly hehe ........ and Anni whats wrong ??
endless rumors, some rumors are too wierd, and some are supported, un.. O_o
thats why it's awesome but you never know if they can, could or are true , rumours are sercents that drive us to watching and waiting to see if they are right or wrong. We are the suckers and we like it ^^
its gives us interests to the story
nore like drives us ... why do you think ppl watch soaps, it's because it oblivious but thrilling to see when things turn out different than they thought
*nods* true,true
Alas, you speak the truth D.
hehe, wow ppl are agreeing with me  thank you guys
true D but what if Kurenai dies trying to save Asuma?
yea... i mean anything could happen
thats why we watch ... but as a society we are sick because if we want a story line it has to have problem and the more the better, thats sick we are sick for wanting more problem on the main character but if we wont than what would we be, I guess less human ?
see...i told you are wise
I am not WISE  .......... YAY i found a cookie ^^ and if I was wise I want someone to slap me right now^^
*slaps nee-chan* i found a mini cookie! ^-^
wth nee-chan *holds face* that hurt and i want a mini cookie ^^
sowy, i had to do it *gives cookie* ^.^ one cookie left
you can have the las one but next time if you have to slap me, please try to be gentle ^^ *rubs cheek*
Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha* steals the last cookie*
.....sakura can stay with naruto that leaves sasuke to me ^-^
J *punchs him in the tummy* how DARE YOU thats was nee-chans............ and sasuke will always be alone because he doesnt want to be with sakura or anyone esle
ive notice in most shonen manga, the main character always gets his dream girl, i agree, but naruhina is soo kyut and sorry i slapped you too hard, nee-chan, its ok he can have the last cookie ^_^
the cookies are very fresh and poor hinata... her chances are becoming slim
Only cause she has never had a chance to spend any time with Naruto ever since he came back.
yea... with all his missions and training...
I'm also getting another weird feeling that tells me maybe Hinata was watching Naruto training with Kakashi this whole time, and she saw Naruto transform to Kyuubi.
O_o i wonder too... and then hinata will finally know teh power of kyuubi
WHAT?!?!?! wait when did asuma die?!?!?!?! (and i'm a new kid here so BE NICE!!! haha jk but seriously) and i miss the days when naruto was daily... *reminessing in the good old days* and kiba would totally keep hinatas secret i mean sure he can be a loud mouth sometimes but he cherishes friendship exspecially w/akamaru but neway and where the heck r u guys in the series im still where Pervy Sage starts to train naruto and teaches him the summoning technique
so you watch the english dub... and el puma, i saw it too... but it is not confirmed that asuma is dead... there is just a high possibility but still is sad, i hope temari comes to the rescue
oh ok good
wow asumas is sooo lucky! (cant ell why, because its a spoiler)
its some guy will a goatee and some speckles on his nose (it is sooo not madara)
ok I have no idea whats happening her or what you ppl are talking about but I have to say HI I MISSED YOU el puma ^^
el puma, i havent seen you in a while, and the akatsuki leaderr will be revealed, omg, he has a goatee!!
goatee!!!!! (hey eveyones saying it)
DAMN..........I don't feel like saying anything, this is just one of those things you'll have to see for yourself.
poor hinata.....  i feel 4 u.....
Ehhh!!!  No that's not what happened, I suggest you download the manga from NarutoFan.com if you wanna know what were talking about. (and why the heck did say Hinata)
what what ?? so confused?
asuma-sensei... is the reason
HUH? I am just going to walk away
you... walking away?
Poor D, you have no idea whats going on do you. (I still like you though)
-_-' -_-'' -_-'''
(...) Poor Asuma I found out like three days ago that he died.......  poor guy....
WAIT!!!!! sum of u ppl told me asuma didnt die now superNarutootaku is saying he did WUTS THE DEAL!?!?!
Well we thought he wasn't going to die, well now we know.
now we know.... HE DIED, we thought he could survive, BUT HE DIED cause of hidan and kakuzu
I know I feel bad for Kurenai I wonder how she will feel about it I mean she kinda sensed somthing was gonna happen....
