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who's wife??????? who is my hinata gonna marry??????
Naruto complimented her and told her she'll make an excellent wife someday, yeah.
Whoa,she looks like she's turning into a tomato...o.o...
Does anyone know what episode this is from?
Acually, I tald her that I loved her!
aww this is cute, naruto tells her she'll make a great wife someday <333
h t t p : / / v i d e o . g o o g l e . c o m / v id e o p l a y ? d o c i d = 4 6 4 2 1 3 6 7 9 0 7 0 8 7 8 5 0 1 8 & q = n a r u t o + m u s i c + v i d e o s
yes... she will
naruto is a nice person and only hinata notices? howmessed up is that? w-wait... later on a couple of other characters notice too, but hinata noticed first.
she blushes way too much (of course this is coming from a guy who hasnt blushed in years so pay me no mind)
awwww!!Hinata so cute when she blushes
three letters O C D. she acts like she has OCD. no offence hinata!^_^
That is wrong, she doesn't have OCD. Well any ways I like this episode, I don't like the part that Naruto asks her why she is blushing then tells her that she's weird. How rude. If he knows she's blushing doesn't that give him a hint that she like's him?
she said she ACTS like she had O C D
i DID say she ACTS like she has OCD
Yeah I know this scene At this Hinata treated to Naruto self-made food: A Naruto's face shaped riceball. He ate and said like that: "mmm Yummy. ..... Hinata you'll be a perfect housewife one day." After that compliment Hinata blushed of course
What a cutie ^-^
She needs to get together with Kiba or Naruto. A lot of people say she should be with Neji, but come on!
my god her being w/ Neji is SICK?! i mean who in real life actually has sex w/ their cousins?! i think she should be w/ Naruto
She said "A wife..." because Naruto said that she would make a great one!!But I think that Hinata should be with Kiba and Naruto should be with Sakura!!!
If pepole keep with NejiXHinata I swear I'm going to kick thier A** and they going to be sorry!
what is she thinking about......????
lol! She's so kawaii when she blushes Naruto when she blushes he says she's weird wow naruto is really blind! XD he must not know what love is
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