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wait, wat us going on here?
Naruto just fought Sasuke and lost, and now Sasuke's run off to join Orochimaru so he can become more powerful and kill his brother. The reason for going to Orochimaru is that he's a total [insert bad word here]. Kakashi tried to find them before the battle ended so he could stop Sasuke himself, but he didn't get there in time. Now he's saving Naruto.
okay i was also clueless i didnt get to see this episode.....my little cousins were in town
That's quite a cute picture.
weeeeee! rain or shine ill still love u kakashi! -glomp-
Wee! *hugs kakashi* xDD Kakashi: *hugs back* pwee.
Poor Naruto!  He's saying sorry for not being able to keep his promise (He promised Sakura he'd bring Sasuke back), and he's crying (or is going to). Kakashi told him not to talk anymore and save his strength. He ended up in the hospital with the rest of the group, but he was pretty bad! He was in there for a while! Tsunade wouldn't let him leave, because he's soo stubbern, and would probably (literally), kill himself trying to train.
aw this was a sad ep but so much awesome stuff happend. Sasuke transforming and naruto using the ninetail foxs chakra. Sasuke leveled up his sharringan and was in a perfect postition to kill him but he had reserves about it and let him live. Too bad. He could've made his eyes even better by killing his best friend. . .
DAMIT!!! i want to see this episode, all i get it the sfight no after ending X.x >: Z grrr well ya, poor naruto , sasuke was mean..very mean.at the ending when kakashi finds naruto he finds sasuke head band ...*sniff* sad moment T.T
dude, shut up. =_=
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