There's a bunch of posts...
Kakashi better not die! He's way too popular!
haku is still popular... deidara is more popular than naruto-kun... i love the latest naruto manga, there is a fold-out? in the middle...its showns 2 naruto's, from part 1 and 2
Kakuzu got OWNED this week.
huh?? elpuma long time no see
and omg kakuzu has stitches on his entire body... and omg 4 masks... and long time no see
I don't think Kakashi is going to die. I went to Wikipedia and read the manga updates and it says Kakashi was able to dodge that blast. Please don't kill Kakashi, Mr. Kishimoto!
wikipedia is not always accurate... anybody can come in and edit anything in there... the lastest chapter didnt even say if kakashi was wasnt able to dodge -.-
Like I said, CLIFFHANGER. But if my sister said it, chances are there is a slight chance it might happen. You wouldn't believe how many time she's been right so far when it comes to the manga. (She scares me sometimes)
hen is your sis? ive been right most of the time too... except for that asuma part.... -.-
No, Zero Ex-Machina is my sister. She was right about Asuma dieing and Hidan and Kakuzu being........uh....you know.
Ok, against my better judgement I downloaded the latest chapter from some online site (forgive me Viz!  ). Kakashi did catch the blast protecting Shikamaru and Choji, but it didn't do too much damage to him; it just destroyed his vest and headband.
How much you all wanna bet Shikamaru is going to kill Hidon, if he does he'll be more popular than that bastard Sasuke, maybe even more popular than Kakashi.
Just so long as someone kills Hidan. That guy's a jerk!
I dont know why you guys are debating because we wont know until the creator freakin tells us,so take a left then a right and then go straight,then you guys will see this little place called GET OVER IT LANE!!you guys should visit there sometimes.
No one's debating, JERK.  Anyways, Hidan is bastard for killing Asuma but I still think he's kinda cool. The Akatsuki will probably take over the next character poll, I wouldn't be surprised if EL GRANDE LEADER took the #1 spot.
im curious how he really looks like... or for that matter how freaking strong he has to be to actually be boss over all of those freaks with super power...
It might be cool if he's someone we have already met.
The leader of the Akatsuki has the best and most powerful aBILITIES WELL WIKIPEDIA WHICH IS NOT ALWAYS ACCURATE SAID THAT HE CAN TRANSFORM INTO A PERSON AND HAVE ALL THEIR NINJUTSU SKILLS AND MEMORIES( i THIN K THIS IS NOT TRUE)...but I am really curious about the fact that his eyes are exactly like Kurenai sensei's!
yeah iv seen that too... maby there related then...
If he is related to Kurenai, then it was REALLY cruel of him to kill Asuma!
i know, but hidan killed asuma. and omg kakuzu is weeeeeeeeeird, i mean is he a hundred years old or something?
Screw EL GRANDE LEADER, if anyone deserves to take the #1 spot it's definetly Shikamaru. And don't be surprised by Kakuzu, all the Akatsuki's are weirdos/freaks; Sasori(man-puppet), Kisame(man-fish), Itachi(um...crazy), Diedara(mouths on palms), Tobi(crushed Obito/burn victim), Kakuzu(stitched-up golem), Hidan(OMG, he's still alive but his head fell off), all that's left is the Akatsuki Girl and Leader. Maybe the Girl has a gross, stretchy deformed arm and the Leader is Yondaime's dark side.
First of all I was in freakin bitchy mood that day so back off El Puma and Im in a bitchy mood today.All of you piss me off sometimes.But mostly you El Puma.  Plus El Puma who you calling a jerk because I was making my own opion.
Well sorry if I upset you but no one was debating (at least not now).  So the fact that you just rambled on like that last time really came as a suprise.
but sometimes, debating is fun  *ehem* i must be weird
Sorry El Puma Im not in bitchy mood anymore.It was just something in life,thats all.
somehow i have the urge to get the eraser
yeah...this comment list is long....
