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Not to sound mean...but this, to me, is really funny.
aww so sad
How can you say that Dasiy_Chainsaw!It's soo sad
Thats right...its not funy but sad...
it's sorta funny in an emo way
so sad
Too sad!
maybe if this image had more quality and was drawn better, Then it would be quite grieving but-dont hate me!-Neji looks a but constipated[sp?] and Sasuke looks shocked.
I agree with Ri-Chan_FurubaLuver the quality could be btter
Sooooo freakin sad
i love gaara
AWWWWWWWW.so sad to see them like that.They all suffered when they were little.  :cry:and i kinda of agree with that they kinda look emo, too
Why is Sakura there?! Sure being made fun of is bad but a least she has a family that loves her. Everyone else was basically alone. She was only made fun of because of her forehead. That's not a big deal.  I feel sorry for the others though. It's really sad.
I totally agree with you Shizuka_fuyu!
I do too and this is funny alittle cuz I hate all these characters except Gaara and Sakura...
I love this .... made me cry ... actaul tears fell down my cheek
well buhu, write a f*** book about why dont ya sakura... sorry i jsut compare her prob whit the rest of them...
hers is the most common and realistic the other ones are so fake....and blargh....and grrrrr...
actaully ... little kids in some countries feel all of them .... sakura is more of the western feeling but those other feelings ... I have felt them before ... everyone of them .... omg made myself sad *crys*
fearing for youre life and being hated al youre life, and not having anny love at all is real... its just nejis prob that is a bit over the edge i guess
actaully ... if you couldnt do it ... if your wouldnt able to do your destiny because you were poor for example ........ I think everyone of these are true in everyday form ... we just human you know
ahh dont cry... please
am sorry ... *sniff*
all to true.. we arent more then humans
how do you do that ....
do what?
how do you comment at the same time has me .. but with the next comment making sense to the above ... you have powers
its a small delay in the upploading of the coments... i dont know howe it hapens but im used to it my conversation on msn usaially ends up like this^^
really ... how interesting ..... O_O
This pic sucks...:p
naa its not that bad...
i think its very sad to me.i think the sadest is sasuke and naruto because they can neve change that.you can change being made fun of and so on....
I kinda agree that they look funny in an emo way. I was faking the part of being sad. kinda. i think they look ugly in this picture.  I'm starting to be emo....again.
...I know kyaa...
It IS sad... Yet, I think there are so many more whom you could add here - Hinata, Lee, Kakashi, Ino, even Chouji.
people who are like "so what she was made fun of!" she was also left crying alone in the dirt. poor girl
this is such a sad picture  and it cool
omg ! )x so sad ! gaara looks so cute when he's lil
sakura probaly dosent realise this but we have all been teased and many of us have been teased way worse that she had.. she had a nick naem, big woop
AAAAAAAW! I feel so sorry 4 them all except Sakura "They laughed at me" Big whoop! I especially wanna cry 4 Neji I'm tearin' up! *hugs little Neji* It's okay Neji-kun!  My friend feels sorry 4 Sasuke most she luvs him but hey I luv Neji! *hugs all the Naruto children except Sakura! *other naruto children say thank you* *Neji hugs me the tightest and says "thank yoooou!"* Take a hike Sakura!
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