I was about to saw that
real long, and uhh, to above comment nice name hehe
hey i havn't posted a comment in forever. and yes now i know and realize that asuma unfortunatly did die
yea, and shikamaru and his gang are gonna avenge him i guess
They are in the middle of the battle to avenge him right now in the Japanese releases.
yea, i read the jap. releases too
Hidan finally got OWNED, he didn't die but he got put in his place, kind of a dissapointment. I was kinda thinking that they would use some sort of forbidden jutsu to send him to hell, but oh well.
i just think it was awsome how shikamaru kicked hes ass
It is disturbing how hard that guy is to kill.
Can you say Destructo Disc, cause that's what Naruto's new technique is XD! As for Hidan, I don't think you sensitive ones might not wanna read the next chapter.
i'm lost first everyones talkin about who is better for naruto sakura or hinata then talking about who is prettier hinata or sakura then talking about if shikamaru is gonna kill hidan or not then how shikamaru kicked his butt lol its funny how topics can change so easily
Sakura is probaly jelous so she knew that Naruto still liked her a little bit so she got there before Hinata c so yhat they will never hook up or have premarital sex and piss off Hinata's dad cause she may have a baby and get married.
Uhhhh.... Aren't we supposed to talk about the pic??? Any way for all those guys who are like THAT PRESENT IS FOR HINATA NOT SAKURA!!! Weellllll...It doesn't matter cause SAKURA IS HOLDING THE PRESENT!!! Not Naruto cuz Sakura wears gloves and Naruto doesn't. And if Clarad's japanese is right, sakura's gonna give the present to hinata, which means she's not a man-stealing-whore...In my opinion...  But, then your thinking it doesn't make sence cuz it's valentines day and hinata and sakura are not gay fo...
Sakura is not a bad person..she admires Naruto now. This couple is the most probable in whole ANIME!! Theres something blooming now between them..if Hinata-chan really truely loved Naruto i think by 2and a half years she would have said something!!!! I love this pairing! I feel sorry for Hinata, she should go hug Neji he needs it and so does she!
F**k u animeluver23.
wat the hell was that for Jnin?
Um.. Uhh... My brother -who is in high school and takes Japanese classes and stuff- says that the tag on the present says Valentine's Day. The person holding the present is Sakura. One arm is around Naruto's neck, the other holding the present behind her back. She might have that sad expression because she feels bad that she hurt Naruto all those years, and figured out she loves him, not Naruto. Gaararocker, this isn't the most probable pairing in the whole Naruto series, but it's up there with SasuSaku.
Poor Hinata!!!!
we have already settled that...
Hey! Didn't you see the expresoin on Sakura's face she's looks sad so she wants a hug and maybe Naruto was the closet friend or person!? DUH!SAKURA IS HOLDING THE PRESENT BECAUSE THERE IS A BLACK HAND NARUTO'S ARE BARE AND SAKURA IS WEARING HER GLOVES!
almost looks like she is kneeing him in the ground, and you don't know if Sakura just took it and thought it was for her...
awww, poor hinata-chan...but naruto-kun deserves sakura-chan cuz of how hard he worked 4 her n especially how he saved her from gaara-san...dammit im confused...idk who's better now, NaruHina or NaruSaku...
im sorry hinata i didnt do it she just ran up to me i promise believe it. Hinata:i dont believe u, u can have her i hate u. Naruto:  no nooo *middle of the night* * naruto gets his sword and goes into sakuras room and stabs her*
poor hinata  but go sakura she looks faking sexy, ey girl do dat on me  i like how her (.Y.) stick out
yay !!!!! hinata get lost of the pic man !!!!!
hinata is such a stalker!
to clarify, (I am a sailor stationed in japan so I know this to be true) on valentine's day in japan girls show their affection toward men by giving them a box of chocolates, men to not give gifts on valentine's day over here, there is another holiday for that. so either the gift in Sakura's hands is for Naruto, or (considering the expression on her face) it was for someone else who was not there (ahem... Sauske) and Naruto is her comfort, and Hinata is in the wrong place at the wong time
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